Pain in giardiasis - in the abdomen, joints( arthritis), headaches, where it hurts during treatment, can the knees ache?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to tell about the pathogenesis of the disease. Infection occurs when swallowing cysts of lamblia. They easily overcome the aggressive environment of the stomach and enter the first parts of the intestine. There, under the action of bile, the integrity of the cyst shell is destroyed, two organisms( trophozoid) are born from each cyst, which lead an active vegetative form. After birth, the trophozoids are sent to the rim of intestinal villi, shaped similar to a brush. Fixing there, trophozoids feed on what should be absorbed by villi( amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, lipids).

In the process of their life, lamblia provoke a violation of the formation of various enzymes, so the digestion process is disrupted. The sick organism begins to suffer acute shortage of necessary nutrients, fat-soluble vitamins, as well as ascorbic acid, cease to flow into the blood.

To the fibers of the lyblya mucosa are attached by means of a suction disk. It easily breaks the integrity of a thin layer. With an increase in the number of parasites, a large area of ​​the small intestine is involved in the pathological process. The destruction of cells of the mucosa is accompanied by inflammation and atrophy. That's why almost always giardiasis takes place against the background of enterocolitis and duodenitis. Patients periodically complain of a slight increase in temperature, rapid fatigue and apathy. That is why in adults and children there are various pains( in the stomach, including), to describe the nature of which is not so difficult. Localization suggests the choice of the treatment line.

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Abdominal pain in lamblia

Abdominal pain in giardiasis is due to an inflammatory process affecting the small intestinal mucosa. They are of the following character:

  1. Localize in the right hypochondrium, in the epigastrium. If through the abdomen to hold two perpendicular features centered neatly through the navel, then it appears in the upper part of the right square immediately after the thorax.
  2. Pain around the navel is a symptom of enterocolitis.
  3. The appearance of the syndrome is not associated with eating( as with an ulcer, for example).
  4. With giardiasis, abdominal pains appear in the form of severe attacks.
  5. Often accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees.

If the listed manifestations are paired with dyspeptic disorders( decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, headaches and sleep disturbance), you can suspect a lambliasis and start an adequate treatment in a hundred percent of cases.

They arise due to the development of general intoxication of the body. A similar process is the response of the organism to the active vital activity of flagellar microorganisms. During it, a large number of toxins are absorbed into the blood, which gradually poison all internal systems, including the brain. As a consequence - the emergence of permanent headaches, significantly worsen the quality of life of the patient.

Joint pain with giardiasis

In some patients, the disease can cause joint pain. They are associated with the development of reactive arthritis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory processes. Most often, the knees ache. Why does this happen? Reactive arthritis begins to actively manifest itself on the 32nd day of introduction into the human body of an infectious agent. If the disease has a protracted nature, if chronic giardiasis develops, a gastrointestinal infection having a bacterial origin becomes the cause of the onset of the inflammatory process in the joints. That's why with giardiasis, not only the stomach can ache, but also the knees, hands and feet.

Than the described syndrome can be characterized:

  • Unpleasant sensations appear with active movement. The wider the amplitude of motion, the heavier becomes malaise. The patient feels aching pain, at night, it intensifies strongly.
  • A noticeable swelling appears around the inflamed areas. It is explained by the fact that the inflamed joint increases in size. This happens because the cavity accumulates exudate, it presses on the surrounding tissue and forms an edema.
  • In the morning after awakening, the patient feels stiffness in the body.
  • Palpation of the inflamed knee causes a sharp pain, which in a quiet position a little passes.

Knowing what pain can occur with giardiasis, where it can be disposed, how to manifest oneself, you can in time suspect the nature of the infection and seek help from a profile doctor. Previously, treatment prevents complications.

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