Than to treat a gastritis of a stomach, what it is possible to apply, than it is treated?

Every person needs to know what to treat gastritis of the stomach, as this is one of the most common ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. The methods of treatment depend on the exact diagnosis, the type of gastritis, the cause and extent of the disease.

One of the most common types of gastritis is acute simple. Signs are heaviness in the stomach, pain in the area below the ribs, but above the navel, the taste of bitterness in the mouth, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headaches and weakness. The gastroenterologist will make an accurate diagnosis after carrying out laboratory tests. The earlier the cause is found, and it is determined what to treat gastritis of the stomach, the easier and faster the disease passes.

In most cases, for treatment( especially when poisoning the body), the stomach is rinsed, causing artificial vomiting to eliminate the cause of the disease. Then you need to cleanse the intestines by taking absorbents and a laxative.

If suspected of food poisoning, the patient is given antibacterial drugs, with allergy signs - antiallergic. In detecting severe spasmodic pain, anesthetics and drugs that relieve spasms are prescribed. To effectively treat gastritis of the stomach

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, patient needs rest, bed rest, a warmer on the stomach and warming compresses.

Than to treat an acute erosive gastritis?

This is a severe kind of acute gastritis, which occurs when toxic substances enter the stomach( acids, arsenic, ammonia and others).This kind of disease is life threatening. The likelihood of a lethal outcome is reduced to zero on the third day after poisoning.

The patient is necessarily hospitalized in the hospital. The procedures begin with washing with a thick probe, lubricated with oil. Within an hour after administration, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage. Later, it makes no sense, since the lesion focus can not be eliminated. And even if the patient manages to make a washing, then the traces of a severe defeat remain for life. In exceptional cases, surgical intervention is required.

Than to treat an acute phlegmonous gastritis?

This rare type of gastritis is a result of the transfer of foodborne infections( eg, staphylococcus), stomach injuries or complications after an ulcer or stomach cancer. As this causes purulent inflammation of the walls of the stomach, the patient is immediately hospitalized. After the examination of the patient, the treatment process takes place in the hospital. He is treated with an intravenous injection of broad-spectrum antibiotics. In some cases, you can apply surgery.

What are the different types of chronic gastritis treated?

In the treatment of chronic gastritis with normal or increased secretion, drugs that decrease the increased acidity of the stomach are used: Rennie, magnesium oxide, Maalox, Almagel and others. The patient needs a bed rest with peace, silence, lack of stress and psychological nervousness. To treat the disease of the stomach of this species is allowed to conduct at home. In addition, preparations containing vitamins of group B, vitamins A and U are used. In the presence of severe spasmodic pain, nonspecific or similar antispasmodics are prescribed. The main goal of the treatment is to stop the development of the inflammatory process and stimulate the healing of the mucosa.

In the treatment of giant hypertrophic gastritis, the patient is removed completely stomach or part of it. With the complete removal of the affected area all symptoms of the disease disappear, however, a serious metabolic disorder is possible, therefore a strict diet is prescribed.

With a chronic chronic gastritis with a decreased secretion( in this case, you can treat gastritis only to stop the inflammatory process), you must follow the diet, go to physiotherapy sessions, give up harmful habits( smoke and drink alcohol), go to treatment in a sanatorium. It is necessary not only to change the way of life, but also to take enzyme preparations( pepsin, salt, festal, etc.) and natural gastric juice. Juice is drunk daily 1-2 tablespoons.spoons after each meal. To restore vitamins in the body appoint a monthly course of vitamin B12 intake, a course for 15-20 days of vitamin R supplementation and for 30-40 days a course of vitamin U intake( 3-5 times a day after eating two tablets).

To treat polypous gastritis apply vitaminization: the use of vitamin B( dose of 5 mg per day), vitamin PP( dose of 30-50 mg per day) and vitamin C( a dose of 50-100 mg per day).Fresh air, prolonged sleep, lack of physical and nervous overstrain are needed. It is not recommended to stay in the sun. At an early stage gastritis of the stomach with a small number of polyps - it is possible to remove polyps.

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