Pancreatitis in children: symptoms and treatment

The view that pancreatitis is a disease exclusively of people of the older generation, those who abuse fatty foods and alcohol, is not justified. Little children, schoolchildren of different age categories, often endure this problem, but her parents are confused with something else. If you touch on a subject such as pancreatitis in children, symptoms and treatment of a problematic situation, then it should be said that a doctor's examination is the initial, the only correct solution to the problem. Only after the baby has passed all the necessary tests, will be examined, for him the appropriate course of treatment can be applied.

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  • Pancreatic pancreatitis: proper nutrition
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    Pancreatitis, symptoms and symptoms, causes of

    the name of the disease is a simple definition. The problem arises from the inflammatory processes of the pancreas, which deals with the production of insulin, the elements for the normalization of the digestive process. There is pancreatitis in children due to a number of such factors:

    • improper nutrition, consumption of a large number of sweets, carbonated drinks;
    • unregulated meal schedule, frequent overeating;
    • afterwards taking strong medications over a long period;
    • due to frequent food poisoning;
    • if there are congenital abnormalities, abdominal injuries, excessive physical exertion;
    • food allergy, ascariasis, dysfunction of the gallbladder;
    • mumps, influenza.

    Please note! Most often the problem arises in children precisely because of overeating, eating very fatty foods. To prevent malfunctions in the pancreas, parents should revise the baby's diet, try to minimize the use of harmful products.

    Symptoms and the first signs of pancreatitis in children show themselves as follows:

    • changes its complexion;
    • observed bloating;
    • often causes nausea;
    • constipation or diarrhea occurs;
    • is vomiting;
    • a white plaque may appear on the tongue;
    • weight loss.

    Important! What is jet pancreatitis, you can find out in our article.

    Depending on the stage of the disease, its localization, form, symptoms will manifest themselves. It is impossible to determine whether there is pancreatitis in a child.

    Treatment of pancreatitis in children

    The course of treatment for pediatric pancreatitis should be determined by a physician. The disease does not require hospitalization, treat the baby, in a doctor-appointed way, parents can at home. To eliminate the problem, soft-effect drugs are used that normalize the choleretic process, the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Please note! To achieve the desired effect, in the treatment of children should take medication, folk remedies, a special diet, the correct regime of the day. Agree the order of actions, parents can with an expert.

    When using medications, when treated at home, it is worth following all the doctor's instructions, read the instructions, store the drugs in proper conditions. If decoctions, infusions are used, parents should remember the following rules:

    • every day you need to prepare a fresh remedy;
    • can not be exceeded the permitted dosage;
    • broths should be stored in the refrigerator;
    • before use, make sure that the ingredients of medicinal decoctions do not cause allergies in children.

    Important! What food is needed for pancreatic pancreatitis, read here.

    Important! Learn more about the medical treatment of pancreatitis.

    All medicinal substances must be used for a certain period of time. The course of treatment, a special diet, should be prescribed by a doctor.

    Diet for a child with pancreatitis

    Conservative treatment of a baby's problem should be accompanied by adherence to a special diet. Diet for pancreatitis in children should be based on the following principles:

    • complete exclusion from the diet of the child of harmful food;
    • partial elimination of fat in food for children;
    • exclusion of too sweet, carbonated drinks;
    • food schedule setting, fractional eating;
    • inclusion in the children's diet of a large number of vegetables and fruits, cereals, mild soups.

    For each child, the doctor will choose a diet individually, taking into account the course of the disease, the overall health of the small patient.

    This is important! For significant improvement of children's health, parents should constantly feed the child in a timely and high-quality way. Allowing sweets, carbonated drinks parents can, but this should remain a rare occurrence.

    Doctor Komarovsky's view on the

    problem Children's doctors note that pancreatitis in young patients becomes common every year. This is due to the deterioration in the quality of life, over-saturated workers and training schedules. Dr. Komarovsky does not fully support his colleagues. The specialist believes that the percentage of children who actually have pancreatitis is small. He writes off everything for the doctors' desire to earn more money, and the parents, whose children complain about the above symptoms, advise the following:

    Important! I wonder what kind of doctor treats pancreatitis? Read in our article.

    • to feed the baby often, in small portions;
    • do not allow frequent use of harmful products for food;
    • exclude the possibility of overeating.

    In his opinion - these are the main factors that lead to poor children's well-being. If parents can exclude them, there will be much fewer children who are credited with this diagnosis. Not understanding the root of the problem, parents should not go to the pharmacy, buy a child medicine. It is necessary to first understand the true source of the problem, and then deal with its treatment.

    Important! On the treatment of pancreatitis at home, you can find out on the pages of our site.

    Measures for the prevention of pancreatitis in children

    Children's pancreatitis delivers discomfort, pain, worsens the level of activity of the baby, helps reduce its weight. Treat the problem if it is acute or chronic in nature for a long time. Acute pancreatitis in children causes especially many painful sensations that before did not reach, it is necessary to use following advice:

    • a mode of a food of the child always should be harmonious;
    • the kid should give a maximum of useful products and a minimum of harmful;
    • to exclude from the life of children strong physical, psychological stress;
    • constantly monitor the overall health of the child.

    Important! Read with us: chronic pancreatitis, its symptoms and treatment.

    Prophylaxis of pediatric pancreatitis should be carried out continuously. Well, if the child together with parents will lead a healthy, active lifestyle.

    If the problem has already arisen, it is necessary to get rid of it with medicines, folk remedies. Symptoms that talk about pancreatitis often speak of problems of a different nature. Without a medical examination, the delivery of all tests, parents should not begin treatment of their baby. Pancreatitis is a serious problem that brings a lot of discomfort to the children's lives in order to completely get rid of it, parents and the doctor need to correctly determine the expected course of treatment. Proper prevention of the problem is given to children much easier than her treatment. The problem is eliminated through the use of medicines, adherence to a special diet. Depending on the degree of the problem, the duration of the course of treatment will depend.

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