How does infection with the human pig's chain, the intermediate host, the causes and the causative agent of the shadow, is it possible to get infected by eating meat?

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Usually, human infection with a pork chain occurs when eating insufficiently thermally processed pork or wild boar meat infected with cysticerci - the larvae of a tape parasite belonging to the class of Taenia solium. This is a fairly large worm, the length of an adult can be up to four meters. His body is slightly flattened on the sides, visually it looks like a ribbon. Her crown is the head of the chain, with hooks and suckers on it. With the help of them, the parasite is attached to the intestinal mucosa, they are securely fixed inside the hollow organ.

Anatomical features of the pork chain are the key to unraveling the ways of infection. The whole body of the tapeworm is divided into numerous segments. They have a quadrangular shape. Inside each segment there are up to 50 thousand eggs. Each egg is an oncosphere, the embryo develops within it. Over time, the segments are easily torn away from the body of the parasite and, together with the feces through the anus, come out. Thus, invasive masonry enters the external environment, the eggs easily scatter over the soil.

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To complete the life cycle of the pork chopsticks, it is necessary to change two incubators. Domestic pigs and wild boars act as intermediate hosts. They eat the infected food, they willingly dig in the ground, in which there may be eggs of pork chopsticks. Getting into the intestines of the intermediate host, they release the embryo( larva).Larvae along with the blood are carried throughout the body, but the invading embryos settle only in soft muscle tissue. This process occurs 2 months after infection with a pork chain, during which time the cysticerci turn into vesicles, inside of which is a tapeworm head surrounded on all sides by hooks. In this form, the larvae of the ribbon worm can be inside the intermediate host for up to six years. At the end of the period, the larva dies, the vesicles calcify and gradually disappear. In order for the life cycle of the pork chain to last and end safely, there must be a change of the incubator. In our case, the second incubator becomes a person.

Ways of human infection with the shadows of

How can a man get a pig chain? There are several ways of penetrating the causative agent of the shadows into the body:

  1. Use of pork meat that has not undergone sufficient heat treatment.
  2. Another source of infection is pork fat, light-salted or smoked.
  3. To provoke infection with a teniosis( helminthiosis, in which the person is the final host), other meat delicacies( smoked sausages, cold boiled pork) can also be used. The use of ham can become dangerous.

Infection with pork chain occurs because of entering the Finn's intestine - the very same bubble inside which the parasite's head with hooks lies. It is there that the bubble bursts, the loosened head literally gnaws into the intestinal mucosa and is firmly attached to the wall of the hollow organ. In a sexually mature individual, the ribbon worm is transformed two months after infection. The life cycle closes.

The patient himself becomes a source of infection. This happens when he goes to the toilet, and then with dirty hands, touches objects around him, eats food, swallows invasive eggs with her. Dirty hands, poorly washed vegetables and fruits - danger lurks everywhere. The causative agent feels quite comfortable in the external environment.

Infection with larvae of the pork chain

In epidemiological zones( countries of Latin America, Asia, Africa), infection by larvae of the pork chain can occur with the use of unboiled water. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the segments can leave the body not only during defecation. They are able to go out together with vomit. In such a situation, under the action of gastric juice, the segments burst, invasive embryos are released. And in this case, the person becomes an intermediate master, he develops the first stage of the shadow. In medicine, it has the name "cysticercosis".

The larval stage for a person is more dangerous than the intestinal one. And all because the larvae of the chain can settle, anywhere( in the brain, in the eye).Infection with a pork chain can provoke a lot of complications, some of them often lead to a fatal outcome. An adult can parasitize in the small intestine of the decade. In this case, it becomes the cause of many other parallel diseases."To smoke out" tapeworm from there is quite difficult. But predictions with timely treatment are always favorable. This occurs if adequate treatment is made in a timely manner.

Knowing that it becomes the cause of the shadow, how a person can become infected with a porcine tapeworm or become an intermediate host for a parasite, you can try to prevent the development of an invasion that can provoke the death of the patient. It is always worth remembering that the same cysticercosis can be re-infected. In this case, the disease will proceed much more intensively. Ways of infection with worms open up opportunities for the development of other more dangerous pathologies, which is why it is so important for each of us to become more familiar with the features of the shadow.

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