Red worms, whether there can be helminths of such color at the child and the adult person( photo)?

Among the large group of lower worms causing parasitic diseases may be worms of red color - ascarids and curved heads.

Representing large worms of red-yellow color, ascarids cause a disease called "ascaridosis."Eggs of helminths penetrate into the intestine through the mouth, and further larvae with a stream of blood are carried throughout the body. Larvae through the alveoli and bronchi penetrate into the mouth with sputum and make a return trip to the intestine, where the final transformation into an adult takes place. Already during their movement through the body, ascarids cause damage to the integrity of the walls of the mucous membrane, provoking the development of inflammatory processes and small bleeding. The main causes of infection with worms are dirty hands, unwashed vegetables, fruits, greens, and through contaminated household items.

Symptoms of helminthic invasion are:

  • increased fatigue, weakness, increased irritability;
  • body temperature up to 38 ° C and above;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • appearance on the skin surface of the rash.
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Red worms, turning into an adult, can contribute to the development of anorexia or bulimia and are accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Red worms in humans when in the lungs cause shortness of breath, pain in the sternum and dry cough. Red helminths can, as a result of their vital activity, become the primary or secondary cause of the development of inflammation of the abdominal cavity( peritonitis) threatening with its complications.

If the worms get into the bile ducts or bladder, inflammation( cholecystitis, cholangitis) starts, and a clump of worms in the appendix can trigger acute appendicitis. Especially dangerous are red worms in a child due to its huge size. A ball of adults can cause the baby to have an intestinal obstruction, and if it gets into the pharynx, cause suffocation. Settled in the lungs of a child or an adult, they cause their inflammation, kidneys - inflammation of the kidneys, and in the brain - damage to brain tissue. Clogging the tear ducts, ascarids lead to serious eye diseases, which can result in blindness. To see red worms in the photo is possible with the help of an X-ray while passing through the lungs.

For the treatment of helminthiosis and the destruction of red worms, medicines and folk remedies are used. In the choice of drugs, preference is given to those that increase the motor activity of parasites, forcing them to leave the human body as quickly as possible. For example, the action of such a drug as Mebendazole is based on the fact that it blocks absorption, worms of glucose, contributing to a metabolic disorder. As a result, helminths perceive the habitat as hostile and seek to leave it as quickly as possible. In addition, the lack of glucose leads to starvation and death of parasites from exhaustion. In case of a large accumulation of worms, surgical treatment or a method of sensing is used.

Crooked heads - small worms of red color( pictured), found only in the zone of subtropics and tropics, so they are much less common than roundworms. Parasitizing the human duodenum, the worms excrete the eggs and with feces they enter the soil and form larvae. Larvae when lying on grass or walking barefoot penetrate through the skin and migrate throughout the body with blood. It is also possible to contaminate through dirty hands. Larvae, reaching the intestine, with sharp teeth gnaw through the wall and begin to grow, turning into red worms, as depicted in the photo. In the process of growth, they express the walls of the intestine and eventually cause anemia. Treatment is carried out only medicamentous.

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