Autoimmune gastritis, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of atrophic and chronic forms, diet

In the case when the glandular cells in the gastric mucosa begin to atrophy due to various reasons, one can talk about a form of this disease, like autoimmune gastritis. Inflammatory process in this case occurs in the middle layers of the mucous membrane.

Causes and Diagnosis of Autoimmune Gastritis

A disease can occur when a person's body experiences disruption of any autoimmune processes. This form of gastritis is rare, but there is a risk factor for the occurrence of gastric pathology due to a malfunction in the immune system.

This disease is caused by the fact that, because of malfunctions in this system, the body begins to perceive its own cells of the digestive organ as foreign, and for this reason is fighting with them. As a result, a very strong inflammatory process appears in the gastric mucosa, and its glandular cells lose their functions.

Autoimmune gastritis is diagnosed not only by standard methods, such as FGD, biopsy, duodenal sounding and fluoroscopy, but also for the detection of this form of the disease, a blood serum test is required to detect the presence of antibodies in it.

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Symptomatic of autoimmune gastritis

Due to the fact that in a chronic autoimmune gastritis the body struggles with the cells of its own digestive system, and the glandular cells of the stomach because of this mass die, the symptoms that manifest in this case have a very vivid character and they can not benotice. Clinical picture of the disease can be identified by some indirect signs:

  • General weakness, lethargy, dizziness, post-prandial sweating;
  • Heaviness in the stomach, belching air and a feeling of bursting that occurs after eating;
  • Stool disorders, manifested in alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • Decreased appetite, weight loss, beriberi.

Also, with autoimmune gastritis, you can identify such signs that show deviations in the performance of other systems and organs: irritability, sleep disturbances, severe fatigue, headache, pronounced pigmentation, impaired metabolism in the cardiac muscle, and low blood pressure.

Autoimmune atrophic gastritis

When autoimmune gastritis in the highly inflamed mucosa of the digestive organs leads to the death of glandular cells, its atrophic form is diagnosed. This is the most dangerous form of all the varieties of this inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs of the

. The factor that provokes its occurrence is the presence of actively propagating in the acid medium of the gastric enzyme Helicobacter pylori bacteria. They provoke the formation of superficial gastritis, which without properly selected treatment is always modified into heavier forms.

The method of treatment for this type of disease is always chosen individually. After all, in the case when the atrophic process has contributed to the complete cessation of digestive secretion, the patient is prescribed replacement therapy.

Assign it together with other types of therapy used to treat pathological changes that have occurred in the digestive organs due to the inflammatory process. Usually this is the reception of medications, diet, exercise therapy and the use of folk remedies.

Treatment of autoimmune chronic gastritis

Gastritis, which proceeds in an autoimmune type, often takes on a chronic form. The main indicators of the fact that the disease in it has passed, is the frequent occurrence of relapses of the disease, a clear change in periods of exacerbation with periods of calm.

Also in the chronic course of the disease, human vitamins and trace elements are very poorly absorbed into the blood. Because of what the appearance of the patient changes: hair, and also nails, become very weak and brittle, gums bleed, visual acuity decreases.

Treatment of this disease is necessary during exacerbations, and during the remission there will be enough comprehensive prevention, which includes a specially selected diet, exercise and folk methods used to relieve acute symptoms.

The benefits of a diet for autoimmune gastritis

Although autoimmune gastritis is very difficult to treat, and in some cases it is necessary to use replacement therapy for a lifetime, to alleviate the patient's condition and to achieve the most persistent and frequent periods of remission, it is possible to maintain a measured lifestyle with strict, gastrointestinal diets.

To enable the digestive organ to function without undue tension, when a patient is diagnosed with an autoimmune gastritis, he is given special nutrition to alleviate the severity of the accompanying symptoms.

It should include such products that will not irritate the mucosa either with its mechanical properties( coarse consistency), neither with a temperature regime( too hot or cold food), nor in chemical composition( spicy, spicy, salty, alcohol-containing).It is also necessary to reject all harmful habits and avoid situations involving nervous and physical overexertion.

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