Stages of chronic gastritis: 1, 2 and 3 degrees and remission

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More than 80% of people in Russia suffer from stomach related diseases, and the stage of chronic gastritis depends on what kind of life a person suffering from this disease can do. The number of those who have difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract is steadily growing every year. It is understandable, the wrong food, bad habits, the crazy pace of modern life sometimes makes you eat on the go, people eat fast food, pies and hamburgers bought at a street kiosk, because they do not have time to cook. Remember when the last time you ate an ordinary soup, a few months ago, six months, and maybe even more. Meanwhile, a bowl of soup, eaten at least once a week, reduces the risk of this disease several times. Of course, it is also necessary to reduce the consumption of unhealthy food to a minimum, eat as little as possible acute, salty, sour, fried, these foods provoke the onset of this disease, you need to eat food steamed or cooked more often.

The following stages of chronic gastritis are distinguished:

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  1. Superficial gastritis is the first stage of the disease, the healing process of which does not take much time, since the gastric mucosa is not broken yet.
  2. If the initial stage of the disease is left without attention, then the patient already develops a chronic gastritis. This stage leads to serious health problems and there should not be a delay in treatment. In cases of untimely treatment in the clinic, the inflammatory process can penetrate into the submucosa.
  3. The next stage is atrophic gastritis. At the course of the disease at this stage it is typical to replace normal tissue with an inactive one, which can not perform properly the digestive function.

In this case, the degree of the disease: exacerbation, remission and incomplete remission are replaced by one another. During the course of the disease, there are stages of remission( relief).If the gastritis in this stage is not started or treated correctly, the cells of the stomach walls will change their shape, and this can provoke the development of cancer.

Degrees of chronic gastritis

There are many classifications of this ailment, as well as its types according to the complexity of the disease and the cause of the onset. There is gastritis, which occurs due to the action of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori on the gastrointestinal tract. There are several of its degrees, depending on the level of damage and the number of bacteria contained in the body:

  1. Weak( +) - up to 20 microbial bodies in the field of view.
  2. Average. Chronic gastritis of the 2nd degree( ++) - up to 50 microbial bodies in the field of vision.
  3. High( +++) - more than 50 microbial bodies in the field of view.

Helicobacter pylori bacteria are a spiraling microorganism that can survive and reproduce in an acidic environment, it is the causative agent of many chronic infections. For a long time there was a misconception that in the destructive acidic environment of the stomach is not able to develop any bacteria, it was later found that it is not so. It is found in more than half of the world's population, and ranks second after all known herpes, but it can have a more serious impact. It can be infected by the oral route, after drinking dirty water or having been in contact with an already infected person. If at least one of the family members becomes infected, the rest will catch it in 95% of cases.

To determine its presence, it is necessary to conduct a number of analyzes and crops. Often a person lives with a chronic gastritis for a long time, without experiencing any symptoms, the disease makes itself felt only in the stage of exacerbation. We have to go to the hospital and only then it turns out that a person suffers from chronic gastritis. Remission occurs only after medical intervention. It is important not to start the disease, you need to start treatment as soon as you feel the first signs:

  • stomach pain after eating;
  • fasting pain;
  • constipation;
  • heartburn;
  • belching sour;
  • plaque in the language;
  • snacks in the corners of the mouth;
  • plaque on the tongue.

Appetite, as a rule, is not broken, very often during the first time of the disease, on the contrary, it is increased, but it deteriorates with time, and the patient begins to lose weight. There are problems with the stomach, there are more and more symptoms. It is important to transfer chronic gastritis to the stage of remission. It is worthwhile to understand if this disease occurs, it is for life, in addition, scientists have proven that people who are carriers of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium are several times more likely to have stomach cancer.

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