Worms in the throat, whether there can be( there are) helminths, symptoms,

Parasitic diseases are widespread all over the globe and many people have heard that certain species of helminths can live not only in the intestines, but also in other organs. Some people sometimes think that they feel a kind of stirring in the throat and immediately start to think that these are worms. In my head immediately drawn picture of vile white worms, which want to get out of the stomach outside through the mouth. That's why many people are worried about the question, can there be worms in my throat?

Most parasite species prefer to live in digestive organs, of course, there are certain types of worms that can migrate throughout the body. But in any case, the worms can not be in the throat, because this is not their habitat. If they even fall into the throat, they will quickly find themselves in the stomach, and then in the intestines through the mouth and infection with helminths.

Can worms cause a sore throat? Some helminths prefer to live in the lungs. As a result, the patient can suffer from coughing, allergic skin rashes, asthma attacks that resemble bronchial asthma. Naturally, all these manifestations can provoke a swelling in the throat. But most often the pain and discomforts cause colds, such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis or the flu. To clarify a more accurate diagnosis, you must always consult a doctor.

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Worms in the throat: infection routes

Ascarids refer to this type of parasites that can live in almost any organ. They can be found in the intestines, in the liver, in the lungs and even in the brain. Eggs of these omnipresent helminths ripen exclusively in the earth. That is why infection occurs most often through poorly washed vegetables and fruits, as well as through dirty hands. Especially often children suffer from helminths, because they take dirty toys into their mouths and neglect the rules of hygiene.

Can the worms be in the throat? Eggs of parasites penetrate with food into the mouth, then through the stomach they reach the intestine, and then quickly turn into larvae, gnaw the intestinal wall and fall into the bloodstream. If the helminth blood flows into the lungs, then after a while gnaws the bronchi, and then crawls into the pharynx. Then the parasite is swallowed again by a human and reaches the intestine. Symptoms of worms in the throat are usually caused by very different diseases, but not by helminthic invasion.

Adult askarids settle in the intestine or any other organ and live there for several months, and then die. But if the patient does not comply with the basic rules of hygiene, then he can re-contract, as a result, the population of these worms in the body is constantly updated.

What moves in the throat?

As it is already known, helminths can not live in the throat, but then why does it feel like there is someone moving? There are several reasons that can cause unpleasant sensations in the throat, namely:

  • Irritating factor. Nicotine, work in harmful production, dry air - all this leads to irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. As a result, there is persecution and other unpleasant sensations.
  • Bronchial asthma. With this diagnosis, the patient often feels that something is tickling or itching in the throat. Worms, if settled in the lungs, then this disease can provoke.
  • Allergy. This disease can also cause unpleasant sensations in the pharynx. The mucous membrane swells, you want to cough or sneeze, there is a runny nose and skin rashes. Allergic reactions on the skin can be caused by parasites. The body, in this way, reacts to uninvited guests.

The most common tickling in the throat is caused by colds. But if such a symptom does not go away for a long time, but you need to undergo a survey.

How to identify worms?

The worms in the throat, although they do not live, but they feel great in many other organs. That's why you always need to be alert, the symptoms of helminthic invasion often depend on the organ that is affected. For example, if worms penetrate the lungs, the patient will suffer cough, and if in the intestine, then problems with digestion begin.

Common signs of infection include the following: skin rashes, constant fatigue, poor sleep, irritability, and at night, gnashing his teeth. The degree of their expression depends on the number of parasites in the body. Of course, all these manifestations may indicate another disease, so to make an accurate diagnosis you need to undergo a survey. And to prevent helminthic invasion, you should follow the rules of hygiene and not eat or drink in unverified places.

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