Temperature in colitis 37

A very violent reaction of the body and an increase in temperature in colitis characterize acute forms of the disease, which are mainly infectious in nature. Often acute catarrhal colitis accompanies acute inflammatory processes of the mucosa of the small intestine or stomach. In some cases, inflammatory processes can cover the entire cavity of the gastrointestinal tract, which is affected by lesions of salmonella or other pathogens. As a cause of inflammation of the acute catarrhal form, non-microbial poisoning, food allergies or gross nutritional disorders act, which causes a sharp rise in temperature. It is worth noting that the inflammatory processes of the acute type in the intestinal cavity begin to arise because of the exposure of bacteria and toxic substances.

This is mainly the cause of a sharp rise in temperature to 37 ° and above, which creates a good environment for the onset of symptoms of intoxication. Also, an increase in temperature in colitis is affected by bloating, anterior abdominal wall tension, and severe diarrhea. It is worth noting that if this fever occurs, do not try to cure it yourself, it is better to call an ambulance.

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How is colitis treated with fever?

Colitis is treated with temperature in a hospital. This is due to the fact that the temperature of 37 ° and above, causes an acute form of the disease, which involves performing a sigmoidoscopy that provides the ability to detect reddening and edema of the mucous membrane of the colon cavity, and also to detect the presence of purulent and mucous discharge, erosion and hemorrhages. Thanks to the research of blood and feces, it is possible to clarify the vastness and strength of the inflammatory process. It is worth noting that often the temperature increase is affected not only by colitis, but also by enteritis, which occurs simultaneously with this disease.

On the first day in a hospital, the patient should not eat, but only consume water in moderation. Immediately appointed antibiotics and antiparasitic drugs that can reduce the temperature. Often, along with the administration of these medicines, astringent and enveloping drugs, enzymes will be prescribed. Intravenous will introduce glucose, physiological and saline solutions. In case of intoxication, intravenous drip hemogesis is injected and a salt laxative is prescribed to release the body as soon as possible from toxic substances.

To restore the intestinal microflora in colitis in order to avoid heat, the doctor prescribes antibacterial preparations such as: Enterofuril, Intestopan, Intetrix, Bifikop.

Thanks to the right treatment procedures, the temperature drops after a couple of days. In the case when it continues to hold at 37 ° and above, the antibiotic will be replaced by more effective means. With colitis, the body's need for vitamins is increased, so it is advisable to prescribe intramuscularly B1, B6 vitamins and intravenously ascorbic acid. After that, a vitamin-mineral complex is prescribed for a month. Colitis in a mild form of catarrhal type is cured quickly enough, however, in some severe cases, the treatment may take quite a long time in the acute form of the disease and is very difficult, which affects the appearance of complications: sepsis, peritonitis, abscesses.

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