Allergic and alimentary enteritis

The clinical picture of the development of such a disease as enteritis, primarily depends on the etiology of the disease and the body's response. Under allergic and alimentary enteritis is meant inflammatory processes in the cavity of the small intestine, which are caused by an allergic reaction or poor digestibility of food.

Alimentary enteritis appears almost immediately after unutilized food has been consumed. First, you can notice dyspeptic disorders - lack of appetite, the emergence of nausea, in some cases, it is possible and vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region. After some time, the onset of painful sensations in the peri-pooch area will begin, accompanied by a noisy rumbling at the subsequent copious stool. Also, often with the alimentary form of the disease, the onset of common signs of intoxication begins.

Allergic enteritis occurs quite quickly - several hours after the food allergens have been introduced into the body. Simultaneously with the development of intestinal symptoms, there may be other signs, for example, hives or swelling. There are painful sensations, as well as with the alimentary type of the disease.

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When allergic enteritis immediately begins to appear diarrhea, where the stool has a very fetid odor. In addition, there are false desires for the act of defecation, which is very tiring patient. With constant diarrhea, signs of dehydration begin to appear: pallor of the skin, dry mucous membranes, a white coating appears on the tongue, and there are teeth marks. In addition, headaches, general weakness and other signs of intoxication begin to appear.

Treatment of allergic and nutritional enteritis

In the treatment of allergic and nutritional enteritis, the intake of the product that caused the development of the disease is firstly canceled. Food should be mucous in nature or be wiped. The content of table salt should not be higher than 5-6 g, and all sharp, canned, fried, fatty and marinated dishes are completely excluded.

Patient is prescribed compliance with bed rest. In addition, a specialist will be prescribed gastric lavage and setting a cleansing enema. In order to eliminate the inflammatory process, Sulgin, Ftalazol, and also antibiotics - Levomycetin or Synthomycin - are prescribed. Subcutaneously, caffeine, cordiamine is injected, in case of severe disease, a physiological or glucose 5% solution.

If there is a convulsive syndrome, then 10% saline solution can be injected intravenously. At strong morbid sensations the indications are warmth and atropine preparations.

Simultaneously with such treatment of allergic and nutritional enteritis, vitamins - ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, Riboflamine, vitamins of group A, and also mineral salts - calcium and phosphorus are prescribed.

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