Causes and treatment of headache, dizziness and nausea

1 Symptoms of a disease

Headaches and dizziness with fainting have a vascular cause. If a person suffers from heart disease, high or low blood pressure, the main symptom of such diseases is migraine. When discomfort increases, nausea arises. This condition is associated with poor blood supply to blood vessels. If a person sits on a diet or eats a little, weakness, dizziness become his constant companions, accompanying everywhere. Even in the open air, the patient can not get rid of migraines.

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Headache and dizziness occur frequently under reduced pressure, but people with elevated blood pressure may experience such symptoms. In addition to the discomfort that has arisen, there is a possibility of loss of consciousness, a feeling of weakness, drowsiness. Headache in this case in the frontal region. Affects this state and vision - it can decrease.

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Headache, nausea and weakness are characteristic signs of meningitis and other infections of the brain. At the patient the temperature considerably raises, muscles of a nape strongly hurt. The brain gradually swells, the pressure inside the skull rises, hallucinations, delusions can begin. Urgent hospitalization is necessary!

If a person consumes alcohol and has exceeded the dose, dizziness and weakness often occur. Later there is a headache, chills are possible. This is due to intoxication of the body. The main reason for the headache after taking alcohol is lack of oxygen. The brain with the blood does not receive enough of it. As a result, brain activity is disrupted, intracranial pressure is increased. The cells of the brain die, and the pressure continues to grow. That's why some people lose memory after libations the day before.

When the hangover comes, the head hurts more if a person takes low-quality alcohol. Ethanol badly affects the brain and the central nervous system.

When there was a head injury( bruise, concussion, concussion), even if a person underwent a course of treatment, it is possible to experience subsequently frequent headaches accompanied by vomiting. Often there are feelings of tightness of the head and circles in front of the eyes, limbs become cold, vision and hearing are disturbed. Other manifestations of this condition:

  • sensation of numbness of the limbs;
  • feeling that the nape becomes several times heavier;
  • creepy or tingling sensations in the hands and feet.

Pain, nausea, weakness can be signs of a stroke. Intracranial hemorrhage leads to loss of consciousness, vomiting. A harbinger of this condition is a frequent headache. During an attack, only urgent hospitalization can save a person's life.

Colds, acute respiratory infections, influenza are also accompanied by a headache. When the temperature rises, a person feels unwell, begins a runny nose, cough, which provokes a headache. Such manifestations indicate a viral infection. To normalize the patient's condition, taking medications that lower the temperature is required if it rises above 38.5 degrees. Together with the heat, there will be both headache and muscle pain. With the flu, the pain in the head goes to the eyes, whiskey, forehead.

Increased body temperature changes the composition of the blood, and the body functions differently. An intensive struggle with foreign organisms begins - bacteria, viruses.


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The appearance of headaches in women is often associated with the menstrual cycle. Migraines are accompanied by dizziness and even vomiting, after which it becomes much easier, the pain passes. Otherwise, she presses, squeezes her head so that the vessels seem to burst.

But the causes of pain in the head are not only in vascular diseases. When the nervous system fails, there is often a headache. In this case, the person is sick, he has dizziness, weakness and apathy.

Cases when a person is upset with the vestibular apparatus and his nausea are also accompanied by pain in the head.

2 Manifestation of migraine and osteochondrosis

Traditional migraine is similar to cervical migraine. Its causes lie in the disease with osteochondrosis. Headache, starting with the cervical region and spreading to one part or the entire head to the temples and forehead. A person feels a squeeze in the neck, the neck. According to the type of manifestations, such pain is paroxysmal and often passes with vomiting.

Pain can affect the activity of the brain, especially the hypothalamus suffers. The pulse is quickening, the person is feverish, frequent urination is observed. These characteristics are accompanied by spasms of the cervical spine.

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Perform a small test. Lightly press on the crown and then observe your condition. If there is pain, its cause is in osteochondrosis. Pull your head up. The pain should let go. Recollect, whether there were at you recently traumas of a neck, stretches of muscles in this place. If so, the head may be aching for this reason. If there was a stretch, the pain comes in a short time and is localized mainly behind.

