Intestinal Giardia, a disease of giardiasis of the small intestine, symptoms and treatment in children and adults

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Intestinal giardiasis is a fairly common disease, which often affects children. In the International Classification of Diseases( ICD-10) it has code A07.1.The described illness occurs when the lamblia, leading a parasitic lifestyle, enter the human body. They penetrate into the gastrointestinal tract by the oral route. The cause of infection can become dirty hands, unwashed fruits and vegetables, unboiled tap water. To infect intestinal ljamblii the person can, bathing in a reservoir with stagnant water. What happens to the body during the parasitism of the smallest unicellular creatures in the small intestine? Is it possible to successfully treat the described disease? What symptoms should alert you and get you to seek medical help? You can understand it by studying the life cycle of lamblia in detail.

Giardia can exist in two forms. In the process of vital activity the simplest flagellum microorganisms pass from one stage to another. First, the stomach gets cysts, gastric juice for them is not dangerous. A thick, durable shell is capable of withstanding its effects, so cysts easily move along with partially digested food further into the small intestine. It is there that under the influence of bile cysts are destroyed, from one spore there are two trophozoites.

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This vegetative form actively parasitizes in the small intestine, here lamblia grow and multiply. They have paired flagella, with the help of which the simplest microorganisms move in the lumen of the small intestine and descend lower into the large intestine, climb higher toward the bile ducts. Such migration leads to the fact that lamblia falls into the liver, into the gallbladder. Unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to infection of the genitourinary system. Treatment of this process must necessarily include the destruction of protozoa flagellum microorganisms.

The life cycle of trophozoite ends after several divisions of each form. Under the influence of bile, trophozoites of lamblia become cysts. Cysts are immovable, they have no organs with which they can be attached to the walls of the small intestine, so the movement of stools quickly leads them outward into the external environment. The cycle ends. Since it passes from the beginning to the end inside the intestine, a disease that causes protozoa flagellated microorganisms is called intestinal lambliasis. It can have two phases of development:

  1. Acute.
  2. Chronic.

The acute phase develops immediately after infection and lasts no longer than a week. But the first symptoms of infection appear later, two, three weeks after infection, when the acute phase gradually changes into a chronic type. What can an aging patient and infected children complain about?

Symptoms of giardiasis of the intestine

Among the initial manifestations, the following symptoms of an infectious disease are distinguished:

  1. Alternation of constipation and diarrhea. When diarrhea liquid stool has an unpleasant smell, but it does not have veins of blood or mucus. And this is a characteristic sign of intestinal lambliasis.
  2. Diarrhea almost always accompanies the pain that occurs at the site of the projection of the small intestine on the anterior wall of the peritoneum( this is somewhere around the navel, in the upper part of the abdomen).The intensity of the manifestation of pain is different for all. It directly depends on how much lamblia has settled in the duodenum. The more parasites, the more painful the sensations.
  3. Bloating is another symptom of intestinal Giardiasis. Bloating occurs as a result of failure of the normal operation of the digestive tract, impairment of the qualitative composition of the microflora of the small intestine.

With chronic giardiasis, such symptoms can continue for two weeks, then suddenly disappear on their own, and then return, causing the patient to worry about their health. In addition, an infected person can complain about common signs characteristic of a nervous system disorder. Headache, dizziness, dizziness, loss of memory goes hand in hand with a decline in performance, general weakness, increased fatigue and a sense of weakness.

Complications caused by intestinal lamblias

So, why is it possible that such symptoms appear?

In the process of its life, simple flagellar microorganisms with the help of a sucking disk are repeatedly attached and detached from the mucosa of the small intestine. They literally destroy villi, responsible for the process of absorption of digested food. Mechanical damage provokes the formation of foci of inflammation. Mucous layer with a huge number of lamblias ceases to be updated. This leads to the appearance on its surface of young immature cells, unable to cope with the tasks of digestion. Enzymes that participate in the processes of the digestive tract cease to be produced: vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals cease to be absorbed and absorbed. Therefore, in the treatment of intestinal lamblia, great attention is paid to compensatory therapy. Children's body and the body of an adult, lacking all the necessary, gradually loses strength, weight, inside the pathological processes are started, which very quickly undermine health.

The mucous layer of the small intestine is a kind of protection against the penetration into the blood of large foreign particles - dangerous allergens. When parasitizing lamblia, such protection disappears. Dietary toxins and toxins produced during the life of lamblia easily penetrate into the blood, causing dangerous poisoning. They depress the nervous system, disrupt the work of many internal organs. First of all, the liver suffers from toxins. General intoxication of the body leads to the appearance of allergic reactions. They are manifested in the form of an itchy rash, non-infectious blepharitis, food allergy, neurodermatitis, eczema, asthma.

The most dangerous complication arising during the development of intestinal lambliasis is dysbiosis. Violation of normal microflora leads to processes of putrefaction of chyme, to disruption of motor-evacuation functions of the small intestine. Mechanical damage to the mucosa irritates the nerve endings of the small intestine, as a result - the emergence of persistent pain. Parasitizing lamblia depresses the human immune system. Children in this case become susceptible to viruses and pathogens, in adults, the course of already existing any other chronic diseases is aggravated.

Features of treatment of intestinal lambliasis

There is no single regimen for the treatment of intestinal lambliasis. And all because in the preparation of the therapeutic scheme, several factors must be taken into account. This is the severity of the course of the infection, and the age of the patient, and the presence of different components of the above symptomatic complex. But in any case, there is a basic scheme, which is necessarily taken as the basis for the therapy of intestinal lambliasis. It is built on three principles:

  1. Medication.
  2. Compliance with the therapeutic diet.
  3. Preventive measures to help prevent re-infection.

Features of drug treatment are that therapy is carried out in several ways. First, with the help of medicines and drugs, clear signs of the disease are eliminated, followed by extensive work to destroy lamblia in the small and large intestine. After this, a complex of measures is carried out, which helps to improve immunity and return the lost strength to the patient.

Diet in the treatment of intestinal lambliasis in children and in adult patients implies the construction of a special diet, in which only digestible products are present. The ban is imposed on the use of heavily digestible fats, fried, salted, smoked and spicy dishes. In the acute period, the diet is built in such a way that the number of single portions is reduced, but the number of meals increased to 5-6.All products on the patient's table should fall into an exceptionally wiped form. In the period of chronic course, the patient is recommended to limit the intake of carbohydrates as much as possible, to increase the amount of protein. Knowing what signs are capable of indicating carrier in lamblia, how the treatment of the described infection will be built, the patient can better concentrate on the process and accelerate his recovery.

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