Treatment of lamblia in children, an effective scheme, how to treat a lambliasis in a child according to Komarovsky, how to cure which doctor heals?

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Giardiasis is a disease that occurs when a large colony of lamblia, the simplest unicellular microorganisms, parasitizes in the human small intestine. Infection occurs through dirty hands, the use of unwashed vegetables and fruits, drinking unboiled tap water. Most often, children of the younger age group are affected by the infection, those who attend kindergartens and school. In children from 2 to 6 years, giardiasis is more severe than in adolescents. Timely detection of parasites, as well as treatment of parasitic infection( especially in infants) is not an easy task. Many pitfalls occur in the path of one who has decided to get rid of worms or unwanted carrier of giardias. In order to fully implement all the recommendations of physicians, will have to make some efforts. And that's why.

To recognize lambliasis in children in the early stages of infection, doctors say, and Komarovsky among them is quite difficult. And all because the bright symptoms of parasitism are similar to the symptoms of any other disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Children often complain of nausea, general weakness, abdominal pain. The sick child is constantly naughty, he has unstable stools, attacks of suffocating cough. Allergic rashes may appear on the skin.

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Treatment of lamblias in children according to Komarovsky

Only an experienced doctor is able to really assess the clinical picture and ask parents to hand over with the children certain tests to confirm or deny the presence of lamblia in the intestines. Most often, notes Komarovsky, doctors treat the symptoms, not wanting to find out the causes of malaise. That is why acute lambliasis, whose treatment regimen is extremely simple, quickly passes into a chronic stage, which is difficult to medicate therapies.

There are cases when the carriage of lamblia in children occurs without apparent symptoms and pathological manifestations. Is it necessary to treat lamblia in children in this case? If so, how to do it correctly? Such specialists as Komarovsky, for example, believe that it is not worth it. Any drug that helps to destroy lamblia is highly toxic, and this is an extra burden on the children's body. Practice shows that in most cases giardiasis passes by itself without the use of complex treatment regimens. If necessary, Dr. Komarovsky pays special attention to this, the described intestinal infection is cured by simple effective domestic medicines( Furazolidol, for example).A single dose of taking the drug is calculated by the formula 10 mg per kilogram of child weight. The course of treatment is ten days. Drinking furazolidol is necessary four times a day. Is it necessary to take other drugs? The video and the next section of the article will tell about this.

Treatment regimen for chronic lambliasis in children

Treatment of the chronic form of pediatric giardiasis occurring with an expanded clinical picture should be carried out in three stages. There is no general therapeutic scheme. And all because in each specific case a method is chosen that takes into account, first of all, the age of the child and the severity of the manifestation of intestinal infection. But when drawing up a medicamental scheme, the basic principles of antiparasitic therapy are used. There are three.

  • At the first stage, preparatory therapy is carried out, allowing to eliminate the already existing pathological changes, the main symptoms that cause a general malaise of the sick child. The main task is to restore the basic functions of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize digestion, eliminate manifestations of general intoxication and skin allergy( if any).That is why the child can be prescribed choleretic preparations, enterosorbents, drugs against allergies. Doctors, responding to a question about how to treat giardiasis in children, pay attention to the need to comply with a diet that can help to create conditions unfavorable for the life of lamblia. The ration for children is discussed with the doctors, they paint in detail what you can eat a child, which will completely abandon. Which doctor should I seek help with? To pediatricians, they, if necessary, will be redirected to infectionists or gastroenterologists.
  • The focus on the second stage is on the destruction of lamblia in children. Babies are prescribed drugs that have a disastrous effect on the simplest parasites. Simultaneously, it is advisable to continue taking enterosorbents and antihistamine tablets. This is necessary in order to reduce the impact of toxins, which in large quantities are formed after the death of giardias. Because of the high toxicity of antiparasitic drugs, the treatment of pediatric giardiasis in the second stage lasts no more than ten days.
  • The third is dedicated to rehabilitation. It is important, after carrying out the described scheme of treatment, to help the body to restore lost strength, to strengthen immunity, to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, to eliminate dysbacteriosis and the side effect of the drugs taken. Children are assigned plant adaptogens, multivitamin complexes, probiotics and prebiotics, enzyme tablets.

After acquaintance with the scheme of treatment of Giardiasis, Dr. Komarovsky points out that the use of highly toxic drugs does not pass without a trace. On the third day of treatment, children tend to get worse. Do not be afraid of such a reaction. As already mentioned above, the death of lamblia leads to the release of a large number of toxins into the blood. The intensity of symptoms decreases about a week after the start of treatment for giardiasis in children. After the therapy, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic checkup and take all measures to prevent the re-infection.

Treatment of giardiasis in children with the help of the

diet Many experts are sure that it is possible to treat simple lamblia in children, which has no bright clinical manifestations, without medicines, observing only a diet and using some folk remedies. The rules of the diet are extremely simple:

  1. In the daily diet of children, it is necessary to include foods the effect of which has an antiparasitic effect. These are dried fruits, pumpkin seeds, cereals, sunflower oil, raw vegetables.
  2. It is useful to include in the diet acidic fruits and berries. They contain a large number of antioxidants, which reduce the effects of intoxication.
  3. Fish and meat should be consumed in moderation, subjecting them to prolonged heat treatment.
  4. Sour-milk products will help restore the intestinal microflora.
  5. It is important to completely abandon the use of fast carbohydrates - the basis of nutrition of the simplest microorganisms.

During the diet, children are transferred to a split meal, parents should teach them to eat often( five, six times a day), but in small portions. All dishes are served exclusively in warm and ragged form. Dr. Komarovsky pays attention to the fact that the child during the treatment of Giardiasis should drink a lot. It is important that it is water. Carbonated drinks and sweet juices are completely excluded.

So, we sum up. Medicamentous treatment of giardiasis in children should be performed only when there are bright symptoms in the clinical picture. If cysts are found in the feces, but the child feels well, you can try to get rid of the carrier with a therapeutic diet.

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