Black cumin oil with gastritis

The beginning of the use of black cumin for treatment with gastritis has a history that is more than 3 thousand years. Many countries of the Far and Middle East cultivate this plant and know its healing properties. Aromatic seasoning is in the compositions of many dishes. We know it more, called Zira, Chernushka, Cumin.

With gastritis, oil has an excellent effect not only on the stomach, but also on the digestive tract as a whole. The work of the whole digestive system improves, the appetite appears, the peristalsis becomes stronger, the ph-balance is restored, the disturbance of which leads to the disease.

Benefits of black cumin oil for gastritis

In gastritis, uncomfortable symptoms are present in the form of nausea, constipation, heartburn and colic. Oil contains substances that can save a person from manifestations of the disease. Phospholipids are responsible for metabolism, both in cells and in the body as a whole, improve and activate them. Tannins, vitamins, flavonoids are able to activate regeneration. Oil of black cumin with gastritis heals lesions of the gastric mucosa at any stage. Microelements of manganese and zinc, contained in the plant, do not allow the emergence of new foci of inflammation. Enriching your diet, you will see how the body reacts to a speedy recovery. The disease will be left behind. The drug also raises the immunity, while significantly improving the appearance of the skin and hair, indicating a change in their internal state.

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Methods of application and contraindications

To strengthen the body, to raise immunity with gastritis, black cumin can be safely introduced into the diet. For relief of symptoms and direct treatment of gastritis, oil is best used systematically. It needs a little, just a teaspoon a day. Children under 6 years of age are not recommended to give butter, but you can get older, but half a teaspoon. The best is to drink it after eating. Black cumin oil has a slightly unusual taste. To neutralize it, you can dilute with yogurt, honey or juice. Treatment with this product should last at least 3 months. If necessary, you can repeat it in 2 months.

Contraindications of black cumin oil consumption are:

  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance.

Treatment will be more productive with timely consultation with the doctor and a complete examination. This product will have a positive effect on recovery only if the recommendations of a specialist and healthy diet are observed.

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