In cervical osteochondrosis, pain in the head is worse in the morning. Even moving his eyes, the patient feels discomfort in the neck and crown. If the osteochondrosis is started, can give itself information about the radicular syndrome, when turning the neck the patient feels pain and hears a crunch. To relieve the patient of unpleasant sensations, prescribe a course of massage or other treatment. In most cases, it is complex.

3 Clinical picture of vegetative vascular dystonia

The pain is pulsating when the blood moves badly through the vessels. Hypertonic encephalopathy and vegetovascular dystonia are the causes that cause painful discomfort in the head. At the same time, only 40% of hypertension-prone people seek medical help.

Our vessels then expand, then narrow down under the influence of blood pressure. When this system works without disturbances, the vessels unobstructedly come into tone. If their walls do not return to their normal state, the sensitive nerve endings are irritated and impulses are sent to the central nervous system. There is a headache, which lasts until the attack is removed with medicine. The higher the pressure, the greater the discomfort and pain.

If there is an acute inflammation of the osseous membrane of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, the headache may not leave the patient until the disease is cured. Discomfort extends to the ear, covers the crown, the back of the head. Another symptom is purulent discharge from the ear, an increase in temperature.

When a person suffers from sinusitis, unpleasant sensations in the head are accompanied by periods of relapse of this disease. The pain extends to the throat, nose, eyes, frontal part of the head. The patient is tormented by fever, which recalls the inflammatory process. There is a feeling of raspiraniya in the nose, upper part of the head.

The causes of acute pain in the head in some people lie in the development of brain abscess, because bacteria and pus from the inflamed ear or teeth can get there.

Pressing pain occurs with encephalitis, when brain damage occurs. This headache, nausea, there is vomiting and general weakness.

4 Pain at tension

Causes of discomfort in the head sometimes lie in the banal overstrain, stress.95% of seizures are associated with this condition. Pain of acute and chronic types is the result of a long strain of muscles, exhausting mental work, physical exertion. If you want the pain to leave you, try to just start to relax, to get away from work. It is important to control the process of work and reasonably alternate work with rest.

Depression, stress, conflict situations can provoke troubles associated with a headache. This sensation extends to the occiput, whiskey, and the head. The pain is pressing, dull, exhausting. Suffer from this disease people aged 25 to 45 years. More often - women. Discomfort in the head can cause even psychological overexertion. Monotonous pain does not recede until a person rests.

Known and so-called "weightlifter headache", when a strong heat in the head appears throbbing pain, which does not abate for a couple of hours. Sometimes it lasts several days, turning into a migraine.

Not only heat and stuffiness can provoke unpleasant sensations in the head. Being in the open sun can do no less harm. The head begins to throb with pain, sometimes the temperature rises, the person is sick. Serious consequences are possible, including a sunstroke. Therefore, do not neglect the headgear if you are in the open sun. Do not allow dehydration in the heat, but do not drink water at a glance. Do not stay in stuffy rooms for a long time.

5 Etiology of the disease

Some people have headaches causing a long reading, during which the eyes are straining. This threatens the development of visual defects, glaucoma. But in any case, the doctor makes a diagnosis, only carefully examining and interviewing the patient. By the nature of discomfort, you can understand what kind of ailment occurs. The sooner the doctor discovers it, the sooner you get rid of the disease.

Causes of discomfort in the head:

  • serious injury.
  • is an inflammation of the brain;
  • brain tumors;
  • increased or decreased blood pressure;
  • muscle strain;
  • migraine;
  • mental overstrain;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • is a viral disease.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking, eat right, exercise or give yourself moderate physical exertion, then most of the ailments you will not face. A contrast shower in the morning, walking outdoors, gymnastics strengthens the nervous system and the body as a whole. Strong immunity will form vitamin-mineral complexes.

During epidemics, it is better to protect yourself with flu shots. But before you carefully read the composition of the drug, the manufacturer, side effects. A reasonable amount of liquid( up to 2 liters per day), a good rest is the guarantee of the health of blood vessels and other systems, and this ensures that there is no discomfort in the head.

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