Types and symptoms of migraine complications

1 Than the disease

is dangerous. Migraines can be associated, in which the patient has an aura.

Aura is a complex of neurological symptoms that appear immediately before a migraine attack. They can be visual, vestibular, olfactory or auditory. In most cases, the aura manifests itself as visual illusions, luminous points, zigzags, spots or mist before the eyes. A typical aura can manifest up to an hour, and lasts up to several days.

Causes of migraine may be different and not fully understood. Migraine develops on a background of stress, emotional overload, bad habits, hormonal failures or hormonal contraceptive use.

Migraine can also occur against a background of tumors or diseases of the spine, due to which there is a violation of blood circulation. Still it can cause and food products, such as chocolate, smoked products, low-alcoholic fizzy drinks or red wine.

Migraine is difficult to treat, mainly therapy is reduced to the relief of attacks, or their prevention. Medications for migraine are taken either at the aura stage or after the head has already begun to ache.

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Women with migraine suffer most often. Uninformed people consider the disease just a feminine ploy and do not even imagine what suffering people suffer from seizures.

Migraine complications are migraine stroke and migraine status.

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  • Causes of frequent migraines
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2 Migraine status

Migraine attacks in this case become more pronounced than usual and last much longer. Symptoms increase within a day, and the headache becomes bursting.

  • Unlike usual migraine attacks, in this case the headache does not stop after sleep.
  • Vomiting becomes multiple and occurs at any time of the day, leading to dehydration of the body.
  • A strong weakness is felt.
  • The periods of visual impairment last for several minutes.
  • Cramps may appear on the background of cerebral edema.
  • Aura is detected only in twenty percent of cases.

Migraine status can last from one to three weeks and manifest as a series of migraine attacks, between which a very short interval. The migraine status is indicated by the fact that the attack lasts more than seventy-two hours. The more dangerous the migraine in this case, this is what can lead to the development of a stroke.

In this disease, care must be provided in a hospital. It consists in the use of the same drugs that migraine only at a higher dosage. In severe cases, resuscitation may be required, and the introduction of different groups of drugs at the same time.

3 Migraine stroke

What is a dangerous migraine? With this disease, the risk of ischemic stroke increases three and a half times. Also risk of getting a stroke of this kind are those who have migraines combined with other risk factors, such as smoking or using oral contraceptives.

Studies have shown that forty percent of migraine sufferers have a stroke with an attack, and a seizure of seventy percent occurred three days before the hemorrhage. In patients who suffer from migraine for a long time( especially with aura), ischemic softening of various sizes and presences is found in the brain. You can see them with the help of a computer tomography. And this proves that the role of migraine in stroke is underestimated.

Migraine with frequent attacks, which a person suffers for a long period, inevitably leads to atrophy of brain substance. This increases the size of the ventricles and widens the subarachnoid space.

Criteria by which a migraine stroke or the so-called "catastrophic form" of a migraine is determined:

  • In a medical history, a migraine with an aura is mandatory.
  • Neurological symptoms are similar to those of the aura that appears before the attack in this patient.
  • Focal symptoms do not disappear completely, but manifest within a week.
  • Computed tomography diagnoses a low-density region in a zone that corresponds to focal changes.


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In case of migraine stroke, qualified medical care is needed, which should be addressed as soon as possible, as it poses a threat not only to health, but also to the patient's life.

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