Wormwood bitter from worms, a recipe for tinctures with tansy and cloves for children and adults, how to take the citric seed from helminths?

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Since ancient times, wormwood has been used to purify the spirit and body. This is almost the most popular plant and for getting rid of parasites. Its bitter natural composition, strengthened with toxic ketone by tuyon, is deadly to pyogenic bacteria and helminths. Wormwood from worms is used internally, and externally, and in the form of enemas, fresh, dried, infused with alcohol. The recipes use flowers, leaves, young shoots harvested at the beginning of flowering.

Application of wormwood from wormwood:

  • An infusion of dried wormwood. For oral use: 1.5 tsp.on 1 tbsp.steep boiling water. Infused for 20 minutes. This volume is distributed 3 times, used 1,5 hours before meals. You can do less concentration: 1 tsp.on 400 ml of water and drink 50 ml 3 times for 30 minutes. In helminthic invasions, the body loses silicon in large quantities. Ideally, when preparing the infusion, silicon water will be used. For enemas and syringes, the volume of water is taken as 1 liter. Glistami can be affected by the eyes, skin, brain. On external purposes( washing, lotions, compresses) there is a stronger infusion of wormwood from worms. Increased strength is made by infusion and for rinsing the oral cavity. And eggs with parasitic larvae that fall into the mouth die, and the unpleasant odor is eliminated.
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  • The recipe for tincture of wormwood from worms. A ready-made pharmacy option, where the ratio of grass and alcohol is 1:10 weak to treat worms. Vanga advised from worms to mix wormwood in half with pumpkin seeds. Take 1 part of plant raw materials and 3 parts of 70% alcohol or 45% vodka. Withstand in a bottle of dark glass in the heat for 10 days, regularly shaking. Dose 25-50 ml( repelled by weight) x 2 times before meals.
  • To prepare the oil, finely chopped fresh wormwood( 0.5 kg) is poured with olive or unrefined sunflower oil( 1 liter), 2 weeks insist in the dark, shaking from time to time. The filtered oil is stored in the refrigerator. The effect is to dissolve the oil in the front zone of the mouth. After 15 minutes of sucking, the thick oil will become liquid and need to be spit out. Then rinse your mouth with infusion( how to brew wormwood from worms described above).Enough 2 times a day to start the process of ejecting helminths, and put a barrier on the way of their penetration through the mouth. It is also useful to eat oil at 1 tbsp.spoon during breakfast.
  • Recipe made from dry powder from leaves.1 way. It is necessary to arm ourselves with sensitive scales to weigh the milled dry grass.1 adult dose - 250 mg, it is based on the entire scheme of using wormwood bitter from worms. The first two days are 1 dose, the third day is the dose x 2, the 4th dose is the dose x 3, the 5th dose is x 4, the 6th is the dose x 5, the 7th is the dose x 6, 8-oh - dose x 7. This is the maximum serving of 1/2 tsp.(for children 1/4), it is taken on the 8-14th day and further 1 time a week throughout the year. Powder is taken 1 time in the evening before dinner with water, preferably silicic. Such treatment from worms is both preventive and therefore long-lasting.2 way. It will take a week and 100 grams of dried mashed grass.3 days around the clock take a large pinch of wormwood with an interval of 2-2.5 hours maximum, sweating with saliva and washing down with water. In the next 4 days, drink about 6 times a day( at night no longer necessary).For 7 days are obligatory every night enemas with wormwood.
  • Wormwood plus tansy - worms have no life. Together they are even stronger against parasites, act on adult round and tapeworms. In this bitter couple is usually in the lead tansy, it is collected in the collection of 2 times more. If you add cloves to them, then intermediate larval stages, as well as other viruses and fungi, will not survive. The trout is made this way: 1 pile of wormwood, 2 pinks of cloves, 4 pile of tansy.1 serving corresponds to a teaspoon with a small tubercle( 1.75 g).Intensive treatment of the week, increasing the daily dose from 1 tsp.for 30 minutes.before breakfast on the first day up to 3 tsp.(in three sessions) for the third and all subsequent four days. Further in this mode, the trochlet is used once, once a week, up to a year.

Wormwood against worms is most effective in the form of a powder. So it reaches the large intestine, where it realizes its effect. Infusions are absorbed in the above located sections of the gastrointestinal tract and not so damagingly affect the helminths.

How to drink wormwood from worms?

This herb is bitter, it is difficult to consume without sweetening. Honey softens its bitterness, strengthens and expands the healing properties. There are several recipes:

  • Juice with honey in a 3: 1 ratio. Eat 4 times 1 tsp.(last time for the night).
  • Syrup.50 g freshly picked grass is soaked in filtered( spring) water for 24 hours. Brew for 40 minutes.in 0,5 l of water with the lid closed on a slow flame. In a strained broth add sugar or honey 350-400 g and cook until thick. Use 2-3 times for 1 tbsp.l.before eating adults and 1/4 tsp.children. It has not only antiparasitic properties, but also has a beneficial effect on the work of many organs.
  • Balm. Is prepared to taste. Warm up to a boil dry grape wine, add honey and juice, squeezed out of fresh spring greens wormwood. The latter should not outshine the taste of other ingredients. To drink slowly, savoring. Norm 30-50 ml to 3 times a day. If you use this wormwood elixir from May to October, health will increase noticeably.
  • Flowers. Treating wormwood, tearing and sending her mouth flowers, it's good in the summer. To bitter taste get used gradually. They chew and swallow a piece every hour on the first day, 2 flowers every two hours - in the second, 3 pieces in three hours - in the third, 4 in 4 hours - in the fourth. In the last day, the reception goes without a break for the night. They conduct three such courses. After each cleaning procedure and a week of rest.
  • Chicken seed. Otherwise, wormwood flowers are citrated. From the worms helps the poison santonin contained in them. Collected in August, the flowers are dried and ground in a coffee grinder( grinded through a sieve).When you use add honey or jam. This recipe is suitable for children of small age. Single dosage varies: from 15 years and older - 5 g, 10-14 years - 2,5-3,5 g, 7-9 years - 1,7-2,25 g, 4-6 years - 1-1,75 g, 1-3 years - 0,25-0,75 g. The first day - 1 dose once for 1 hour before meals, the second and third days - 1 dose 3 times. At night, a laxative is indicated. It is a folk remedy, so the technique of application may differ.

Enema with wormwood from worms

Antiparasitic cleansing requires the washing out of the intestines of dead individuals and their decomposition products. It is necessary to save the "factory" of immunity from toxins and poisons. The rinse solution is prepared as early as the second day. Boil 1 liter of water with 1 tsp.(with top) wormwood 30 seconds. Insist, while cooling, to 40-43 ° C.After percolation, 900 ml of broth is poured into the rectum.50 ml is left on the night microclyster, which must be absorbed into the intestine. The remaining 50 ml of women is useful for perforating. Men can enter the same volume into the urethra. Cleaning wormwood is best done twice a year. In this case, choose the days of the full moon or new moon, when helminths are activated in readiness for reproduction.

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