Analyzes in colitis - blood, coprogram, ESR

In any kind of disease, in order to find out which clinical picture of the patient's body, the analysis is collected. And colitis is no exception. To begin with, a doctor prescribes a referral to a general blood test. In the case of exacerbation of colitis, leukocytosis is likely and the index of ESR increases.

Next, you should donate blood for biochemical analysis. Such a blood test does not provide for the determination of ESR, and if the colon is predominantly affected, the changes will be very mild. However, in acute forms of colitis there may be a high level of not only ESR, but also hypoproteinemia. Along with this, the electrolyte exchange will be disturbed, the index of gamma globulins, sialic acid and seromucoid is increased. Symptoms are also pronounced in the blood, which indicate that the patient has vitamin deficiency.

Anal stool for colitis

In addition to the fact that the patient is taking blood for the examination, colitis, without fail, is prescribed for the analysis of feces. They can be:

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  • Microscopic analyzes show a sufficient amount of fiber that has not been digested, as well as a relatively small amount of mucus and white blood cells.
  • Bacteriological analyzes show a qualitative change in microflora. In this case, the number of microorganisms increases, the number of lactic acid rods decreases, the accompanying flora and the like deviate from the norm.
  • Anal tests of feces on lamblia are carried out by applying the technique of native or colored with Lugol's solution. If necessary, preliminary enrichment or coprecipitation will be carried out.
  • If motor intestinal functionality is disrupted, fermental or putrefactive dyspepsia develops, the changes will be shown in the general plan of macroscopic properties of feces and its chemical composition.
  • As signs, when the colitis worsens, positive samples testify to the solubility of the protein, an increase in the number of leukocytes and cells of the desquamated epithelium.

Coprogram in colitis

The coprogram helps to determine in the stool the presence of mucus, blood and pus. If the distal part of the large intestine is affected, the mucus will be formed by lumps, ribbons and have a vitreous mass. Slime, which covers the shell of stool, is more common in constipation and in the inflammation of the large intestine. With the help of specialized solutions determine the positive or negative result of the appearance of colitis.

Blood in colitis will be in the form of veins or clots that are formed in the stool. Scarlet blood can occur with bleeding from the lower part. If the feces are black with blood, then it means bleeding from the upper part of the large intestine. If the result is positive, it could mean that there is a bleeding in the cavity of the colon.

Purulent deposits on the feces surface, which are included in the inspection of the coprogram, occur with severe inflammation and the expression of the intestinal mucosa, that is, in colitis in acute form. A positive reaction indicates the development of inflammatory processes.

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