Analyzes for worms( helminths, helminthic invasions, helminthiases) in children and adults, how to surrender, where to take, how they are called, how much they are made, what kinds they take, how to decipher the results?

The most common problem of people of any age category, both children and adults - is parasites. Among them there are protozoa and helminths that enter the body from the external environment and cause a lot of serious diseases. Some of them are so dangerous that they can even end with a fatal outcome. Invasion is equally affected by everything. Here, it does not matter where the person lives, in a rural area or in a big metropolis, or what social status it has.

To find out whether the patient has helminths or protozoan parasites, it is necessary to pass tests for worms. They are mandatory, because they allow you to quickly and reliably determine the exact form of parasites available to a person. This allows us to start appropriate and timely treatment, which is a very important step for maintaining health, and sometimes life. Many people who are faced with this scourge are interested in the question of what tests should be given to determine the worms, how long they are made and how expensive they are. In order to find out exactly whether parasites are present in the body or not, it is necessary to undergo the following studies:

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  • If you suspect a helminth infection or the appearance of symptoms of invasion, compulsory analysis of feces for eggs is called a worm, which is called a coprogram. It is spent both to the child, and to the adult for definition at them a degree of infection intestinal parasites. The readiness of the results of this study is from 1 to 6 days;
  • In addition, take scraping on enterobiasis. It is designed to detect infestations with pinworms. These helminths lay their eggs in the folds surrounding the anus. In order to accurately identify pinworms causing enterobiosis, it is high, make this type of analysis for worms in accordance with special recommendations: scraping takes 2-3 times, and the interval between each capture should be several days in time;
  • You can detect the presence of worms and with the help of a blood test, which is taken from the vein. It is called an enzyme immunoassay. By the time the results of this study are ready in the range of 1 to 9 days.

But as for the cost of these diagnostics, it is recommended to contact a polyclinic or a laboratory at your place of residence. The thing is that there is no general criterion for value. It varies depending on which type of parasites are detected.

How correctly to pass analyzes on helminths?

Studies conducted to detect the presence of worms or protozoa are needed not only in case of suspected invasion. This diagnosis is also necessary for the planned hospitalization of a patient in a hospital, obtaining a certificate in the pool, passing medical examination or registering a child in school or kindergarten. Soskob on enterobiosis and blood on ELISA are given in the laboratory, but the analysis for eggs of the worm is collected independently. That is why it is necessary to know how to surrender the biological material so that the specialist could correctly determine the type of parasite that struck a person:

  • On the eve of putting the feces on helminths, it is impossible to do cleansing enemas or to take saline laxatives;
  • Immediately before collection, do not wash out;
  • It is necessary to urinate beforehand so that the drops of urine do not fall into the stool;
  • It is recommended to scrape only in a clean pot or on paper;
  • Material for analysis for helminthiasis is taken with a clean and dry spoon made from a special sterile container purchased at the pharmacy;
  • If there are visible adult worms, they are also added to the container;
  • The container with biomaterial must be tightly closed and signed. Store it can be no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

To detect pinworms that cause enterobiosis, scrapings will be performed in the laboratory, so it is impossible to wash it before visiting it. In the case when there is a suspicion of the presence of lamblia, feces for analysis on eggs the worm should be brought to the place of research warm, that is, after sampling it should not take more than 15 minutes. All the rules for collecting biological material can be found in numerous video materials on this topic. This video is popular among patients with invasions, as it helps to collect the feces correctly, without asking someone for advice on this delicate problem, which will allow the specialist to correctly determine the type of protozoa or helminths located in the intestine of an adult or a child.

Many people are interested in deciphering the results of the analysis for the presence of worms. Normally it is taken 3 times, and all samples should be negative. This means that the eggs of the helminths in the feces are not found. If at least one portion of the biomaterial shows a positive result, it is deciphered so that the patient has helminths. In this case, a monthly course of treatment is required, after which it is necessary to undergo a second investigation. Also, if a positive result is obtained, the type of parasite found in humans will be indicated. Deciphering the analysis on the eggs of the worm is done by a specialist-parasitologist, he also prescribes appropriate treatment.

What tests for worms and ljamblias are necessary?

Such protozoa as lamblia, although they are not worms, but harm do not bring less. They cause a person quite a dangerous disease, which is called giardiasis. In order to correctly identify these protozoan parasites, studies of the feces and blood of the patient are necessary. It must be remembered that the lamblia should be tested at least 3 times, just like the worm eggs. A single trial does not show a reliable clinical picture.

In some cases, additional diagnostics are assigned to clarify the diagnosis. It consists in carrying out fibrogastroscopy, during which the contents of the rectum are studied. In the samples taken it is possible to detect trophozoites - mobile forms of lamblia. As a rule, doctors recommend this analysis to a person to get a detailed picture of the disease.

What tests are passed on the worm in children?

A child needs to study feces and blood to detect helminthiasis. In addition, children at least every six months do scraping from the folds of the anus, showing the presence of pinworms. This analysis on worms is considered mandatory in all children's institutions. It is taken in 2 versions:

  • Soskob from the folds surrounding the anus;
  • Analysis of feces for egg worm.

Only two studies conducted together, most correctly show the presence of pinworms in the child's body. This is due to the fact that only adult helminths are found in the investigated feces, but they lay eggs in the folds of the skin. In the early stage of the infestation with pinworms in the analysis of stool, these worms are very difficult to detect, therefore, a scraping is necessary, which indicates the presence of parasite eggs. There are several rules that allow obtaining the most reliable information from the analysis carried out on this type of worm:

  • The night before and in the morning, before it is taken, the baby is not washed;
  • The child should be set up so that he does not fear the upcoming procedure.

Self scraping is painless and is carried out with the help of a special adhesive tape or glass rod. With the help of this study, helminths of pinworms are detected quite quickly. Pediatricians are advised to take the scraping once every six months. For reliability, each time it is carried out twice with an interval of 3 days.

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