What you can eat with gastritis of the stomach, what you need to eat, diet food, useful and tasty food

Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, which leads to violations of the basic functions of this organ. Since normal digestion of food is no longer possible, the patient begins to feel fatigue, loss of strength and energy. In addition, there may be eructations, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

At the moment, gastritis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases in the world. Approximately 80% of older people suffer from a wide variety of species.

What should be the treatment? In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, the patient is simply vital to eat right, to follow a diet. It is on this depends on the duration of treatment and, in general, the possibility of cure.

General rules for ingestion with gastritis

Before starting the analysis of foods to determine what can be eaten with gastritis and which can not, it is necessary to understand and assimilate simple nutrition rules that will accelerate the healing process:

  1. Regular nutrition. If every day to eat at different times, hurrying to work and quickly pushing dietary food into your mouth, the disease will only worsen.
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  2. Reusable food. There is a need for 5-6 times a day, slowly and thoroughly chewing food. Food should be a little: you need to distribute food equally for the whole day. It is advisable to make your own meal schedule for gastritis, after consulting with a doctor.

What can I eat with gastritis?

So, now we start to consider the food itself. The article will examine in detail the groups of products and the opportunity to eat them with gastritis.

Porridge. Kashi has always been and will be the most useful product for those with stomach problems. With gastritis, oats and buckwheat porridges are best suited. They can be cooked on water or on milk, but cook for a long time. It is extremely undesirable to eat fast food porridge, becausethey almost do not contain vitamins and are simply useless.

Soups. Soup should not be cooked on a strong meat broth and seasoned with a flavor enhancer. You can boil it on a diluted chicken or meat broth and throw some croup. To eat it in food is in a warm form, but not in hot.

Meat. It is allowed for gastritis of the stomach meat of beef, veal, rabbit and chicken, that is, low-fat varieties. The best choice is steam cutlets: they are easily digested. But if you still wanted a piece of meat, this piece should be cooked for a couple. You can not abuse meat, because any meat meal is an additional burden on the stomach. Sausages and sausages with gastritis are strictly prohibited.

Fish. Here - as well as with meat - there is only need of low-fat varieties, prepare food for a couple. Of marine species, pollock, cod and hake will suit, and pike-perch or pike from riverine species. About canned food is worth forgetting, because they do not have any useful properties.

Bread. It is strictly forbidden to suffer from gastritis eating rye bread and fresh, still warm pastries, since it has a bad effect on the gastric mucosa. The best choice is dried bread, soaked in soft tea, and a little dried white bread with soup.

Sour-milk products:

  • To man with a sagestite with high acidity, it is allowed to eat such fermented milk products as yoghurt, curdled milk and cottage cheese. The latter will be especially useful and tasty in the form of casseroles, dumplings or a cheese cake, the main thing is not to abuse. From kefir it is better to refuse, as it possesses high acidity. In a limited amount of cheese you can eat in both cases, but you need to forget about sharp and too salty varieties.
  • With reduced acidity, it is recommended to eat cottage cheese, kefir and curdled milk. Fatty sour cream and glazed curds should be avoided at all.

Milk. Even low-fat milk is better not to eat in its entirety. When gastritis should be added to tea, cereals and other dietary dishes.


  • In case of gastritis with high acidity a day, you can eat no more than 3 eggs cooked soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet.
  • With reduced acidity - eat no more than one egg. Raw, hard-boiled eggs, or fried eggs are strictly prohibited.


  1. Bananas. They contain a lot of fiber and other substances useful for the body, it is easy to digest. This fruit, despite dietary prescriptions, can be eaten with gastritis, but in very moderate amounts.
  2. Apples. The fruit is very useful and sometimes even used for treatment. With increased acidity of the stomach, sweet apples should be eaten, while with reduced acidity, they should be acidic. During the exacerbation, you can eat only apple puree.
  3. Watermelon.1-2 slices of a natural watermelon with a gastritis you can eat, but no more.
  4. Melon. It definitely can not be eaten with gastritis. The fruit itself is very heavy not only for the stomach, but for the pancreas with the gall bladder, so you have to forget about it.

Vegetables. With gastritis, you can eat non-acid ripe tomatoes, potatoes, beets, carrots, green peas and boiled, stewed or baked cauliflower. White cabbage, turnip, turnips, radish, mushrooms and onions are forbidden. It is also worth giving up all canned food and pickled vegetables.


  1. Juice. With gastritis, you can drink juices from berries and fruits, avoiding only citrus fruits. Vegetable juices even contribute to treatment, especially potato and cabbage. To drink them it is necessary warm, and at a gastritis with the lowered acidity - diluted.
  2. Tea. A strong black warm tea with milk can be drunk, but it is better to drink green.
  3. Coffee. This drink is prohibited for gastritis with high acidity, and with reduced coffee you can drink in small quantities, diluting with milk.
  4. Chicory. Despite the statements of manufacturers, as well as coffee, chicory drinking is not recommended.
  5. To drink kvass and carbonated drinks, just like chocolate, gastric gastritis is strictly forbidden.
  6. Alcohol. Any kind of alcoholic products in any case, you can not use. Even during remission, their use causes chemical damage to the unhealthy gastric mucosa.

What happens if you do not follow the diet

After reading this material, some may panic or depressed, not knowing how to live without your favorite goodies. Against the backdrop of the strictest diet, supposedly moderate or even immense use of forbidden foods looks attractive, especially when all the terrible consequences of such disregard for one's health are unknown.

First, if a long time after the diagnosis is made, eating an unhealthy meal, the acute form of the disease will turn into a chronic one. So, most likely you will never manage to get rid of the disease and have to suffer all your life. If this does not stop, then patients with non-atrophic gastritis may experience duodenal ulcer, and in patients with atrophic form - peptic ulcer. In the end, all this can lead to stomach cancer, so think about it before eating another cake.

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