Cleaning of blood vessels from cholesterol folk remedies: garlic, lemon, soda and other recipes

To which only does not result in improper nutrition, one of such "end points" is the clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol. Even small plaques of this substance significantly reduce the flow of blood to the brain, the heart, the limbs. You do not even want to suffer from headaches, seizures or "pinch" of the heart muscles even in old age, so cleaning the blood vessels from cholesterol is a very important skill.

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The procedure can be carried out at home, without detaching yourself from your usual duties. Purify the vessels from cholesterol can be folk remedies and medicines, or approach the process in a comprehensive manner.

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Background of the disease

Alarming signals of the body's condition will help any person to determine the existence of cholesterol plaques in the body and their location:

  • frequent dyspnea, chest pain - damage to the heart vessels;
  • hearing and vision impairment, persistent lethargy, dizziness, headaches - cerebral vascular lesions;
  • white color of the extremities, cramps, pain in the muscles while walking - atherosclerosis of the extremities.

Warning! If these symptoms occur, it is better to confirm or deny the diagnosis from the doctor.

Therefore it is very important to know how to clean the vessels of cholesterol and help it make it to your loved ones, if necessary.

Preparing to clean the vessels

The desire to clean the vessels from harmful substances will not lead to a good result, if during the treatment continue to harm your body, for example, poor-quality nutrition. Before the drug and folk remedy for the release of blood vessels from cholesterol, doctors recommend cleaning the intestines, kidneys and liver, using in the diet only useful foods such as:

  • low-fat meat, fish;
  • vegetable / fruit stews, salads, fresh juices;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • vegetables: cabbage, eggplant, beets, carrots, tomatoes, peas, beans, garlic and onions;
  • lemon, berries;
  • citrus cultures.

Such products will help to remove harmful substances from the liver, intestines and kidneys, and this will significantly reduce the development of the disease and the possibility of re-contamination.

This is not allowed!

No way during treatment, and in a healthy state, too, do not eat fried foods, fast food, convenience foods, processed cheeses, butter, cakes and pastries.

How to determine excess cholesterol for analysis of

Quite often doctors, before making a decision, send the patient to take the general tests, which include and check the blood from the finger. A few days later the patient himself can look at the state of his own blood, but most except hemoglobin can not read anything.

In analyzes, cholesterol is divided into HDL( "useful" cholesterol) and LDL( "harmful").The indicator of the first should exceed 1 mmol / l. The second is up to 5.2 mmol / l, and, the less, the better.

The cholesterol level in clean vessels is the KA value - the ratio of HDL and LDL, in a healthy person less than 3, and in a lesion affected by atherosclerosis, for example, above 5.

Note! If excess bad cholesterol is seen in the tests, the patient must be sent for detailed analysis.

Cleansing of cholesterol vessels with folk remedies

It is not necessary to rely on medical treatment, to clean vessels with folk remedies under the power of any person. It would be just a desire to be completely healthy again.

Herbal decoction

In 1: 1 ratio, the herb of the motherwort, cucumbers, mulberry and hips are mixed.5 tbsp.l.mixtures in a separate container pour 2 tbsp.l.boiling water and leave for 9-10 hours. Take 100-150 ml four times a day for 2 months. The time intervals between daily medicines should be more than 2 hours! Repeat the course, if required, after 2 weeks.

Cleaning vessels from cholesterol with lemon and garlic

Lemon and garlic have very strong antioxidant properties. Recipes with their use are better to use in autumn, after harvesting, then you will not lose with the quality of products.

Recipe - lemon

A well-washed lemon is passed through, without cleaning, through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is poured with a liter of filtered boiled water and allowed to stand for three days. Use 50 ml for half an hour before meals. When the infusion is over, make a new one and continue the course.

Recipe 2 - garlic

200 g of garlic is pushed to the state of gruel and mixed with a kilogram of lemons, for three days left in the refrigerator. Take 20 g of the mixture once a day, diluting with water, the course ends when the remedy is finished. Cleaning the blood vessels from cholesterol with garlic is the most popular remedy.

Recipe 3 - a mixture of garlic and lemon

With the help of a meat grinder or manually chop four heads of garlic and four lemons, the ingredients are mixed, poured with warm water and left for three days in a room. After, clean in the refrigerator. Use 100 g three times a day for 10-20 minutes before meals. The course lasts 40 days, so every week you need to insist a new portion of the remedy.

