The temperature with ascarids, how much can it hold in the treatment of ascaridosis?

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Askaridosis is a parasitic disease, which is caused by the ingress of roundworm eggs, ascarids. This disease is spread all over the world. It causes various symptoms, their severity depends on the number of worms in the body. With massive infection, serious health problems can occur. Especially ascaridosis is dangerous for young children. Many people are interested in the signs of this disease, for example, it is important for them to know whether the temperature increases with ascariasis?

The life cycle of these parasites in the human body is divided into two phases: migratory and intestinal. When the eggs of these parasites enter the intestine, they quickly become larvae and penetrate the walls of the organ into the bloodstream. In this way they are carried throughout the body, therefore this phase is called migration. Larvae tend to get into the lungs, because at this stage of development they feed on red blood cells, which contain a lot of oxygen.

What is the cause of the temperature rise in ascarids?

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Ascarids at the stage of migration usually cause the following symptoms: fever, allergic reactions, dry cough. Sputum can be with blood veins, because the larvae injure lung tissue. In addition, children with this disease have asthma attacks, which resemble bronchial asthma. Larvae of parasites are a strong allergen, so the main symptom of infection at an early stage is allergy.

How long can the temperature last for the treatment of ascarids? The increased temperature for this disease is an uncharacteristic symptom. Most often, fever occurs in children, so their still unstable immune system reacts to parasites. A small temperature usually occurs during the migration of larvae, this phase usually lasts no more than two weeks.

Intestinal phase begins when the larvae, together with sputum, enter the pharynx and into the mouth, and then are repeatedly swallowed by the patient. So they again find themselves in the intestines, where they turn into adult individuals and begin to multiply actively. At this stage, the following symptoms usually occur: a digestive disorder, nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite.

When does the temperature with ascariasis be a symptom of complications?

High temperature with ascariasis can be caused by a serious disease caused by worms. For example, if a lot of larvae gathered in the lungs, they can cause pneumonia, bronchitis, and sometimes a helminthic infection is confused with tuberculosis. An infected person in this case will be tormented by severe shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, general weakness and fever.

With severe infection with ascarids, life-threatening complications can occur. For example, if the larvae penetrate the brain, they can cause meningoencephalitis, as well as symptoms similar to a brain tumor. As a result, the temperature may also rise with a strong migraine.

Worms can penetrate the biliary tract and cause severe inflammation, which can also be accompanied by fever. In addition, helminths often cause intestinal obstruction, appendicitis attacks and acute pancreatitis. If you do not treat this kind of helminthosis in time, then a lethal outcome is quite possible.

From all of the above it becomes clear that the high temperature with ascarids is sometimes a dangerous symptom of complications caused by helminthic invasion. If the fever is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, you should immediately call a doctor. To treat parasitic diseases is necessary in time to prevent life-threatening complications.

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