Treatment of toxocarias in an adult, how and what to treat toksokar in humans, an effective course, to which doctor to turn, how to get rid of worms?

People of different age and social groups often ask about how to cure toxocarosis. This disease is accompanied by so different symptoms that on the basis of the clinical picture it is difficult to put the diagnosis even an experienced doctor. The problem is that unlike the other helminthiases, the development of this pathology is provoked not by adult sexually mature worms, but by their larvae, which are difficult to extract. This is due to the fact that they do not live in the intestines, but migrate through the human body, causing various pathologies.

With which of the organs of the Toksokara larva of canis, whose constant owner is the members of the canine family, are localized, and concomitant symptomatology will be associated. Only carrying out diagnostic tests of blood for antibodies to toxocar antigens will help to identify them, and this, accordingly, will give the specialist an opportunity to select an effective treatment regimen for toxocar that will be selected so as to completely get rid of the larvae of these worms. To do this is difficult enough, so the duration of the course of therapy will depend on many indicators.

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Modern medicamentous treatment of Toksokara canis is not a universal way of fighting it, as the experience of therapy of this invasion is small. The point here is that all drugs, even the newest ones that are used to combat this type of infestation, are meant for the destruction and removal of migrating larvae from the body of adults or children. On the same ones that are localized in the vessels and tissues of a person, they do not work.

Is it worth it to treat toxocariasis?

It is this question that is asked by adults who have therapeutic measures to get rid of this misfortune, which is practically asymptomatic, for a long time do not yield any results, and when checking blood tests, antibodies to the antigens of these helminths are constantly found in it. Their doubts are based on the fact that the medications taken are very toxic, and the treatment courses are repeated many times. In addition, many people, knowing that Toksokary canis in the human body never turn into adult individuals, but parasitize only in the larval stage, do not attach much importance to the danger they represent and often ignore the conduct of therapeutic measures.

But this should not be allowed, in any case, as with significant invasions and lack of treatment, the larvae of Toksokara canis provoke the development of dangerous pathologies in the vital internal organs of a person that can lead to disability, and in some cases even result in death. Adult people who, unlike children, have this disease almost asymptomatically, it is necessary to consult an infectious disease doctor if there is a first suspicion of possible infection, that is under the following circumstances:

  • Non-observance of personal hygiene rules after close contact with street animals;
  • Eating insufficiently processed vegetables and greens, which grew in open areas, the most probable sources of infection;
  • Ignoring regular dehelminthization of domestic animals - the main hosts of toxocar.

If the symptomatology of the invasion is absent, and the blood test confirmed by the IFA confirmed the possible infection, that is, a titer above 1/200 is given in its results, it is necessary to proceed immediately to treatment of toxocariasis. The duration of it depends on the extent to which the adult is invaded and how closely he adheres to the rules of personal hygiene during therapy. Folk anthelminthic recipes are a good help to medicamentous drugs in the treatment of toxocarias, but their separate use from medicines is ineffective and does not completely eliminate the larvae of these worms that are not native to humans. Only a doctor-matched and rigorously executed course of therapy will help to get them out.

Scheme of treatment of toxocarosis

The main method of getting people out of the larvae of these helminths is drug therapy. When the invasion is confirmed by laboratory analysis, infectious disease doctors use the following medications:

  • Albendazole. Its dosage is 10 mg / kg. The duration of the course of treatment of toxocarias in adults is at least 2-3 weeks;
  • The intake of Ditrazine Citrate( Diethylcarbamazine) is calculated for 3-4 weeks at 2-6 mg / kg per day;
  • Vermox in case of human infection with toxocar is prescribed twice a day for 100 mg. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. Adults sometimes increase the daily dose to 300 mg;
  • Mintezol( tiabendazole) also acts effectively, which makes it an indispensable medicine for the treatment of this helminthic invasion.

But it should be remembered that all medical appointments can be performed only by a specialist after carrying out a special diagnostic study and confirming the presence of a toxocarose in an adult. Otherwise, the risk of negative side effects is very high. Due to the fact that drugs intended for the treatment of toxocarias have a high toxicity, in violation of the scheme and the course of admission a person may not destroy the larvae to the end, but cause irreparable harm.

In the case of eye toxocarosis, doctors use the same treatment regimens. As repeatedly confirmed, the best results in the therapy of this pathology were achieved by those physicians who combined the aforementioned drugs with conjunctival injections of Depo-Medrol. There is also information on the effectiveness of application for the destruction of toxocarose granules by photo and laser coagulation. This method is the newest in the treatment of this disease. In the most severe cases, when one eye of the patient is infected, surgery can be recommended. It uses the following basic methods:

  • Laser coagulation is used to destroy larvae of toxocar localized in the eye;
  • Vitrectomy, an operation to remove the vitreous from the infected eye and replace it with a liquid or gas.

As well as any surgical treatment, both these methods are fraught with the development of complications. Most often they lead to a decrease in the operated person's eyesight, but they outweigh the risk of complete blindness in the infected eye.

Modern treatment of toxocarosis

Often people are interested in what kind of doctor to turn to in this infestation. When there is a suspicion of infection, adults in the first place should consult a therapist, infectious disease specialist or parasitologist. They, in turn, will be sent to a blood test and, if confirmed, the presence of this invasion will be attracted to the selection of the appropriate course of therapy for specialized specialists - ophthalmologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist or neurologist. The choice of the most effective therapeutic measures for controlling worms will depend on the organ in which the toxocar larvae were localized. There are several forms of this ailment and each of them requires certain therapeutic measures:

  • The visceral form of toxocarias develops due to the ingestion of a very large number of these larvae into the body of an adult or a child and they have affected various internal organs. Clinical signs depend on the organ in which they are localized. It can be as a pulmonary syndrome, and an increase in the liver. Modern treatment in this case involves the use of antinematous drugs, the appointment of which should be done only by a specialist;
  • Eye toxocarias occur when a small number of larvae penetrate. Usually they are localized in one eye, provoking severe pathologies of the organ of vision, the treatment of which should be carried out together with the ophthalmologist. In order to permanently rid the adult or child of this form of toxocarosis, surgery is often required;
  • The cutaneous form of toxocarosis is treated with the assistance of a dermatologist. Consultation of this specialist is necessary due to the fact that pathogens migrating under the skin of the larvae cause various allergic reactions, manifested in the form of an eczema, urticaria and accompanied by severe itching rashes. These skin problems often become inflamed and rot;
  • Neurological toxocarosis occurs when larvae of worms make their way into the brain and parts of the central nervous system. Treatment of this form of the disease is the most difficult, as it affects the psychological state and behavior of the patient.

Whatever form of toxocarias is found in humans, all therapeutic measures should be performed only by a specialist. Self-medication with this infestation is strictly forbidden, as it is impossible to effectively and quickly withdraw larvae of these roundworms with it, but it is easy to provoke the emergence of serious consequences. Infectionists for the treatment of toxocarias at home without daily medical supervision suggest that infected people use the GelmoStop program to control parasites. It is suitable not only for adults but also for children, since it is completely safe and consists of 7 medicinal herbs. But in the treatment of her toxocarosis should be remembered about the need to give blood every month for ELISA for control checks of the quality of therapy. Such monitoring should continue for 3 years after the therapy.

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