Catarrh of the maxillary sinusitis: symptoms, causes, treatment

Sinusitis is a disease that affects the maxillary sinuses. The ailment is always accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes. However, pus is never collected in them, so the disease is sufficiently treatable. Timely therapy will quickly eliminate this unpleasant complication and restore the person's ability to breathe freely.

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Catarrhal sinusitis - what is it?

Catarrh of the maxillary sinusitis is an inflammation in the maxillary sinuses. All sinuses have small holes that connect them with the nose. As soon as there is swelling, these holes are gradually closed. Such an incorrect process does not allow mucus to freely go outside. It accumulates in the maxillary sinuses, which activates the inflammation, which is rapidly developing.

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At the initial stage the body begins to fight the problem on its own. It produces many leukocytes, which effectively destroy the infection. If the patient's immune system is weakened, then these substances come in insufficient quantity, which provokes the further development of the disease. In this case, sinusitis leads not only to puffiness, but also to inflammation.

In medicine, several types of genyantritis are distinguished:

  • edematous catarrhal sinusitis, provokes puffiness, but does not produce pus;
  • purulent, due to swelling and pus in the maxillary sinuses;
  • allergic, stimulates the production of mucus and there is swelling;
  • mixed;
  • is odontogenic, provokes swelling and soreness when chewing food.

As a rule, during the disease from the nasopharynx, thick mucus, a gray-green hue, is prominent. Acute catarrhal sinusitis is a neglected disease and develops only when timely treatment has not been provided. If the inflammatory process is diagnosed in one side, then one-sided sinusitis is established. In the event that the disease struck both sides, bilateral catarrhal sinusitis is revealed.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of the appearance of sinusitis is an infection that has got into the respiratory tract. As a rule, infection begins after such diseases:

  • ARD, ARVI;
  • various allergens;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • injury to the nose or face;
  • congenital pathology of the structure of the nose;
  • infectious ENT diseases;
  • is a dental disease.

Important! People with weakened immunity fall into the risk zone, as they are more often infected with infectious diseases. In addition, the genyantritis affects those who work in hazardous production.

Symptoms of catarrhal sinusitis

If untimely and incorrect treatment of infectious diseases, a person can develop a catarrhal form of sinusitis. The ailment is always accompanied by severe symptoms that reduce the quality of life of the patient. Among the most obvious and common signs of ailment, doctors note the following:

  • pain in the cheekbones, cheeks, and eyes, which increase with the tilt of the head and palpation;
  • feels internal pressure in the face;
  • headache, which decreases in lying position;
  • from the nose is allocated a lot of mucus;
  • the sense of smell is lost;
  • normal breathing is disturbed;
  • appears pain in the teeth;
  • increases body temperature.

Important! If mucus discharge from the nose does not stop for a week, then this is the first sign of sinusitis.

Catarrhal sinusitis in children

Maxillary sinusitis at the age of 4 does not occur at all. This is due to the fact that air sinuses develop and form only to this age. However, before this time, the infection proceeds like catarrhal rhinitis.

Since the age of 4, the child can develop sinusitis. As in adults, it provokes an infection. However, if the baby has good immunity, the causative agent perishes in the mucous membrane. If the child is sick, then he feels pain in the nose, difficulty breathing and mucus is released. At the first symptoms it is necessary to visit a specialist. Timely treatment will avoid the puncture of the nasal sinuses. Doctors recommend local therapy, such as instillation, warming up and rinsing. Supplement the treatment with medications: anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic.

Treatment of catarrhal sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis directly depends on the nature of the disease. Drug therapy can always be supplemented with effective folk methods. It is important that the doctor prescribes the treatment, since it takes into account the characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease.

Medical treatment

Once a diagnosis has been made, specialists prescribe a number of drugs that effectively restore health. Typically, doctors adhere to a standard treatment regimen that includes:

  • antibiotics( Amoxiclav, Cefatoxime, Ampiox, Levomecol);
  • vasoconstrictive drops( Sanorin, Eucazolin, Otryvin, Vibrocil);
  • antihistamines( Cetrin, Suprastin);
  • rinsing with special solutions( Aquamaris, physiological saline, Marimer);
  • vitamins( Vitrum, Biomax);
  • prebiotics( Linex, Normoflorin);
  • restoring means( Sinupret).

Important! If the catarrhal sinusitis has an initial stage, then doctors recommend treatment without antibiotics.

Drug treatment is always complemented by effective physiotherapy procedures. They promote warming and outflow of mucus from the nose. As a rule, doctors prescribe:

  • inhalation in the nose;
  • irradiation with UV rays;
  • UHF;
  • diathermy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • speleorapia.

Complex treatment allows you to quickly and efficiently restore the health of the patient. However, if the genyantritis is started, and therapy does not help, doctors recommend surgery. It is carried out in two ways. First, doctors open the maxillary sinuses, and clean them of accumulated mucus. The second is called a puncture or puncture, that is, a needle is inserted through the nasal septum, which penetrates the maxillary sinuses. After that, the syringe extracts the contents and rinses.

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, treatment will effectively complement the "grandmother's" methods. They have a lower cost, but their quality is not lost.

  1. instillation. Drops from aloe juice are the most suitable medicine. The juice of the plant is diluted with water ½ and you can put some honey. Such a mixture of excellent helps with genyantritis.

Juice of radish, garlic and onions also helps. However, before use, the drops must be diluted with water, this will protect them from burns.

  1. Flushing. For this procedure, ideal salt and rock salt, as well as soda. For 250 mg of water, add 1 tbsp.spoon of salt. All mix and wash the nose. For the procedure also suitable medicinal herbs.
  2. Inhalations. They can be carried out with the help of essential oils( fir, menthol, eucalyptus).

How much is the disease treated? The duration of therapy depends entirely on the characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease itself.

Complications of

Catarrhal sinusitis needs high-quality and timely treatment. If the disease is neglected, then it will cause serious complications, which are difficult to treat. Among the most common complications, doctors note:

  • sinusitis thrombosis;
  • purulent maxillary sinusitis;
  • chronic catarrhal sinusitis;
  • inflammation in the periosteum;
  • inflammation in the orbital region;
  • meningitis.

To avoid severe complications, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to begin therapy and to carry out regular preventive measures.

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