The diagnosis of erosive gastritis and EGD

Erosive gastritis( bulbit) is the most dangerous of all the varieties of this disease. The course of this disease is accompanied by the formation on the gastric mucosa of small, but numerous erosions, which, growing, cause the patient ulcers.

It is not for nothing that this species has a second name - ulcerative. When a patient is diagnosed with this condition, treatment should be started immediately to avoid unpleasant consequences.

But it should be remembered that the correct diagnosis and effective treatment of such a disease as gastritis are possible only in a hospital and under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Due to the fact that there are several varieties of gastritis and its symptoms are similar, it is difficult to make correct conclusions about the nature, form and course of the disease on one examination of the patient. A carefully collected anamnesis and a compulsory diagnostic study are needed.

The main method for correctly diagnosing this disease is FGDS( fibrogastroduodenoendoscopy), which makes it possible to distinguish gastritis from a diagnosis such as an ulcer.

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This examination is carried out with a special probe, which is examined by the mucous membrane. Based on the data obtained as a result of this diagnosis, the disease is divided into 2 forms: erosive and not erosive.

On the appearance of acute erosion resemble superficial mucosal defects, not exceeding 2 mm in size and resembling elevated plaques having a central depression in the center. The more mature this defect is, the more ulcers it has on its surface.

FGDS in gastroenterology is used not only as a means to diagnose and identify the causes of a developing illness. With the help of fibrogastroduodenoscopy it is very convenient to apply medicines and stop the bleeding that started in the affected areas of the stomach mucosa.

The procedure itself is rather unpleasant, but only it can help to make the correct diagnosis, and accordingly, and prescribe adequate treatment. After all, with her help identify any defects in the stomach, as well as their exact number and location.

And this gives the doctor the opportunity to make appropriate predictions and determine what is the best way to treat an erosive gastritis. If the patient has been given such an unpleasant and troubling diagnosis, one should not hesitate to begin treatment, carefully following all the prescriptions. Medicine does not stand still, so in our time you can easily not only stop this disease, but also to achieve full recovery.

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