Drugs with toxocarosis in humans, treatment with toxocar Nemozol, Vermox, Albendazol, Wormil, Pirantel and other drugs

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Drugs from toxocarosis, invasion caused by larvae of the round nematode of the genus Toxocara canis and not having characteristic features, should be selected only by a specialist. This disease is not fully understood, so doctors for therapeutic purposes use antinematodic drugs and methods of concomitant, auxiliary therapy. Typically, Albendazol, Wormil, Pirantel, Milbemax, Decaris, Vermox and Nemozol are prescribed for the destruction of parasite larvae capable of settling in any human body. But due to the fact that they have high toxicity, the dosage of drugs that help cope with toxocarias should be selected by a specialist after the patient undergoes a complete examination.

Due to the fact that these worms provoke the development of allergy, people who are infected with them need desensitizing therapy designed to prevent or reduce this manifestation of invasion. To do this, together with drugs from toxocarosis - Vermox, Nemosol, and other similar to them in properties and relieving migratory larvae toxocar, the patient is prescribed and drugs such as Tavegil, Claritin and Zirtek, removing allergy manifestations and preventing the occurrence of side effects from the use offor the treatment of helminthiasis of potent medicines.

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Drugs from toxocarosis in humans

Antiparasitic specific therapy for this helminthiosis may be prescribed only by a specialist if the patient has strict indications. In addition to the symptoms associated with this invasion, a person should have a high ELISA titer and changes in the general blood test. Due to the fact that all toxocareous pills are effective only against migratory larvae, long-term courses are required. Only thanks to such treatment it is possible to destroy those larvae that were in the encapsulated state at the time of the start of the medication intake. As antiparasitic therapy, the following preparations are used:

  • Albendazole. It causes damage to the tubulin protein disrupting the function of the microtubule apparatus of the cell. As a consequence, in the cells of larvae, biochemical processes are violated and glucose transport is inhibited. Taking Albdendazole with toxocarosis leads to the cessation of the development of the larvae of the parasite. It is characterized by absolute absorption. When absorbed, their active substance is converted to albendazole sulfoxide, which ensures high efficacy of the drug in toxocariasis;
  • Wormil also has high efficacy in the treatment of tissue forms of parasitic diseases. The tablet acts on the larvae and eggs of roundworms. The efficacy of Vormil in toxocarosis is due to the ability of its active substance to suppress the polymerization of tubulin, which causes the death of not only adult individuals of nematodes, but also their larvae;
  • Pirantel causes neuromuscular blockade of parasites and ensures their destruction without stimulating migration. The drug Pirantel with toxocarosis is prescribed to patients of any age, only if the therapy is performed in a child under 6 years of age, it should be in the form of a suspension;
  • Milbemax increases the permeability of cell membranes, which leads to paralysis of the larvae and their subsequent death, within 2 days from the beginning of admission is excreted from the patient's body with urine. If during the treatment of toxocarosis take Milbemax in full compliance with the instructions, there will be no development of side effects from this drug. But an overdose can provoke depression, tremors, muscle paresis and allergic reactions;
  • Decaris actively blocks the action of certain enzymes( fumarate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase).Due to this action, the drug disrupts the cellular exchange in nematode larvae and, as a result, their destruction occurs. But due to the fact that reception of Decaris in case of toxocarosis can be accompanied by side effects affecting different systems of the body, long-term therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

Treatment of toxocarosis by Vermox

Vermox inhibits the synthesis of ATP and cellular tubulin, which causes irreversible damage to biological metabolism in parasitic larvae. With this invasion, this drug is prescribed at 200-300 mg per day. Taking the drug with toxocarosis should last from 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the degree of infestation. Usually, Vermox does not cause adverse reactions, but any patient may have an individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug, therefore, all the therapeutic measures for helminthiases should be performed under the supervision of a specialist. Side effects from taking Vermox can be as follows:

  • The drug may cause diarrheal disorders;
  • Allergic reactions and dizziness were noted during its administration during toxoxazole therapy;
  • Vermox can provoke the development of anemia.

There are also cases of Vermox overdose, as a result of which the patient has stool disorders, vomiting and abdominal pain. When a specialist appoints these pills, the patient is not allowed to eat fatty foods and alcoholic beverages. Also, concomitant with laxatives is not recommended at the same time.

Nemosol for Toxocarose in Children

This drug is considered one of the most effective in this infestation. Nemozol well affects both the larvae and the eggs of the parasite. All appointments for his admission, especially for young patients, should only be performed by a doctor. Usually, experts recommend the following dosage of Nemosol:

  • Children under the age of 14 years, 10 mg / kg body weight. Reception of the money must be done by them in the morning and in the evening;
  • Adolescents after 14 years of age Nemozol with toxocarosis appointed 200 mg 2 times a day.

The duration of therapeutic measures with this drug is in children 1-2 weeks. Side effects of Nemosol, one of the most effective drugs for a child with toxocarosis, can arise from the nervous and digestive systems( abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, meningeal symptoms).Also, as a result of taking small Nemosol patients, they often have allergic reactions, increased pressure and temperature, and acute renal failure. That is why babies who are effective in toxocarosis should take Nemozol only for the doctor's prescription and under his supervision. Specific indications that must be observed when treating toxocarias with this drug are as follows:

  • It is mandatory for all patients to control the cellular composition of the blood. In the case of development of leukopenia, therapeutic measures are suspended;
  • If a child develops neurocysticercosis during anti-cystic therapy, he is given glucocorticosteroids and anticonvulsant drugs to prevent the onset of a hypertensive attack;
  • To monitor the quality of ongoing therapy, regular blood testing is necessary.
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