Gastritis of the duodenum: symptoms, treatment, diet

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Inflammatory process can occur in any part of the intestine and if it occurs in the upper part where the duodenum is located, it is called duodenitic gastritis. The very location of the duodenum in the gap between the stomach and the small intestine contributes to increased risk, when infection occurs in two ways. Ascending way the infection gets from the intestinal parts, which are lower, and the gastric content penetrates downward. By itself gastritis of the duodenum does not usually arise, but is diagnosed against a background of another gastrointestinal disease, such as cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis and others.

Depending on the location of the focus of the disease, the causative agent, the nature of the treatment, the gastritis of the duodenum can be divided into several classes:

  1. The degree of development is divided into acute duodenitis, characterized by vivid symptoms and rapid development. The form of acute gastritis of the duodenum can be ulcerative, catarrhal and phlegmonous.
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  3. By localization it is divided into diffuse, bulbar and local, papillitis and postbulbar.
  4. The depth of damage to the mucosa is divided into superficial with edema, interstitial, atrophic, and erosive.
  5. Specific duodenitis, which is a consequence of other diseases.

Causes of gastritis of the duodenum:

  1. Prolonged exposure to negative factors, including unhealthy diets, nerve shocks, chronic infections of other organs, bad habits.
  2. Food poisoning, gallbladder inflammation, circulatory disorders in the intestinal tract, pancreatic tumor.
  3. Bacterial infection caused by helicobacter pylori.
  4. Reduced intestinal wall tone. This phenomenon occurs in the presence of adhesions, scars, slowing the passage of food in normal mode.

Symptoms of gastritis of duodenum

In the initial stage of the disease, symptoms of gastritis of the duodenum may be implicit, but if you have complaints of a certain type, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. The obvious symptoms include:

  • decreased appetite with weight loss, a sense of weakness and lethargy;
  • unpleasant pain in the stomach, accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • is often heartburn.

If you have the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist.

Treatment of gastritis of the duodenum

In the long course of the disease there is a violation of the secretion of digestive enzymes, deterioration of food splitting and absorption of nutrients. The development of a variety of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract contributes to the development of anemia, vitamin deficiency, cardiovascular, muscular, nervous systems, micronutrient deficiencies.

The physician can clarify the nature and prescribe the treatment of duodenal disease on the basis of examination, analysis, patient complaints and objective studies with endoscopy, X-ray, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs. In addition, the analysis of gastric juice and feces is performed, and for the detection of a possible pathogen is analyzed for the presence of Helicobacter pylori.

If necessary, when there is a suspicion of an autoimmune etiology of gastritis of the duodenum, a specific assay for antibodies is performed. In the medical process, medications, physiotherapy methods and dietotherapy are combined. In case of acute inflammation or exacerbation of this disease, antacids are firstly prescribed to relieve pain, reduce the high level of acidity of gastric juice.

To reduce the production of gastric juice take antisecretory drugs, and to improve the motor skills and obstacles to further destructive effects of duodenal ulcer, prescribe prokinetics and gastroprotectors. If it is determined that the cause of this disease is Helicobacteria, it is necessary to conduct a course of antibiotic treatment.

As auxiliary substances, physiotherapeutic procedures such as applications, paraffin and ozocerite, heating, balneotherapy, as well as magnetotherapy, electrosleep and ultrasound are carried out. The effect of physiotherapeutic factors in duodenal gastritis is associated with the activation of blood supply and lymph flow, the provision of anti-inflammatory effect, the normalization of the secretory function of the digestive system.

Used in the treatment of duodenitis and folk remedies based on the use of products of beekeeping, herbal infusions and teas, potatoes and other substances. The use of folk recipes is aimed at reducing the aggressiveness of gastric juice, protecting it from its corrosive effects and restoring the mucous membrane. In the case of gastritis of the duodenum against the background of inflammation of other organs, then first get rid of the underlying disease. With a very rare form of duodenal gastritis - phlegmonous, surgery is required with subsequent treatment with antibiotics. In complex therapy, diet is very important.

Diet with gastritis of the duodenum

In general terms, nutrition with duodenitis should be balanced, taken in a gentle temperature regime and exclude from the diet fat, spicy, spicy food. Nutrition depends on the conditions of the disease:

  1. In acute gastritis, a diet is provided in which it is necessary to completely abandon alcohol, tobacco, any conservation, freshly prepared and sour juices, flour products on a yeast basis.
  2. In case of erosive gastritis of the duodenum, nutrition with a content of mucous soups and cereals cooked on skim milk is welcomed. You can also enter in the menu boiled lean meat, lean fish, steamed or boiled. Useful rich in vitamins are sweet peaches, pears, bananas, apples from which you can cook jelly, jelly or compote.
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