Burdock root with gastritis

Not everyone knows that ordinary burdock is a very effective tool for strengthening the body and fighting various disease states. Below is considered how to apply it for the treatment of gastritis.

For medical purposes, not every copy is suitable. It is necessary to choose a young plant, which is not more than a year old.

The medicine for gastritis is made from burdock root. Finding a suitable plant, it is excavated and manually cleaned of dust, and then cut into thin, oblong bands. These strips are left to dry in the fresh air. When they dry, you need to finally crush the raw materials. Now it is suitable for being used for treatment.

Recipes of medicines from the burdock root with gastritis

For the treatment of gastritis, use a decoction or infusion of burdock root. It is very important to prepare them according to the method to get the maximum benefit.

Preparation methods:

  1. Infusion. It is necessary to mow the root of burdock and take a teaspoon of raw material, pour in ceramic dishes. Then they pour in half a liter of boiling water and immediately cover the container with a lid. The infusion will be ready when 12 hours pass. Then it can be filtered and started to drink. To treat gastritis infusion, you need to drink half a glass of food before eating. Course - about a month.
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  2. Decoction. You need to take as much detailed reason, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour. The broth can be applied immediately. It is drunk before meals 3 or 4 times a day for a month.
  3. Decoction of leaves. For the treatment of gastritis, not only the root, but also its leaves are used. Decoction of them is advised to take when the acidity is higher than normal and there are sensations of nausea or soreness in the area of ​​the stomach. It is not difficult to prepare such a decoction. Take the burdock leaves, pour them with boiling water and cover the container with a lid. When the broth cools, you can drink it. It is taken by the same method as the broth described above - on a hungry stomach half a cup daily for one month.

These recipes are very simple, a medicine can be prepared for everyone. And the material is inexpensive. Why not check this option?

Of course, it is not worth taking medications based on burdock with gastritis to replace the treatment prescribed by the doctor. But the combination of drug therapy and the above recipes will help to recover as soon as possible.

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