Blood test for antibodies to lamblia, ELISA for giardiasis, immunoglobulins IgG, IgM, IgA, titer 1 /10/20/40/80/100/160/200/ 400, decoding, how to take?

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Today, in the diagnosis of giardiasis, immunoassay blood testing, which helps to detect parasites at the earliest stages of infection, is very popular. This is an informative analytical tool, with the help of biomedical research, experts can confirm with 100% accuracy or deny the carriage of the simplest flagellum microorganisms. The principle of the enzyme immunoassay( ELISA) is extremely simple: the test is based on the ability of antibodies( AT) to change its color during parasitism of a particular parasite.

ELISA for antibodies to lamblia has other goals than feces or duodenal sounding. The study of the composition of the stool makes it possible to detect the carrier of the simplest flagellate microorganisms. But the truthfulness of reading answers, first of all, depends on the skills and experience of the laboratory assistant, on the quality of the equipment used. If the amount of lamblia is small, it will be difficult to detect cysts in feces. Quite often the analysis of feces requires re-holding, and taking samples at different time periods. There are certain conditions for the collection of faeces. How to take the material? He must reach the laboratory technician in a "warm" form. It is sometimes very difficult to do this, especially when it is necessary to diagnose small children.

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ELISA can detect the presence of lamblia in the blood of an infected person. The accuracy of responses depends on various factors:

  1. On the activity of microscopic parasites.
  2. On the number of parasitic giardias.
  3. From the concentration of antigens( in the tests they have the letter designation Ig) and antibodies in the blood of the infected person.

Conducting ELISA on Giardia

ELISA is based on the concept of binding an antigen to specific antibodies. When any parasites begin to parasitize in the human body, the immune reflex, which binds certain molecules or parts of the cells, works. ELISA is a method that allows to detect or disprove the presence of a desired microorganism, which has a pathological effect on internal organs. Conducting it, physicians receive two answers: the immune and enzymatic reaction. In their hands is a method that allows you to see or measure the biochemical changes occurring within the human body during the parasitism of the simplest unicellular parasites - lamblia.

How does immunity affect the parasitism of lamblia? With a positive result in the human body, there is a reaction of binding of foreign cells with the antibody. Antigens are structures that are anatomically located on the surface of any cell. They carry in themselves all the information about it. For each of us, the described compounds are individual. Each cell recognizes its antigens. It is able to recognize and foreign structures, when combined with them, the cell also becomes alien.

It is on the surface of such an alien cell that antigens are formed, which in their properties do not coincide with the information of the "native" cell of a person. If such a situation arises, the immunity reaction works: the cell that detects foreign ligaments destroys them. ELISA blood for antibodies to lamblia is designed to identify antigens and, according to the existing classification of codes and titers, calculate which infection or invasion develops within the human body.

Types of antibodies to lamblia

Today, five classes of antibodies( protein structures or immunoglobulin) have been identified. Each antibody has a specificity to bind to certain foreign compounds located in different parts of the human body. Antibodies are not numbered for convenience, they are called uppercase Latin letters( A, M, G, D and E).

By linking alphabetic designations and digital signs of AT, doctors decipher the results and give them a diagnostic characteristic. What does it mean to record IgM( -) or IgG( -), as well as IgA( -)?She says that there are no helminths and lamblia inside the human body. Recording of IgM( +), as well as IgG( - / +) and IgA( - / +) indicates the diagnosis of the acute phase of parasitic infection. If ELISA responds to IgM( +) or IgG( +), IgA( +), an exacerbation of chronic parasitic infection of lamblia is diagnosed. The presence of chronic carriers is indicated by the total values ​​of IgM( -), IgG( +/-), IgA( +/-).

In addition to the letter designations, the ELISA of blood for antibodies in decoding can also have numerical values ​​expressed as integers or fractional numbers. They show the number of antibodies. Carrying lamblia, for example, has a credit of 1/100.Titles 1/200, 1/400, 1/800 speak about the beginning of a lambliasis. To understand that the norm or not, the attending physician who received the results of the described survey will help.

To conduct or not IFA?Definitely yes! And all because only antibody analysis allows not only to detect the presence of lamblia and other parasites in a child or an adult, but also to determine which stage of the infection is developing at the moment. And this is a true help in the formation of the correct treatment regimen.

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