Moderate superficial gastritis, moderately expressed

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Gastritis is probably one of the most ubiquitous, independent of age groups, of the sex of patients and of poorly treatable, especially with neglected forms, in the modern world of diseases. This is facilitated by the way of life that is led by a large part of the population.

The revealed degree of occurring changes is subdivided into 3 main stages of activity of a superficial gastritis: moderate, expressed and moderately expressed.

The unit occurs according to the degree of penetration of the inflammatory process deep into the walls of the affected stomach. And each has its own symptomatology. Identify them with the help of FGDs.

Moderate superficial gastritis

The first form is a mild( moderate) gastritis. Its difference is that the inflammatory infiltration, which takes place in the main digestive organ, penetrated the ventricular fossa, and the proportion of dystrophically altered cells in it is still small.

To cure a moderate stage is easier than all the others. Sometimes it is enough to change the way of life and follow a special diet.

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Superficial moderately severe gastritis

The second stage of activity is a superficial, moderately severe gastritis. With it, the infiltration of the walls of the stomach occurs already at the level not only of the surface part of the glands, but also of their middle sections. The number of affected cells in this case at times increases.

Symptomatic at a moderate stage is brighter. This degree of disease manifests itself in the case when the patient completely ignored the previous stage of the disease, and no changes in either lifestyle or nutrition occurred.

Expressed superficial gastritis

The third stage is already a very pronounced form of inflammatory processes occurring in the stomach during this disease. Not only the upper, epithelial part is affected in the mucosa. Infiltration in this case penetrates to the beginning of the muscular plate, and the proportion of dystrophic cells becomes very large.

The expressed superficial gastritis is treated only under stationary conditions. And only with the strict observance of all the recommendations of the attending physician can you achieve a stable remission or complete recovery.

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