Do the worms go by themselves, will they pass, how fast can the child go through, can they disappear, what should they do?

Parents ask: "Can the worms go by themselves, is it always necessary to treat the child"?They believe that drug therapy can cause more harm than the presence of helminths in the body. In most cases, these fears are not justified.modern anthelmintic drugs in an optimally selected dose practically do not have side effects and are well tolerated, recovery comes quickly.

Of course, parents can be presumptuous and rely on luck. And you can start treating helminthiasis with special preparations in time, without waiting for the worms to pass by themselves. This approach is most rational, becauseThe time during which the worms can independently disappear, is often very large. Worms do not pass by themselves until their cycle of reproduction is completely interrupted and the last female or male dies. Usually this occurs in the 3-4 cycle, the duration of which in different helminths is variable( sometimes reaches several years).It is impossible to lose this time, allowing the development of serious complications that can quickly become irreversible in a growing child's body. These include:

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  • Creation of a mechanical obstruction in organs that affect worms( this causes bowel obstruction, bronchospasm, etc.)
  • Development of allergization in the child's body, which manifests itself as a rash, swelling, fever, anaphylactic shock
  • Dysbacteriosis of the intestine thatpredisposes to a number of diseases of the digestive system
  • Metabolic shifts( when helminths do not pass for a long time, they compete with the baby for nutrients, and some of these parasitesdirectly destroy the blood cells)
  • Intoxication with products released by helminths during their life, as well as with glands of parasites
  • Enzyme insufficiency - the worms themselves can directly neutralize trypsin and pepsin, without which normal digestion is impossible. This property is especially pronounced in ascariasis, often accompanied by the syndrome of impaired absorption.
  • Reflex action on the nervous system manifested by spasm of the bronchi, fluctuation in the level of pressure, increased sweating, etc.
  • Oncogenic effects. Worms that do not last a long time, can initiate the development of certain tumors. Thus, with opisthorchiasis, the risk of developing hepatic cancer increases, and in schistosomiasis - bladder cancer and the formation in it of papillomas
  • Increased psychoemotional irritability of children. This is facilitated by a state where the child sees helminths or parts that come out of the mouth or anus. A plentiful rash on the body also leads to stress in childhood( children fear that rashes may not disappear, but remain for life).

Therefore, do not wait for the moment when the worms themselves will pass. This can lead to irreversible consequences in the child's body, which it will be very difficult or even impossible to cope with. Often such children need not only the help of a parasitologist, but also a pediatrician, a gastrologist, a psychiatrist, an allergist and other specialists, if the parents lose time, relying on the case. You should immediately consult a doctor at the first suspicious signs. The purpose of anthelmintic therapy can quickly interrupt this vicious circle.

But what if the worms do not pass even against the background of drug therapy? This may be the case in extremely rare cases when helminths are insensitive to the prescribed drug or compliance with general recommendations( nutrition, personal hygiene, etc.) is violated. In this situation, it is enough to change the therapy and follow the doctor's advice so that the worms disappear.

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