Chicken corn acorn: how to treat

Wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes is a risk factor that contributes to the appearance of dry, bloody, wet calluses. On this the variety of the problem does not end. There are factors, due to the influence of which there is a chicken corn callus, how to treat this problem is known to a small number of people. Its appearance causes a person painful, unpleasant sensations, discomfort. In 90% of cases corn chicken is formed on the soles of the feet, 10% suggest the possibility of the appearance of this problem on the arm. For the treatment use modern surgical techniques, ointments, traditional medicine.

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Corn chicken corn- that this is

The appearance of this kind of blister is accompanied by strong pain sensations, physical discomfort. Benign formation is a small growth with protruding, rough areas. The root of the formation is deep in the skin, the rough processes become black.

Appearance of the zhalka occurs in stages. The process of education includes such consecutive moments:

  1. The appearance of a small seal.
  2. Formation of corn of the usual size.
  3. Formation of additional growths, roughness.

Please note! The appearance of this corn often indicates serious problems. The person, after having noticed this problem, should address to the qualified expert, after all independently to define the reason of formation of a chicken zholka it is impossible.

Causes and Symptoms

How does a chicken zolka look like, each person had an opportunity for themselves to understand. The next stage in the consideration of this issue will be the process of ascertaining the causes that contribute to the emergence of benign education. Among them, experts note:

  • problems associated with poor quality shoes, incorrectly matched its size;
  • significant weakening of the immune system;
  • the awakening of the papilloma virus that lives in every human body;
  • increased sweating, flat feet;
  • improper care of skin, excessive dryness of the skin.

To clarify the cause of build-up, a person should visit a dermatologist, an immunologist, and take tests. First, it is necessary to treat the cause, because of which a chicken zolka was formed, and then to remove the unpleasant build-up.

Be careful! Attempts to remove the built-up edge itself, extract it somehow along with the root in 95% of the 100% possible result in infection of the wound. This leads to problems of special complexity, which will have to be eliminated in a hospital.

The main symptoms of the chicken leg on the leg, arm, in children, adult women and men are manifested in the same way. In the period of appearance, growth of education, a person experiences the following:

  • considerable discomfort in the affected area;
  • uneven structure of the skin;
  • appearance, increasing, painful sensations;
  • formation of black dots.

The top of the chicken zole resembles a volcano crater. This manifestation does not accompany the corn of other varieties. To confuse with other entities is difficult, but some people take it for a wart.

Treatment methods - traditional medicine, drugs, surgery

On the question of how to treat a chicken zhole, experts offer three possible answers:

  1. By surgical intervention, using modern technologies.
  2. Traditional medicine.
  3. Pharmacy products for external use, internal use.

Please note! Each method has its own specific impact on the problem area. The effectiveness of a particular type of treatment depends on additional factors - the possibility of applying the technique to a particular person, the initial conditions that led to the appearance of the problem, the individual characteristics of the organism.

Techniques of surgical treatment of the

problem. Modern and fast treatment of chicken corns is quick and painless. Surgical intervention is performed in one of the following ways:

  1. Laser removal.
  2. Electrocoagulation.
  3. Cryodestruction.
  4. Radio wave deletion.

For the patient, the operation will be painless, its duration is calculated in minutes after laser removal, corn traces are invisible at all. Cryotherapy is the impact on the chicken zolka by cold, electrocoagulation, removal by radio waves are accompanied by the presence of small scars.

Conservative medical treatment

Chicken callus is treated at home. For its gradual removal, healing of wounds after falling away of education, a person can use ointments, medicinal preparations intended for use inside.

Be careful! Not always self-medication is useful. You need to know how to apply ointments correctly, what tablets, how long to take. This will help to understand only the doctor.

To remove the chicken leg on the legs or hands, ointments containing the following components are used:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • is a nitric acid;
  • lactic acid.

The doctor, as an additional tool, can be appointed antiviral drug, the patient will recommend the use of funds to enhance immunity.

Traditional medicine - effective ways to combat chicken callus

At home, to get rid of benign education will take several days. Prepared with their own hands, medicines, with the correct use of them will help to remove completely.


Vinegar treatment is a painful, unpleasant process. If you remove the callus from children, it should not be used, and the following algorithm is suggested for the adult:

  • gently apply a few drops of table vinegar on the corn zone, do not touch the skin around it;
  • the problem place is covered with adhesive tape, leave it for the night;
  • remove the patch, repeat the procedure.

Such actions should be performed until the zholka completely falls off.

Please note! To make the procedure of treatment with vinegar more pleasant, a person can moisten the onion in it, applying it to the affected area. The effect will be the same, but strong painful sensations will go away.


To make the unpleasant formation fall off faster, the victim can use aloe juice. It is not necessary to squeeze it out of the sheet, to apply a cut sheet of scarlet to a man will be more convenient. The sheet needs to be fixed, the procedure is done at night. The length of the course depends on the size of the problem.

Purity and potato juice

Treatment of celandine and potato juice is as follows:

  • squeeze out the potato juice, drip into the wound, leave for the night;
  • the next day, such actions to produce with celandine;
  • alternate these two methods until the problem disappears.

It will take several days to cure a chicken jaw with such folk remedies, but if it is not possible to contact specialists, such treatment will be the best way to get rid of the problem.

This is important! Before each procedure it is necessary to steam out the sick zone. Soda baths help in this. It is enough to put 2-3 tablespoons of soda in warm water, hold the legs in it for 20 minutes, wipe dry.

For children, so that they do not feel severe pain during the procedure, it is worth using a green apple and banana peel. Both ingredients must be applied to the neoplasm, it is good to fix.

Preventative measures

Since removal of chicken corn requires a temporary resource or money costs, it is better for people to avoid this problem. Safeguard yourself from the formation of a zhole, everyone can thus:

  1. Eat foods that increase immunity.
  2. Properly monitor the skin, in time to moisturize it.
  3. Wear only comfortable shoes.
  4. Constantly monitor your general health.

A number of such simple measures are a pledge that there will be no chicken callouses on the hands and feet. It is necessary to constantly monitor your own appearance, health, well-being, to eat properly, to choose comfortable shoes. In case of a problem, you need to see a doctor, then deal with the removal of the problem, the elimination of the consequences that it entailed.

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