Gastritis of stomach stump: treatment

Among diseases of the digestive system, gastritis is one of the leading positions. There are many reasons for it. Almost every person gets the disease through their own planned actions, and, sometimes, consciously. In the future, it is rather difficult to overcome oneself and be cured by changing the way of life. There are cases when the mucous membrane of the stomach is inflamed and not through the fault of the person himself, but because of surgical intervention.

Gastritis stomach stump is called a chronic inflammatory process in this organ, which occurs most often due to surgical operations. Usually, they are used in such cases: the progression of cancerous tumors, ulcers, gastropathy of a hypertrophic nature, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Causes of gastritis of stomach stump

The most common factors contributing to the occurrence of gastritis of the stump of the stomach are:

  • non-compliance with the rules and rules of the operation;
  • ill-formed scheme of rehabilitation;
  • is not a serious approach to the treatment of the patient.
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Symptoms and course of stomach gastritis gastritis

Often, the manifestations of the disease are imposed on the symptoms that accompany the resection result. This can be confusing when diagnosed. After excision of the damaged part of this organ, the patients feel: fullness, squeezing, passing into the bursting under the pit of the stomach. They are hard after taking even a small portion of food. As a rule, any eating is accompanied by eructations and a feeling of nausea. This is called stump syndrome. Such manifestations become regular due to changes occurring with the gastric mucosa. It gradually atrophies, and in places its cells degenerate into those similar to those that line the intestine. Naturally, the acidity in the digestive organ also changes. This is expressed in a gradual decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. The output of food into the intestine is noticeably accelerated, which affects the quality of its processing and the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, patients who have resected, often suffer from asthenia and anemia. In addition, the change in the mucosa can pass even to the small intestine( more precisely, its upper section).Often it is accompanied by the formation of erosion. Since digestion is disturbed already at the initial stages, the dysfunctions of other organs join the processes described above. As a result, the liver, pancreas, bile ducts - also work incorrectly.

Treatment of stomach gastritis gastritis

Treatment of gastric stump gastritis involves the use of a conservative method, expressed in activities such as:

  1. The intake of vitamin complexes containing a set of them: C, B1, B2.
  2. The use of deficient enzymes, hydrochloric acid.
  3. Procedure for washing the stomach with saline.
  4. Drinking mineral waters in a sanatorium.
  5. Nutrition for diet number 1, passing into the scheme number 2 as the general condition of the patient is eased.

The patient should be treated very carefully to the last component of the treatment of stomach gastritis gastritis. From what he eats and how it is cooked - depends on how quickly the unpleasant symptoms will disappear and digestion will improve. Already during the first two weeks a person will feel much better. To do this, you need to arrange 4-6 meals a day in small portions. Ready-to-eat food should not be warmer than body temperature. As for the restrictions on the products, for the time being, the diet excludes all the unhealthy: spicy, salty, smoked, fried. You can not have strong tea, coffee, fresh juices and eat fruits without heat treatment. Do not eat heavy for digestion cereals, fresh bread, sweets, fatty meat and fish. Broths of the latter also do not brew. The basis of soups should be a vegetable broth, and dressing - butter or vegetable oil. All dishes must be well boiled or steamed and wiped until mashed. Welcome the use of milk and non-acidic foods from it.

Gastritis stomach stump can be treated fairly simple methods, but they require patient endurance. Without it, if not effective, then it is noticeably lower than it should be.

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