Is it possible to eat sausages with gastritis?

Proper nutrition, balanced by protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, is especially important in cases of gastritis. In the official diet, the use of sausages is not regulated. Therefore, their inclusion in the diet with gastritis is determined by the composition of the products and the way they are prepared.

In general, the store sells sausages containing 10% of meat and 30% of animal fat, skin or poultry. In comparison with sausages this product is considered to be easier, since it has less irritating effect on the mucosa damaged during gastritis. At the same time, various dyes, thickeners, flavoring additives for enhancing taste sensations can disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive tract and cause allergic reactions.

However, some types of hot dogs recommended for baby food can be eaten with gastritis. This applies to "Milk" and "Cream", not containing vegetable protein, various food additives and flavor enhancers that are used in other types of sausage products. For their preparation quality beef and pork types are used in strictly defined compositions. Sausages with gastritis with high acidity can be eaten, including them in the diet, but in limited quantities.

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Choice of sausages with gastritis

Given that this product can mainly affect the mucous membrane in case of gastritis, the right choice is its value:

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the color that for the normal product has a grayish or pink tint and a uniformly distributed stuffing. The bright pink color indicates a large number of dyes, and the increase in preservatives is indicated by a very dark color.
  2. The loose structure of the product indicates the presence of a large number of protein components, and a wrinkled or swollen shell indicates a large amount of carrageenan, which has a strong allergic effect.
  3. Acquired color of water when boiling this product also indicates their poor quality. A large amount of starch and a practical lack of meat is said to be blue when exposed to a drop of iodine on a cut sausage.

A correctly designed menu for gastritis can alleviate a patient's condition. There are sausages at the same time you can, only you must carefully read before use their composition.

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