Recipe 4 - garlic, lemon and horseradish

In equal proportions, 250 g of chopped garlic is mixed with lemon and horseradish, poured 150 ml of boiled water and left in a refrigerator for a day. Drink 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for 20-30 ml.

Recipe 5 - lemon, garlic, onion and honey

For this remedy you will need: lemon, garlic, onion and honey. In a meat grinder, 300 g of garlic, one onion and three lemons are kneaded, 250 g of honey are added to the mixture, and they are consumed for 10-15 minutes before meals of 30 ml each.

Treatment of ashberry

Every day for a month there are 400 g of berries of mountain ash. It is advisable to eat the entire portion in one sitting, and not "stretch the pleasure."After, take a break - six months.

Will help bay leaf

For the treatment of blood vessels at home, even a bay leaf will help!8 g of leaves are stirred in a half liter of pure water and boiled on low heat for 5-7 minutes.

The infusion is poured into a thermos bottle and left for 3-4 hours.500 ml of the funds are calculated for 1 day. The course of treatment is 3 days.

Treatment with fresh juices

Here, carrot( 300 ml), beetroot( 500 ml) and potato( 300 ml) juice will help. The ingredients are mixed and drunk 60 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. The course ends at the request of the patient.

Let's try the drug root of dandelion

Within half a year before eating take 5 grams of ground dandelion root.

Milled linden flowers

The purchased linden flowers are crushed in a coffee grinder and taken three times a day by a teaspoonful for a month. In addition to cholesterol, this agent will remove heavy metals and slags from the body, help to lose weight a little.

Onions and honey

Two tablespoons of onion juice is mixed with two tablespoons of honey. Use a tablespoon on an empty stomach 4 times a day at the same time intervals. Every day they prepare for a new portion. The course of treatment is 2 months. If necessary, repeat after a week of rest.

Honey and cinnamon from cholesterol

The combination of these products perfectly copes with cholesterol in the vessels. For the recipe will need 1 tbsp.l.cinnamon and 2 tbsp.l.honey. Boil water and pour one cup of cinnamon, let it brew. When it cools down, add honey and take it on an empty stomach in the morning and evening before going to bed.

Softwood cleaning

Many strange-looking recipes were invented by people for their own health, even the young needles helped them. How to clean the vessels with it now becomes known. It takes 6 large spoonfuls of crushed young needles, 3 of the same spoon husks of onion and hips, a liter of boiled water.

All the ingredients are mixed, poured hot water( not boiling water!) And put on average fire for 10-15 minutes. After cooking, the cap is closed with a lid, wrapped in a dense warm cloth and left for 8-9 hours. They drink a decoction, like tea, at least half a liter a day. The term of the course is not limited.

Cleaning with nuts

2 kg of peeled and washed walnuts are grinded through a meat grinder. Kashitsu sent to a glass jar, put in a cool place. Take a tablespoon twice a day before meals for 60 days, with a glass of plain water. The course is conducted twice a year, in the presence of acute chronic diseases - once.

Cleansing soda

Cholesterol plaques can be eliminated with soda! Half a teaspoon of the ingredient is bred in a glass of water, eaten in the morning on an empty stomach three days a week. The rest of the time it is recommended to drink herbal tea.

Cleaning the cholesterol vessels with medicines

Purifying blood vessels with medications is a rather long and time consuming task. Despite the fact that most drugs have a lot of contraindications, they have a negative effect on the liver and stomach of a person, nevertheless doctors recommend that vessels be cleaned with these drugs.

Important! It is recommended to check the blood cholesterol level regularly for six months.

Drugs for cleaning the blood vessels from cholesterol are prescribed directly by the attending physician. This includes drugs from certain groups that help reduce the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. Namely, it can be:

  • cholestide, cholestyramine - bind bile acids in the intestines, have a beneficial effect on the absorption of other medications and their activity;
  • gevilan, atromide - reduce the production of fats in the body;
  • preparations based on nicotinic acid - reduce the level and amount of produced cholesterol;
  • preparations of the statin group - tablets are more popular because of their small contraindications, are also actively fighting cholesterol in the blood.

Drawing conclusions

It is not so important to spend money on expensive drugs, constantly standing in the line of the clinic for a prescription. It is enough to become healthy again and to learn simple home methods.

It is impossible to describe all the ways of treating cholesterol with folk remedies at a time, but the most popular ones are consumed: onions, garlic and lemon. These ingredients are the best fighters with clogged vessels.

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