Simple gastritis and its treatment

The variety of forms of such a disease as gastritis is striking. And all because often people neglect the first of its symptoms, postponing a visit to a gastroenterologist for later. And so it can last for years up to an ulcer or even worse - oncological neoplasms. How does it all start? The most harmless form of the disease is simple gastritis. It is also called catarrhal. Treatment of this disease should begin immediately when the first symptoms appear.

Under this condition is understood the development of the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa without capturing deeper layers of it. He is subject to a fairly large number of people. Especially often simple gastritis can be found in people with a busy work schedule, students and schoolchildren. These categories of the population most often neglect the proper diet and try to hush up the feeling of hunger with rolls, hamburgers, french fries and other unhealthy dishes.

What provokes the development of simple gastritis?

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In addition to snacking, than horrible, a sudden attack can cause:

  • food on the go and in a hurry;
  • poor food processing in the oral cavity;
  • rapid absorption of cold or hot dishes;
  • abuse of smoking, alcohol;
  • increased sensitivity to some products;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • bacteria present on the products;
  • is a genetic predisposition.

How is simple gastritis manifested?

If it is still in acute form, then this phenomenon is temporary, and when the necessary care is given, the stomach condition is normalized. When the gastritis for a long time does not pay attention, it becomes chronic and the frequency of relapses can be reduced by resorting to a constant diet. As a rule, a person notices something almost immediately after a meal. He begins to feel:

  • bloating and stomach fullness;
  • frequent burp;
  • heartburn;
  • sour taste in the mouth;
  • stomach pain extending to the navel;
  • nausea and even vomiting, sometimes emetics contain an admixture of bile;
  • indigestion in the form of constipation;
  • a significant decrease in appetite.

With simple gastritis from the nervous and cardiovascular system, there are also changes:

  • increased fatigue, drowsiness;
  • irritability, aggression;
  • pain in the head, heart;
  • can often jump up a temperature, as an indicator of the inflammatory process.

Treatment of simple gastritis

Simple gastritis can be treated well until it has passed into a chronic form. Its elimination is carried out in two directions: diet and medication. In the first case, you must adhere to a number of rules for cooking, eating and regularity.

  1. Distribute the daily ration into 5 equal portions. You can not skip and combine with the other.
  2. Take food only in a warm form, diligently chopping it with your teeth. For the health of the latter - also need to follow, because this, a kind of nursery infestation.
  3. Increase the daily water norm to two liters. Do not take into account other liquid drinks and first courses. It is better if it is non-carbonated mineral water.
  4. Only vegetable broths are allowed. When the exacerbation has passed - you can cook them on low-fat varieties of meat or fish.
  5. Macaroni, white bread, muffins and other sweets - are excluded. It is better to prefer boiled porridge in milk.
  6. You can not drink juices, strong tea, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes.
  7. Eliminate all the excesses like smoked, salted, fried and spicy.

In the second case, for the treatment of simple gastritis it is necessary to take:

  • preparations that heal the mucous membrane;
  • antacids;
  • antispasmodics.

Do not disregard treatment of the stomach. This especially applies to the younger generation, since a simple gastritis can go unnoticed into a more serious problem that will interfere with normal and active life.

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