Inflammation of the lungs is contagious?

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is a serious disease, which is the appearance of an inflammatory process in the lung tissues. The causes of this ailment are diverse. But, nevertheless, the question remains urgent: is inflammation of the lungs contagious? To answer it, you should consider the disease itself in more detail.

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Causes of the onset of

There are many prerequisites for developmentpneumonia. The main ones are:

  1. Weakening of the immune system as a result of regular stressful situations, nervous overstrain, mental disorders.
  2. Subcooling the body. The disease can develop not only due to prolonged exposure to cold, but also after drinking excessively cold drinks.
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  4. Physical and emotional overstrain. Weaken the protective properties of the body, than can cause disease.
  5. Pneumonia can develop as a complication of colds.

Various bacteria, fungi, viruses, chlamydia can cause pneumonia.

Symptoms of the disease

How to determine inflammation of the lungs at home? The first visible signs of the disease are not immediately apparent. But it is possible to observe atypical behavior. The patient gradually begins to manifest such symptoms:

  • dry cough;
  • increased body temperature;
  • painful sensations at the time of deep inspiration;
  • fast fatigue;
  • general weakness of the body.

This is how inflammation of the lungs is manifested.

It's important to remember! At the first symptoms, you should consult a specialist for diagnosis and subsequent effective treatment!

Types of pneumonia

In order to determine whether contagious pneumonia in adults, it is necessary to determine the type of disease. There are such types:

  1. Congestive pneumonia. It manifests itself in the form of stagnation of sputum in the respiratory tract. Most often is a complication of a cold or ARVI.This type of pneumonia is not dangerous for others.
  2. Focal disease. The basis of pneumonia is located in one part of the lung. Its danger lies in the fact that it most often occurs asymptomatically. But focal pneumonia is very easy to get sick from the patient.
  3. Atypical pneumonia. The appearance is associated with lung damage by bacteria or infections. The surrounding can get infected from the patient, but it will not only be pneumonia. This species also causes other ailments.
  4. Chronic pneumonia. Is the result of a disease in acute or neglected form, can be contagious.
  5. Typical pneumonia. One of the most dangerous types of illness. It has resistance to various antibiotics, so it's hard to cure. This species is contagious.

It's important to remember! Regardless of the type of inflammation, this disease should be treated immediately!

Incubation period of the disease

Active manifestations of the symptoms of the disease( sneezing, coughing) form a variety of pathogens that contribute to the infection of a healthy person. That is, they are transmitted by airborne or household way. The incubation period lasts up to 1 week. At this time, no obvious signs are observed, the body temperature can only slightly increase.

Is the pneumonia transmitted through a kiss? Despite the fact that the disease can easily develop as a result of airborne contact with the patient, it is almost impossible to get infected through a kiss. This is due to the fact that there are no harmful bacteria causing salvage in saliva. They appear only when the sputum is out of the lungs.

If a family has a pneumonia-struck person, then you should be careful, because the virus can be active and dangerous for several hours.

The disease transmission period

How contagious is pneumonia? Clear and limited framework for this period is not observed. Particularly dangerous a person is in the incubation period. In young children and newborns, it takes several weeks.

It's important to remember! Elimination of signs of pneumonia does not mean complete recovery! The focus of infection can remain in the body for some time, that is, it poses a danger to others.

Disease in children

Inflammation of the lungs in children is contagious? Children are primarily at risk. This is due to the regular presence in the teams, where there may be a hidden source of infection. Therefore, a child of school and preschool age is very important to maintain the immune system in the norm.

With the child should carry out various preventive measures to avoid the possibility of injury to the body. Known among modern parents, Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends that you go with your child for daily walks. This is an excellent prevention of not only pneumonia, but also many other diseases.

Pneumonia and pregnancy

It's no secret that women during pregnancy should pay special attention to their health. After pregnancy, the organism of the future mother is susceptible to various diseases, including inflammation of the lungs, due to hormonal changes and weakening of immunity. Therefore, at the first manifestations of a cold, one must immediately consult a doctor.

It's important to remember! Pneumonia can not only lead to the difficulties of bearing a child, but also problems at the time of delivery! Therefore, pregnant women should constantly strengthen immunity and try to avoid a large crowd of people.

Complications of the disease

What is the danger of the disease? Despite the fact that pneumonia is sufficiently treatable, there may be a worsening of the condition. This is due to improper intake of medications prescribed by the doctor. Also, more severe ailments can occur due to incomplete therapy. The most likely diseases that develop against the background of pneumonia are:

  1. Chronic bronchitis. This is the most common consequence of pneumonia. This disease requires the constant use of medications to alleviate the condition.
  2. Bronchial asthma. It is an attack of suffocating cough as a result of stagnation of phlegm in the lungs. Requires regular use of inhalers.
  3. Dysbacteriosis. The appearance of this disease is associated with a long reception of antibiotics, which destroy useful substances in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Abscess in the lung tissue. The most common cause is bacteria, such as staphylococci and streptococci. It affects, above all, men who consume excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.

Of course, pneumonia accompanies a weak immunity. A person becomes more vulnerable to various catarrhal and viral ailments.

Prevention of the disease

In order to protect yourself and your family from the development of the disease, you should adhere to such rules:

  • to observe the rules of hygiene;
  • annually do antiviral vaccination;
  • to eliminate close contact with the sick person;

If one of the family members is still sick, then you need to be careful when you are in contact, do not use shared utensils and other household items. And also daily to spend wet cleaning with use of disinfectants.

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