Duodenitis cardiothoracic insufficiency

A common problem among the population is the failure of the cardiovascular esophagus transition. This problem has two forms. The first concerns newborns and is considered natural. It manifests itself in toddlers in the first three months, when the children still regurgitate their food.

Adult people have a second form. It is a consequence of other gastrointestinal diseases. Insufficiency of the cardia of the stomach is often accompanied by duodenitis.

It should be remembered that without timely treatment, the problem can develop into a peptic ulcer or cause internal bleeding.

Symptoms of duodenitis and cardia deficiency are:

  • acute pain in the esophagus;
  • digestive problems;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • burp with a bitter aftertaste and bouts of vomiting;
  • frequent nervous breakdown.

Treatment of cardia and duodenitis insufficiency

In order to cure cardia deficiency and duodenitis, one should get rid of the primary source. The fight should begin with adjusting the daily diet. Doctors-gastroenterologists recommend to exclude all harmful products, to refuse from fatty, salty, spicy, sweet food, stop taking alcoholic and carbonated drinks, even quit smoking. The patient should switch to a special diet, in which preference is given to protein foods, vegetables, fruits, which enrich the body with useful substances and microelements. Food should be divided: 4-5 meals a day, in small portions.

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Also the diet is accompanied by drug treatment. Specific drugs are prescribed after a doctor's examination. Often, the list of medicines includes:

  • proton pump inhibitors( Omeprazole, Pantoprazole),
  • antispasmodics( No-sppa, Papaverin),
  • antacids( Almagel, Maalox),
  • histaminoblockers( Ranitidine),
  • antibiotics( Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin),
  • prokinetics(Itomed, Ganaton).

Folk remedies for duodenitis and treatment of cardia deficiency

Doctors advise to use phytonutrients in the treatment of duodenitis and gastric cardiac insufficiency. The basis of drinks are herbs and foods that have the ability to suppress gastric juice secretion, healing of wounds on the duodenum, and also kill harmful bacteria.

The most common decoction is prepared by brewing chamomile medicinal or dandelion. The main thing, chamomile tea should be drunk chilled, and from dandelions - warm. Take the drinks should be twice a day, in the same amount. The advantage of such decoctions is that they can be taken even by young children, because their action is very mild and no side effects.

Another no less popular, and most importantly, delicious recipe for treatment of duodenitis with honey. This product removes inflammation and soothes the gastrointestinal tract, and also differs by its antibacterial action. The great dignity of honey is that it can not be poisoned, and it has no contra-indications. When duodenitis and insufficiency of the cardia, it is necessary to consume up to 200 g.honey daily. This portion should be divided into small portions and taken several times a day. It can also be diluted with warm clean water and taken before meals.

Not everyone knows that in the fight against duodenitis with cardiac insufficiency, potatoes, in particular its juice, can help. In order to get it, you need to pass the peeled potatoes through the juicer, or grate it. Take a potato drink in half a glass every time after eating.

Before drinking drinks, you should first consult with your doctor. Only he can prescribe an effective course of treatment.

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