Hemorrhoids and paraproctitis

In some cases, paraproctitis may be combined with hemorrhoids. Mostly the second disease will be detected in the process of examining patients who have symptomatic acute course of paraproctitis, as a concomitant disease.

The surface of the medial walls of the internal hemorrhoids is an element of the walls of the anal canal, which in an unfavorable situation, mainly with chronic constipation, thinning and loosening through permanent injuries during the defecation of the walls of the hemorrhoids. Along with this, this phenomenon is the cause of infection of the mouths of the anal crypts with the development of acute purulent inflammatory processes.

It should be noted that in a large number of cases, the internal openings of the abscesses will be located on the surface of the posterior and anterior walls of the anal canal, and not on the lateral. Thus, it becomes clear that the problem of paraproctitis with hemorrhoids requires further study, but many patients positively evaluated the result of using Vishnevsky ointment.

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Examples of treatment of hemorrhoids with paraproctitis

When a patient entered the hospital at the age of 47 years, who for 10 years suffered from hemorrhoids with prolapsed nodes and frequent emergence of exacerbations, during the last week the symptomatology of paraproctitis began, consisting of constant painful sensations in the anus, which are strengthened during defecation. So the combined hemorrhoids with submucosal acute paraproctitis was diagnosed, which led to the urgent surgery - the bandaging of three internal hemorrhoids, together with the dissection of the anal canal abscess. The operation was successful without complications.

A patient who was treated 3 years ago from a paraproctitis, at the age of 38 turned to a specialist about the appearance of painful sensations. During the examination, the occurrence of a recurrent pararectal fistula with a thrombosed internal hemorrhoidal node was detected. Under local anesthesia, a thrombus was removed with a small incision, and a catgut suture was applied. The operation was successful without complications.

As can be seen, each case requires an individual treatment strategy, which will depend on the location of the abscess and its extent of prevalence.

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