Treatment of IBS with antidepressants, sedatives with irritable bowel syndrome, psychotherapeutic techniques, how to take Egonil, Terialgen, Afobazol?

Many people are aware of such a functional disease as irritable bowel syndrome. This is, first of all, an overly sensitive gut, which, for the most ordinary life situations, such as an impending date or recruitment to work, not to mention serious problems and stresses, reacting very painfully. This increased sensitivity in dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, treatment of IBS is carried out by a psychotherapist and is based on the normalization of the patient's emotional state.

In order to achieve recovery of the patient, it is necessary to completely exclude the cause that caused the onset of the disease, that is, to eliminate the mental disorder. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating manifestations of somatized depression. In order for the effect to be positive, antidepressants are most commonly prescribed. In IBS, they play a very important role. With their help, you can correct the existing disorders of the nervous system and alleviate the somatic condition. But not only medications are used by specialists in this case. Various psychotherapeutic techniques are used in IBS.Among them the following are most often used:

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  • "Abdominal" variant of autogenic training;
  • Hypnosuggest;
  • Various methods of behavioral psychotherapy.

But all these techniques should be supplemented by the appointment of antidepressants if symptoms of anxiety are found in patients. Treatment of IBS with antidepressants is carried out only after consulting a specialist after the ineffectiveness of non-pharmacological methods of correction of nervous disorders has been revealed.

Psychotherapy of irritable bowel syndrome

All antidepressant medications used in the treatment of IBS are divided into 2 large groups. These are psycholeptics and psychoanaleptics. Their effectiveness in functional GI diseases consists in arresting the pain syndrome and reducing unpleasant symptoms:

  • The first group of antidepressants in the treatment of IBS, which has a retarding and soothing effect, consists of neuroleptics that reduce psychomotor agitation and tranquilizers, providing antipholic and soothing effects, while contributing to a decreaseor complete elimination of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome;
  • The second group of antidepressants used in IBS has an activating, stimulating and stimulating effect. They lead to the development of dependence, so the use of these drugs for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome without the appointment of a specialist is prohibited.

But in connection with the fact that the use of antidepressants in relatively low doses makes it possible to improve the condition of patients with IBS and completely cure clinical symptoms in almost 80% of cases, without their application in the treatment of this pathology is indispensable. To understand the pharmacological effects of these drugs, you should review the most popular therapeutic groups.

Soothing in irritable bowel syndrome

The appearance of IBS in patients is often caused by neuroses, for which sedatives are used. The most common drugs of this group are the following:

  • Novopassit. This medicine is used in the treatment of various neuroses, including those provoking IBS.Novopassit has a combined sedative effect and is based on plant components. The pharmacological activity of the drug is caused by the anxiolytic effect of the guaifenesin entering into its composition and sedative action;
  • Often experts appoint and receive patients with IBS such a sedative antidepressant, as Afobazol. Indications for the use of Afobazol are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, triggered by neuroses caused by prolonged stress. Unlike many traditional drugs that have a sedative effect, Afobazol does not depress the central nervous system;
  • It is prescribed to patients in whom an eating disorder has arisen due to increased nervous excitability and Phenibut. It is a tranquilizer without a muscle relaxant component. It should be remembered that this antidepressant is quickly addictive. Use Fenibut in IBS at an early age should not be, because it can lead to permanent damage to brain tissue;
  • Terialzhen provides antispasmodic, antiemetic and antihistamine action. Thanks to the anti-anxiety effect of Teralzhenan, IBS quickly relieves spastic pain and normalizes the stool, which is disturbed by nervous breakdown;
  • The antidepressant Tenoten in IBS acts selectively without inhibiting the nervous system. Tenoten regulates and stabilizes the physiological mechanisms of the body without directly affecting the brain structures.

Eglonil, Amitriptyline with IBS

Antidepressant Eglonil is prescribed for patients with IBS who have abdominal pain and constipation on the background of nervous disorders. Take Eglonil with irritable bowel syndrome should be 2 times a day in a dose of 50 mg. Against the backdrop of basic treatment, within a week, it leads to the disappearance of clinical manifestations in patients. At the same time, somatoform manifestations are eliminated, as well as depression and anxiety are eliminated.

Amitriptyline is also prescribed for the elimination of diarrhea, neuropathic abdominal pains and depressive conditions. A side effect from the use of Amitriptyline, especially when the technique of admission is disturbed, can be the appearance of constipation, dry mouth and drowsiness.

Grandaxin, Alprazolam and Adaptol for IBS

Therapy with these antidepressants is based on the suppression of nervous excitability. In small doses they do not cause a pronounced hypnotic effect and narcotic effect. The most common in the clinical effect of this drug group is the sedative effect, which helps patients to cope with the symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract more quickly. Most often this group of drugs for digestive disorders appoint the following:

  • Grandaxin has an activating and stimulating effect on the CNS.Individual studies have shown its effectiveness in somatic functional disorders that occur with irritable bowel syndrome. Grandaxin reduces the frequency of seizures due to its sedative effect;
  • Alprazolam is prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders caused by fears and anxiety. Due to the fact that this antidepressant prevents reactive depressive conditions, and the symptoms of IBS, provoked by them, are eliminated quite quickly;
  • Adaptol is prescribed to patients who have diarrheal disorders of the digestive system with symptoms of anxiety and irritability. Adaptol is prescribed for the normalization of peristalsis, the acceleration of which is caused by nervous tension.

Pikamilon, Anafranil, Valdoxan, Selectra, Azafen with IBS

These drugs are prescribed for violations of the digestive functions of the body caused by anxiety and fear. Among this group of drugs are the following:

  • Pikamilon in IBS is recommended if symptoms are caused by emotional lability and increased anxiety. Antidepressant promotes rapid cessation of abdominal pain and normalizes stool;
  • Anaphranil acts on depressive syndrome in general, stopping dyspeptic manifestations in the digestive tract. Clinical effect is observed after 2-3 weeks of treatment;
  • Valdoxane has a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect and blocks serotonin receptors. Improvement of the condition in patients with IBS occurs within 2 weeks after the initiation of therapy with such an antidepressant;
  • Selectra strengthens serotonergic activity in the central nervous system. As a result of inhibition of the reverse neuronal seizure of serotonin by Electrolectro, the emotional state of a person is normalized and all negative manifestations of pathology cease;
  • Azafen has found wide application in the treatment of various depressed states, causing disorder of the stool. He is prescribed for psychoses with alternating oppression and arousal of mood.
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