Pharyngitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process on the mucous tissue of the throat. The malaise itself is a symptom of viral or infectious diseases. It always flows quite sharply and painfully, therefore brings a lot of inconveniences and reduces the quality of life. As a rule, the disease often affects children of different ages, but adults too are prone to infection. This article will consider in detail such a disease as pharyngitis in children, symptoms and treatment of ailment.

Related articles:
  • Symptoms, causes and treatment of granulosa pharyngitis
  • Symptoms and treatment of acute pharyngitis
  • Treatment of pharyngitis in adults with
  • medications Atrophic pharyngitis - symptoms and treatment
  • Treating pharyngitis at home as soon as possible

Causes of pharyngitis

Usually, the main cause of pharyngitis areviruses that affect the tissues of the throat. In medicine, there are several other causes that can cause this disease. Among the most common are:

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  • harmful bacteria( streptococci, pneumococci);
  • viruses that occur due to the FLU or adenovirus;
  • fungi( candida);
  • complications, provoked by other ailments, such as sinusitis, rhinitis, in neglected cases, even caries;
  • harmful chemical elements in the atmosphere;
  • inhalation of supercooled or hot air;
  • natural and drug allergens, provoke an unpleasant complication.

Acute pharyngitis in children is always accompanied by severe pain, which with timely treatment quickly passes. However, chronic pharyngitis in children runs quite smoothly and is manifested when any infections come into the body. There are many reasons for the formation of a chronic illness. They appear due to abnormal formation of the nasopharynx with a special structure of the digestive tract. Also harmful environment, allergies, problems in the endocrine and cardiovascular system and lack of vitamins( A, B).

Clinical picture of the disease

The appearance of pharyngitis is always accompanied by obvious painful symptoms. Among the main signs, the

  • is clearly manifested: a painful feeling when swallowing;
  • constant persistence;
  • a breakdown, which provokes lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • rises body temperature to 40 °;
  • general malaise and weakness.

The disease can affect a child at any age. However, it is most dangerous for babies up to a year, as it provokes swelling of mucous tissues of the larynx, which can lead to suffocation. As a rule, the ailment adversely affects the children's body, causing lethargy, tearfulness, deterioration of sleep, loss of appetite. The baby often spits up after eating, and on examination the throat is red and swollen. All these symptoms indicate pharyngitis, which requires immediate medical treatment.

Important! Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends young mothers not to self-medicate, but as soon as possible to show their baby to the district doctor.

Types of pharyngitis

In children, pharyngitis occurs quite often. The disease can occur in different forms, which differ in their manifestations, however independently of them the ailment requires timely medication.

The localization of the disease is divided into several categories:

  • superficial or catarrhal pharyngitis, affects the pharyngeal surface;
  • granulosa pharyngitis affects not only the upper walls of the throat, but also the lymphoid tissue. In this case, nodules are formed on the mucosa, from the altered structure of the epithelium. They strongly irritate the surface of the pharynx, which causes its dryness. The ailment is always accompanied by severe pain and with a temperature of up to 40 °;
  • atrophic pharyngitis manifests itself as a consequence of neglected disease. It is characterized by significant changes in the tissues of the throat and mouth apparatus. Such a complication provokes a disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive system.

In any case, whatever form of pharyngitis is not established, it causes painful symptoms and requires immediate treatment. To avoid complications, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of pharyngitis

An accurate diagnosis should be made only by a doctor. As a rule, he will be able to make an opinion on the main complaints of the child. Also, the expert will carefully examine the baby's throat. The ailment is usually accompanied by soreness and burning when swallowing, and the surface of the throat is always red and swollen. Timely diagnosis, will avoid such a serious disease as angina. It differs from pharyngitis in that abscesses form on the surface of the pharynx.

As a rule, the diagnosis is established immediately. However, in order to pinpoint the cause of the pathology, the doctor may additionally prescribe bacteriological cultures or studies for the presence of viruses. This can be done by taking swabs from the throat. Based on the data obtained, a course of therapy is prescribed, which is aimed not only at eliminating symptoms, but also treating the cause of the disease.

Treatment of pharyngitis in children of different ages

In treating pharyngitis, the age of the child should be taken into account. Since something that will help a baby for up to a year, will not be relevant to a child in 12 years. Medicines for children should be prescribed only by a pediatrician!

Therapy of a disease in infants up to the year

In very small children, the disease is always very difficult. The situation is complicated by the fact that it is not possible to use additional methods of treatment( for example, rinsing).At the first symptoms you need to turn to the pediatrician. Typically, doctors recommend such therapy:

  • if the disease proceeds in mild form, and the baby does not have temperature, then it is possible to put a compress of mustard and honey on the throat;
  • the child is important to give a warm liquid, give it necessary, as much as possible;
  • the throat needs to be cleaned with antiseptic preparations, which do not contain irritating ingredients( alcohol, menthol);
  • is pulverized with a Pharyngocept tablet, dipped in a pacifier and allowed to suck on it. One dose should not exceed ¼ tablets. The procedure can be performed three times a day.

Treatment of children under 2 years old

At this age the disease is very painful, however, not the same as in children under one year old. The child is recommended to put compresses, provided that there is no temperature, and also to carry out inhalations on the basis of Borjomi or saline.

Treatment at home is accompanied by irrigation of the throat with antiseptic sprays. For this purpose apply Jox and Givalex. These drugs disinfect the surface of the pharynx, which contributes to a speedy recovery. An important role in therapy is played by regular airing the room and maintaining adequate humidity.

Pharyngitis therapy in children over 3 years old

Once a child has felt unwell, he needs to provide bed rest and regular alkaline drink. It is important for the child to adjust the diet, which excludes fried, sweet, smoked and sour. The diet should be filled with fresh vegetables and fruits. For treatment it is recommended to carry out such measures:

  • put compresses on the throat and legs;
  • do inhalations from decoction of medicinal herbs and boiled potatoes;
  • gargle with special solutions( salt, soda, furacilin);
  • water the throat with antiseptic sprays( Aquolor, Lugol, Oracept, Geksoral, Ingalipt);
  • dissolves lozenges and tablets.

Important! Pharyngitis is quite amenable to therapy at any age. However, treatment with folk remedies should always be supplemented, to the main drug therapy.

Treatment with antibiotics

The use of antibiotics in the treatment of pharyngitis is a controversial issue. However, if the disease has a neglected form, then therapy should be carried out only with the help of these drugs. If this is not done, the child's condition will only worsen, as the treatment will not bring good results. For therapy, medics are recommended to use such pharmacological agents:

  • Biseptol;
  • Bioparox;
  • Geoxoral.

Important! Acute long-term pharyngitis can lead to atrophy of the mucous tissues of the larynx, so antibiotics should be used for therapy. They will effectively restore the child's health.

With pharyngitis, doctors recommend the use of topical antibiotics. They have a more gentle effect on the body, since they do not interfere with the work of the liver and kidneys. For a more effective effect, therapy is important to combine with corticosteroids, also local use.

Prevention of pharyngitis

Dr. Komarovsky, like many pediatricians, are of the same opinion that prevention is the best treatment for any diseases. To do this, they recommend all parents to respect themselves and to teach a child to these simple rules:

  • indoors retain sufficient moisture;
  • try to avoid gassed and dusty areas;
  • during the epidemic must be taken homeopathic drugs that increase immunity;
  • try hardening.

All preventive measures should be carried out in moderation and take into account the age and abilities of the child. Be healthy!

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