Onions in a diet with pinworms, food and alcohol for enterobiasis in adults

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Nutrition for enterobiasis plays no less important role than compliance with personal hygiene rules. The reason for this is that the worms that provoke the development of this scourge, to some products are negative and may die when they are used. Most of all do not like pinworm, garlic and pumpkin seeds. That's why experts recommend to include them in the diet not only during treatment of the invasion, but also as a means for the prevention of helminthiosis.

If a possible infection is suspected, it is best for a few days to eat food that pinworms do not like. This is a onion, fresh horse-radish, garlic, salted fish and marinades. Also, when enterobiosis occurs, you should switch to a vegetarian diet. Meat should be excluded from the diet for the entire period of helminthiasis treatment. Such a diet undermines the strength of worms and it becomes harder for them to stay on the walls of the intestine. In addition, vegetable fiber accelerates intestinal motility, which facilitates the withdrawal of weakened parasites outward.

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Special attention should be paid to the fact that the use of onion against pinworms has shown excellent results in both children and adults. In order to quickly get rid of parasites, the onion broth or its tincture on alcohol is prepared. Their recipes are simple enough:

  • 1 large onion, rubbed on a grater, poured 100 ml of alcohol or vodka and infused in a dark place for a week. An onion tincture of 1 tbsp is taken.spoon before meals( 3 times a day).Treatment of pinworms with onion infusions should be carried out for at least 4 days;
  • For a decoction effective against round helminths, a medium-sized bulb is crushed and poured into a glass of boiling water. To insist it it is necessary within 12 hours, and then to filter and drink on half of glass in day. The only condition is that the preparation, prepared from onions, is not drunk with a volley, but with small sips during the day.

These compounds, used during enterobiasis simultaneously with a dietary diet consisting mainly of vegetables and products that enhance intestinal peristalsis, will effectively cope with such an attack as pinworms. Except for the same diet menu in this period are subject to all meat and refined products, which are very fond of parasites.

Pinworms and alcohol

The benefits of using for therapeutic purposes against helminths of alcohol-containing beverages are of interest to many. Someone believes that alcohol kills pinworm and tries to take it during the invasion in large numbers, and someone, on the contrary, is an opponent of this theory. To understand this issue, you should weigh the pros and cons. Yes, in the event that you take a parasite and place it in a vessel with alcohol, it will inevitably die. But in fact pinworms live in the human intestines, and alcohol is absorbed in the stomach. From this it follows that he simply will not reach the site of localization of parasites in sufficient quantity to destroy them.

Why then supporters of traditional medicine for getting rid of worms recommend that adults take cognac with castor oil? The answer to this question is quite simple. In the application of this alcoholic remedy against pinworms there is a slight nuance. The composition is drunk at 2 am, on an empty stomach. Meal before taking this medication should be stopped at 6 pm. As a result, cognac will quickly pass through the stomach, not having time to fully absorb it. Having reached the intestine, it paralyzes small helminths and forces them to detach from the walls of the intestine, and castor oil, which has a laxative effect, will speed up their exit.

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