Infection with pinworms( helminthic invasion), causing enterobiosis disease, how often are infected, ways of transmission, whether it is possible to catch again, from a cat, a person, a child?

Enterobiosis infection is most often possible with close contact with invaded pinworms and non-compliance with personal safety rules. Due to the fact that this disease occurs more often than other helminthiases, many are interested in the ways in which these parasites are transmitted and how best to protect themselves from meeting them. The source of helminthic invasion by pinworms can only be a person infected with them, which by fecal-oral route passes their eggs to people in contact with it. It occurs as follows:

  • Sexually mature females of these helminths lay eggs in the folds of the anus of the host;
  • Eggs of worms fall on household items, clothing and linen, where they are carried by flies to food;
  • After penetrating through the nose or mouth into the intestines of the future host, they ripen to larvae within 4-6 hours, and after 2-4 weeks they turn into sexually mature individuals capable of reproduction.

Pinworms can cause the development of enterobiasis and by repeated self-infection. It occurs when the patient during the treatment of helminthic invasion does not comply with the rules of personal hygiene. This is due to the fact that when calculating the itching areas of the perianal region, eggs of parasitic worms accumulate on the hands and under the nails. In the case when the patient ignores thorough washing of hands with soap or antibacterial agent, they are put into the mouth and swallowed.

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Routes for transfer of enterobiasis

In order to completely eliminate the possibility of infection with pinworms that cause a rather unpleasant and dangerous disease, it is necessary to study the most common ways of penetrating them:

  • Ingestion of eggs of parasitic worms that fall into the hands, clothes, bed-clothes, foodand drinking water. They are microscopic and this makes it possible to swallow them, even by simply inhaling the dusty air. In addition, the eggs of parasitic worms are almost always borne by flies, so if there is a person infected with pinworms, the eggs of these helminths that cause enterobiasis can be found anywhere;
  • Retroinfection is a poorly understood method of spreading helminthic invasion. With it, hatching of larvae occurs on the rectal mucosa without getting eggs into the environment;
  • Transplacental, from mother to fetus during pregnancy. This method of infection with pinworms, especially in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, is one of the most dangerous, since at this time the treatment with antihelminthic drugs is totally counter-indicative.

Also people who are afraid of invasion are often asked questions not only about the methods, but also about the places in which the likelihood of catching this attack is greatest. Most often ask about whether it is possible to catch pinworms in the pool. Experts note that it is in the pool, despite the requirement to visitors to produce a certificate of absence of enterobiosis, the occurrence of this scourge occurs most often. Even the constant chlorination of water in the pools does not protect against infection.

Pet owners are often interested in whether cats and dogs can cause people to become infected with pinworms. As specialists explain, this possibility exists, in spite of the fact that dogs and cats can not be intermediate hosts of worms that cause this kind of helminthiasis. Infection with pinworms from dogs or cats can occur only when their eggs are on the animal's skin, and the patted person does not wash his hands. In order to avoid the ingress of parasitic worms into eggs, which cause quite unpleasant diseases, children from an early age should be taught to observe elementary rules of personal hygiene.

Symptoms of infection with

baby's pinworms For any child, the probability of "meeting" and "eating" eggs of helminths is much higher than for an adult, especially when the kid visits children's institutions or often in public places, including not only transportation,but also sanatoria or hospitals. Despite the fact that measures to prevent infection with pinworms are all known and fairly simple rules, it is usually impossible to completely exclude the risk of invasion. Factors that increase the probability of occurrence of this scourge are the following:

  • Use of shared dishes and personal hygiene items in conjunction with other children or adults;
  • No habit of washing hands after walking or visiting the bathroom, as well as communicating with pets;
  • The habit of "pulling" foreign objects into your mouth, sucking your fingers or gnawing your nails.

If in contact with the child there are adults or children already infected with pinworms, the probability of falling eggs of parasites on his hands increases several times. It happens through common toys, household items and pets. In the case when the baby has not washed his hands with the pinworms that have fallen on them, but picked up foodstuffs or simply stuffed them into his mouth, the worm larvae enter the intestines, and the infection process very quickly takes place.

Also children often have a repeated self-infection with pinworms if hygiene rules are not observed during the treatment. It arises because the sick baby combs the itching skin of the anal opening with fingernails and the helminth eggs fall under them. In addition, parasitic worms can reappear in children's organisms after their eggs are transmitted through the bedding or underwear that they have colonized. Disturbing signs, indicating the infection of children's organisms with pinworms, will be as follows:

  • The night sleep of the baby becomes very restless and is accompanied by a constant grinding of teeth;
  • Loss or increased appetite;
  • Disturbances of the stool, which are expressed in permanent constipation or diarrhea;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and frequent headaches;
  • Apathy and irritability, provoked by ingestion of toxic products of vital activity of helminths in children's organisms.
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