A chronic gastritis of a chronic type, its symptoms

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Gastritis is a rather dangerous disease of the digestive tract, which many people do not attach much importance to and are not in a hurry to consult a doctor. In its location, it is divided into 3 types: the fundal, distal( the most remote section of the stomach and duodenal intestine) and antral( located in the same stomach).

Symptoms of fundus gastritis

E this type of disease is expressed in the fact that when it is affected by the inflammatory process, the upper and middle parts of the stomach are exposed, in which the digestive glands that produce hydrochloric acid are located.

A characteristic feature of foundation gastritis is its localization. All lesions of the mucous are collected only in this department, and the antral part retains its structure and continues to function fully. Only in rare cases it can be observed a picture of superficial gastritis.

The acidity of the gastric juice in this disease is both increased and decreased, so the signs of it depend on it. Among the common symptoms of this unpleasant ailment the following are most common:

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  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth. With increased secretion with an acidic tint, and with a decreased secretion giving off rotten;
  • Decreased appetite and noticeable weight loss;
  • Heaviness in the abdomen after eating and a feeling of raspiraniya in the digestive organs;
  • Spasmodic pain syndrome in epigastrium;
  • Stool disorders from diarrhea to constipation;
  • Vomiting( with reduced acidity, vomit contains undigested food).

The appearance of the patient also changes, anemic pallor appears, the skin becomes excessively dry, the hair and nails are brittle.

For the most part, this inflammatory disease of the fundus takes place in a chronic form. Specialists distinguish 2 of its variants: primary( autoimmune) and secondary( endogenous).

What forms of this disease exist?

The first type of chronic fundal gastritis is rare, and is characterized by mucosal atrophy of glandular cells responsible for the production of digestive secretions. Its deficiency leads not only to a decrease in digestive functions, but also with this condition of the digestive organ develops B12-deficiency anemia due to a violation of absorption through the mucosa of this vitamin.

The second type of chronic gastritis, localized in the base part of the digestive organ arises from the effects of various endogenous factors on the gastric mucosa. For the most part, among them can be identified such as: hypoxemic, metabolic, neurotrophic, toxic, etc.

A distinctive feature of both variants of gastritis is the latent course of the disease. Clear clinical symptomatology is almost never observed. It can occur only in 10-15% of patients suffering from this pathology.

In carrying out the diagnosis of secondary gastritis, in addition to determining the morphological signs corresponding to it, it is necessary to establish the underlying disease that caused it. And the confirmation of the first type of disease is the presence of B12-deficiency anemia.

Crucial importance in the correct diagnosis of fundal gastritis is only a complex study( radiologic and endoscopic).When it is mandatory, a biopsy should be taken from the areas of the mucosa of the main digestive organ that have undergone the greatest changes.

In unclear cases, the patient is followed by a 2-3-week dynamic observation with the obligatory re-conduct of all necessary studies.

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