Why worms in humans, where do helminths come from?

Very many dangerous diseases can be provoked by parasites. Knowing about where worms are taken from a person, why infection becomes possible, you can try to prevent the invasion. Helminths get into the human body by the oral route, they develop from cysts, eggs, or worm larvae. Doctors know about four hundred species of helminths, capable of parasitizing inside a child or an adult. Considering the fact that any of us can diagnose a decrease in the protective function of the body and a high level of slagging, we can say with confidence that there are the most favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of worms.

Few of us wonder why a person has worms, where dangerous parasites come from. In fact, there are quite a few situations in which infection becomes possible. List the most common ways of infection is simple:

  1. The alimentary path involves parasite infestation when basic hygiene rules are not respected, through the use of contaminated food and water.
  2. Contact-household way involves infection by worms through household items, through contact with infected people or pets.
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  3. The transmissive pathway involves the transfer of helminths through insects sucking blood.
  4. Percutaneous path involves the penetration of worm larvae through the skin or through the mucous membrane. Most often, such contact occurs during bathing in contaminated water bodies.

Where do worms come from?

Why such sources become the causes of the development of helminthiases, where do worms appear on fruits and meat? In many parasites, the larval stage begins precisely in the soil. For the maturation of larvae, certain conditions are necessary: ​​plus temperature and high humidity. Eggs are sown in the soil by animals. They get there and during watering with contaminated sewage. Eggs of many worms remain viable for six months. Therefore, a child playing on the street can easily put them into his mouth, picking up dirty toys. That's where such helminths come from, that's why such parasites as ascarids and toxocars appear in the body.

In Russia, alimentary can be infected with helminthiasis, provoked by the vital activity of such a parasite as a whipworm. Dangerous are the helminths, whose development cycle implies the presence of an intermediate host( Trichinella, bovine and porcine tapeworm).Their eggs are not terrible to humans, but if they get into the body of domestic animals or fish, they quickly turn into adults, which multiply rapidly, not only in the intestines, but also in the muscles, the liver, the heart, and other organs. If you eat badly roasted meat of an infected animal, the invasion is completely assured. That is why it is necessary to choose and prepare fish correctly.

Improper consumption of fish also leads to disastrous consequences. Certain worms are found in different types of fish. So, for example, only in carp fish( in roach, in carp, in crucian carp) live the larva of the cat's fluke. Having eaten perch or burbot, pike or ruff, you can swallow the larvae of a wide ribbon. In sea fish, Anisakids often settle. Knowing why a person, when eating fish, can get infected with worms, where parasites come from, you need to eat cured or smoked foods carefully. You can not eat properly salted fish, lard, ice cream( stroganina).

Why worms?

Why often worms appear in people who have pets? Dogs and cats often lie in the mud, pulling themselves shallow holes. The eggs are attached to the wool, the dog entering the house is a direct threat. Another dog is able through wet breath to scatter the eggs of worms to a distance of up to five meters, a cat - up to three. Fleas of domestic animals are also potential vectors of parasite eggs. That's why all owners of pets need to do deworming twice a year.

The man himself, entering his house, leaves the street shoes on the doorstep in the apartment. Why, when harvesting eggs or larvae of worms, adhered to the sole, easily spread throughout the hallway, and then into all rooms. Why do they become dangerous in this case? It is enough to touch the infected surface with the hand and the invasion will be ensured. Every day we several times with our hands from the fridge we get raw meat or eggs, and then not my hands with soap. And this is another very common way of getting infected with worms. Where can parasites get into the house?

You can get infected from a patient. Why? As a rule, if one member of the family has pinworms, they will necessarily appear in other family members. Why is this happening? Where do small whitish worms come from? Pinworm lodges in the large intestine, but it lays its eggs outward. Special mucus she lays anus. Why it appears and itching. Every person gets rid of him by combing. Why eggs pinworms fall into their hands, clogged under their nails. Up to all that the patient touches, becomes a source of potential danger. Contact and household way of infection provokes infection of all who are in direct contact with the patient. That is why when pinpoints are found in one child in a kindergarten or in a school, quarantine is organized, a thorough examination of the entire circle of communication, parents, brothers and sisters including.

In addition to household contact, there are other ways in which there is an infection of worms from person to person. Larvae of ascarids, for example, during the life cycle, are able to enter the oral cavity through the respiratory tract. Pulmonary flukes, living in the lungs, also often appear in the oral cavity. There, mixing with saliva, become a potential threat. That's why it is possible to get infected with worms and with the usual kiss, and when you use the same dishes.

Where do worms come from, why can they appear in an intrauterine fetus? Some helminths migrate easily throughout the body. Through the flow of lymph they can easily penetrate through the placenta. But through the breast milk, worms are not transmitted.

Why do worms appear?

It happens that a person very carefully observes the rules of personal hygiene, thoroughly washes fruits and vegetables, eats well cooked meat and fish, does not contact with pets, but the diagnosis of helminthiosis is still being made. Where do parasites come from in this case, why does the invasion develop? Infection can occur through the bite of bloodsucking insects. Very often they are the ones who carry eggs of dangerous worms on their paws. A similar path is most common in countries located in the tropical belt of the earth. Therefore, going on a long journey, it is important to remember this and try to take measures that can protect against invasions. That's why there are so many foci of infection in the country.

Percutaneous path is the most active route of infection with worms. Why? They enter the body through the skin or mucous membranes. In this way, anchistomas, larvae of schistosomes, freely floating in water enter the body. In the risk zone are countries with hot climates, those where the parasites are most "intimate" live pathogens.

Knowing about why worms appear, where they come from, the question naturally arises as to how to prevent the development of invasions. Of course, you do not need to buy airtight spacesuits and drive out all pets from the house. You can live in pleasure if you learn several important rules:

  • You can not drink unboiled water, you can not swim in ponds filled with inactive water.
  • Before and after each meal, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Why?because the places of emptying are the most favorable environment for the development of parasites.
  • Protect the apartment from the penetration of insects( flies, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas).
  • When going to visit distant countries, you need to do all the necessary vaccinations. Why? Only in this way can you protect yourself from infection by the most complex invasions.
  • Never kiss pets. Twice a year both dogs and cats need to be taken to the veterinarian and to perform deworming under his supervision.
  • It is important to always keep a clean house.
  • Specialists recommend to remember that you can not completely protect yourself from infection with worms, but understanding why parasites come from where they can get into the body helps to significantly minimize the existing risks.
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