Why grind their teeth with worms, the causes of creaking and grinding in a child's sleep?

Almost all parents sooner or later notice that their child is grinding his teeth in a dream. Worms are the first reason that comes to mind for most of them. Such method of diagnostics of helminths was used by our great-grandmothers, so it is not surprising that this statement is perceived by young mummies as self-evident. And many pediatricians fully support this opinion. But is it really so, and does the gnashing of teeth indicate that the baby has worms? In fact, these are loud sounds that repeat themselves overnight and frighten parents who do not know what's going on, is called bruxism. This pathology in most cases is neurogenic in nature and usually occurs with increased emotional stress or stress. Here, then, the connection of the creaking with a child's teeth in a dream with worms begins:

  • The products of helminthic vitality suppress the synthesis of vitamin B12 and poison the nervous system. This leads to the emergence of inadequate and strained movements of the jaw muscles. The jaws contract strongly, which provokes the appearance of loud noises;
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  • Worms as a result of their vital activity disrupt the microflora of the organ in which they settled and provoke the development of physical injuries in it, breaking through or probing the mucosa in search of blood vessels, and also attaching to it with hooks. All this gives the child pain and makes him involuntarily grind his teeth in a dream;
  • Also, even one presence of worms in the body is the strongest stress, and this, as we have already explained, is the reason for bruxism, that is, the night creak with teeth.

The vitality of the myth that bruxism testifies to the presence of helminths in children is explained very simply. If in the intestine and biliary tract there is in fact a large number of living and dead parasites, it is irritated, the movement of peristalsis intensifies and this increases the night salivation, which causes the crumb to involuntarily chew. Parents should also be aware that most of the diseases of the nervous system and digestive organs in children are associated with the presence of helminths, and therefore with the appearance at night of such an unpleasant trait as bruxism.

What to do in this case and how to treat the baby? This issue is of concern to many young as well as more experienced parents, because everyone knows that antihelminthic drugs are very toxic. That's why in order to get rid of the squeal caused by the worms of the baby with the worms, you should consult a specialist and choose the safest and most effective medicine. In most cases this unpleasant sign completely disappears after the anthelmintic therapy.

Worms and gnashing of teeth, how to get rid of?

Drug medications intended to release the body from helminths are very toxic. In addition, in order to completely get rid of parasites, it is required to conduct at least 3 courses of use of a special antihelminthic agent. And although it will save the baby from squeaking with teeth, which are provoked by parasitic worms, there is no guarantee that they will not appear again.

The simplest option in this case will be after the treatment in the event of a threat of helminth infection, to carry out preventive therapy with ancient folk recipes, according to which our grandmothers were preparing drugs for worms and creaking of teeth in children. The most effective and harmless for organisms are dried wormwood and pumpkin seeds. The course of treatment with these drugs lasts a month. After a half-year break, it should be repeated again.

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