Treatment of toxocarias in adults with folk remedies, medicinal herbs and soda

Toxocarosis is a non-specific for humans, but quite a dangerous disease. Its causative agent, Toxocara canis, is a worm that lives in the intestines of animals. In humans, it can not develop to adults, but exists in the form of larvae that affect any internal organ and cause serious diseases. That is why the diagnosis and treatment of this helminthiasis is difficult. Physicians in this invasion are often recommended to supplement it with folk remedies for greater effectiveness of their medical therapy.

Sometimes patients, after reading a scattered information on the Internet, are interested in how soda treats toxocariasis. Experts on this issue unequivocally answer that this folk remedy with this helminthosis is completely ineffective. Yes, soda helps get rid of parasites, but only if the patient has an intestinal form of invasion. If the disease is caused by the larvae of worms, localized in the internal organs, soda enemas will be fruitless.

Traditional treatment of toxocarias will help both adults and children only if they take special spices and infusions of phytospores inside. There are quite a lot of recipes for them, but one should remember that it is impossible to start using them independently, only if there is a suspicion of a given invasion. First of all, you should undergo a special diagnosis, which will determine which helminths are localized in the human body. In case of confirmation of toxocarosis treatment should be carried out by medicines under the supervision of a specialist. Traditional medicine plays at the same time, although not unimportant, but still an auxiliary role. Selection of suitable for the destruction of these helminths of herbal preparations is also the prerogative of the doctor.

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Treatment of toxo-corn with medicinal herbs

A money-box designed to combat parasites is quite large. The recipes in it are tested in practice by many generations and have repeatedly proved their effectiveness. When they supplement the treatment with medications prescribed by a specialist, the desired therapeutic result is achieved more quickly. There are several popular recipes for toksokaroza:

  • Dry crushed ash bark, taken in quantities of 2 tsp, is poured 400 ml of steep boiling water. The composition is again brought to a boil and left on low heat for 10 min. After this, it must be well wrapped and kept for an hour in a warm place. This folk remedy, intended for the treatment of toxocariasis, is taken 5 times a day for 3 tbsp.spoons. The therapeutic course with the help of it is carried out for a week, and then, after a 3-day break, is repeated;
  • Sour cherry( 2 tbsp.) Is poured in 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. Take this infusion is necessary 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons.l. The course of treatment of toxocarias with this folk remedy continues until full recovery, but after every 7 days of taking this herbal medicine, a five-day break is necessary;
  • 3 tbsp.l.herbs tansy poured a glass of steep boiling water and insisted 1 hour, a filtered product takes 4 p. On the day of 1 tbsp.l;
  • Honey-wormwood gruel is prepared from a mixture of 100 g of honey with 1 tbsp.l.seeds of wormwood. It is used on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening before going to bed on a tablespoon.

The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies for toxocarosis is the cessation of the manifestation in a person of the symptoms provoked by the development of this invasion. But it should be remembered that with this method of therapy, the visible result is achieved after a fairly long period of time. It is necessary to regularly use decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of appropriate phytospores. Only in this case, a complete cure for toxocarias is possible with the help of traditional medicine, which will not subject the body to additional intoxication.

Also I want to say that in the network you can find recipes for the preparation of which are used hemlock, belladonna and similar poisonous plants. The effectiveness of the use of folk remedies on their basis during the treatment of toxocarias is raised by most experts for doubt, but the consequences of using therapeutic drugs for these drugs can be tragic for the patient. That's why before you start taking any broth, you need a doctor's consultation.

Also do not forget that in the treatment of toxocarosis some recipes of folk medicine will not be enough. All of them will be effective, but only in the case when in conjunction with their use special medication is performed. Only such a combination will help to save the patient from the larvae of parasites and completely restore his health.

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