Glistov in the joints, pain from helminths, inflammation in the knees during helminthic invasion

Worms, settling in the human body, for a long time can go unnoticed. It's not that worm infestation does not cause any symptoms, it's just that all these symptoms can be confused with other diseases. Parasites live not only in the digestive organs, some of their species can move around the body. That is why the symptoms of infection depend on the organ that is affected. Can there be worms in the joints?

Some types of worms, getting into the flow of blood, can freely penetrate into any organ. For example, parasites can get into muscles and joints. In this case, the patient does not even think about that he has helminthiasis, because all the symptoms point to such a disease as arthritis. Wrist joints are very dangerous to health, they injure tissues and cause inflammation. If the patient is not treated in time, the joint can be seriously damaged.

In some cases, infection with parasites leads to the fact that the patient becomes difficult to walk, and doctors do not understand the cause of the disease. Antiparasitic treatment can help, but only if you start it on time, otherwise the damage to the muscles and joints will be irreversible.

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Glaive invasion causes inflammation in the knees, pain, and also a malfunction in the immune system. With the penetration of worms into the muscles, an inflammatory reaction occurs, as a result of which the muscle tissue suffers changes, it is replaced by a connective tissue and a so-called fibrosis occurs. The muscle becomes weak and gradually loses its functions.

Immunity also attempts to respond to invading worms, however, after a long and unsuccessful fight, autoimmune reactions may occur. They can be considered a trigger mechanism to the onset of the development of joint diseases. As a result, their own tissues are affected.

Diagnosis of helminths in joints

Glistov in joints is difficult to recognize, so often many patients for a long time are unsuccessfully treated for arthritis. There are several ways to identify parasites in the body: stool analysis, vegetative resonance testing, and blood tests( enzyme immunoassay).

The first method of detection is not very effective. It is not always possible to see parasites in feces, besides, worms do not always go out with feces. The second method of diagnosis is based on the identification of parasites by vibrations that come from all living beings.

Helminths in joints are difficult to diagnose, but it is possible to determine their presence in the body by special enzyme immunoassay. When infected, the immunity begins to produce special antibodies, which are necessary for pest control. By their presence in the blood, it can be suspected of infecting parasites.

Treatment of worms in joints

Methods of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after determining the type of parasites. As a rule, anthelminthic therapy is used, which is aimed at the destruction of parasites. In addition, immunity will need to be strengthened. If the joints and muscles have been severely damaged, the doctor can prescribe medications, as well as physiotherapy procedures that would improve their condition. Use antihelminthic drugs without consulting a doctor, because they have many contraindications.

Pain in joints with worms should not be ignored. Helminthiasis of the organs is very dangerous, they cause serious tissue damage, which can be irreversible. Treatment for parasites should be comprehensive and timely.

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