Increased blood pressure for gastritis

As a rule, high blood pressure is not typical for gastritis. Conversely, with inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as a rule, this parameter decreases. What to do if gastritis caused not lowered, but increased pressure and what causes this phenomenon. But before you understand this question, you need to understand the very concept and general reasons for the deviation of its characteristics from the norm, as such.

Arterial pressure is one of the most important parameters that can monitor the condition of the circulatory system. The circulatory system is one of the most important organs, which directly depends on the work of the heart. This parameter depends directly on the work of the heart, or rather the force and frequency of its contractions. In this regard, the pressure is determined by certain factors. Among them, the amount of blood, pulse, pressure of the walls of blood vessels and the actual viscosity of the blood.

The direct causes of hypertension are unknown. However, many today suffer from it. It is also necessary to think about possible hypertension, if such a problem arose in someone in your family, with excess weight and addictions. Elevated blood pressure, as a rule, is rarely a symptom of a disease( other than diabetes), so it is not necessary to say that gastritis affects the development of hypertension.

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The main symptoms of gastritis are characteristic pains in the upper abdomen, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, and an unpleasant odor of unknown origin. In addition, in most cases there is heartburn, as an extremely unpleasant manifestation of mucosal inflammation, it will not be completely rid of by the way. Of the accompanying symptoms, you can identify weakness, drowsiness and irritability. Gastritis, as a rule, causes a rise in temperature and low blood pressure( hypotension).However, hypotension is not the main symptom of gastritis, but is concomitant.

Thus, if you have increased pressure with gastritis, you should think about other reasons for this phenomenon. These causes, as a rule, are not at all connected with this disease, and most likely are hereditary, although this is not necessary. However, this should be reported to your therapist, to prescribe additional tests and more detailed diagnosis of your body.

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