Symptoms of acute colitis of the intestine, treatment of exacerbation, signs of an attack

Inflammation of the large intestine, often , accompanied by the formation of cracks and bleeding defects on its walls, is called colitis. To manage this disease can in both acute and chronic form. Symptoms in this pathology of the digestive organs are similar in both cases and are expressed in the following:

  • Painful, paroxysmal, sensations in the abdominal region ;
  • Increased gas production, causing bloating, rumbling and flatulence ;
  • Disturbances of the stool mostly towards diarrhea, with the separation of fecal mass with, with containing blood admixtures.

These signs of acute colitis resemble a common digestive disorder, so the patient often does not rush to the doctor to undergo the necessary diagnostic tests and to begin the appropriate treatment.

This inattention to the symptoms of acute colitis is fraught with the fact that the disease in the near future will take a chronic form, in which complete recovery is very difficult to achieve, and it is also likely that the development of more intestinal pathologies will occur.

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The onset of any form of disease always occurs with an increase in temperature. With the development of acute colitis, a symptom such as painful spasms in the abdomen does not always have a clearly expressed picture. But on this basis, as a frequent and rather liquid, although uninvolved chair, it is always possible to suspect the occurrence of disturbances in the digestive system, which require prompt consultation of a specialist.

In cases where the symptoms of colitis are manifested due to an exacerbation of its chronic form, mucus and blood incorporation in the bowel movements may be present in the bowel movements, and, often , even pus. In this case, all signs of intoxication are also pronounced: dizziness, sweating, general weakness. If the symptoms of an attack of colitis occur repeatedly, but the patient does not rush to the doctor and does not begin appropriate treatment, it can lead to intestinal obstruction, which appears as a result of the effects of the inflammatory process and requires urgent surgical intervention.

In addition to the intestinal symptoms of acute colitis, there are also common signs of an unhealthy state of the body, usually observed:

  • Nausea, very often resulting in vomiting ;
  • Weakness and fatigue ;
  • Temperature rise ;
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss.

These symptoms, usually accompanying acute colitis, are present in the patient for several weeks. They disappear either after adequate treatment, or in case the disease takes a chronic form.

Treatment of symptoms of acute colitis

When choosing a method of treatment of this disease, a specialist pays great attention to the severe symptoms usually accompanying the aggravation of this pathology and to the patient's preventive maintenance of a habitual way of life. Only the timely treatment that has been initiated by since the onset of symptoms of the disease and the conduct of appropriate diagnostics is able to rid the patient of the symptoms of acute colitis of the intestine and to bring him if is not a complete recovery, then a sufficiently long period of remission.

All therapeutic measures for exacerbation of this intestinal pathology are carried out only in a hospital by a complex method, starting with the complete 2-day fasting, during which the patient is recommended only drinking water and herbal or fruit decoctions that facilitate removal from the mucosa of the inflammatory process. Next, is prescribed a diet, against which all other therapeutic measures are carried out, which help to get rid of the symptoms of acute colitis:

  1. Medication therapy, which includes the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. In the case when it is revealed that helminthic invasions have contributed to the onset of exacerbation of the disease, antiparasitic agents are also assigned to the patient. The attack of colitis is always accompanied by a pain symptom, therefore the patient needs antispasmodics ;
  2. Diet therapy for the occurrence of such intestinal symptoms of an acute attack of colitis, such as diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, directing on the facilitating the work of the digestive organ, which makes it possible for drugs to be most effective.

Recommended for the treatment of this pathology of digestive organs and exercise therapy, as an active lifestyle, as well as special exercises contribute to improving the tone of the intestine and, accordingly, increasing its motor function, which most effectively affects the recovery of the stool and relieving the patient of painful spasms presentwith the process of defecation.

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