Computer tomography of the brain, abdomen, spine: features, types, contraindications, cost

Computed tomography( synonym: computerized X-ray tomography) ?instrumental method, which is based on the transmission of the body examined by X-rays, followed by computer analysis of the data.

Conducted for:

  1. screening testing;
  2. emergency diagnosis in case of serious injuries, cerebral hemorrhages, etc.;
  3. for routine confirmation of diagnosis;
  4. monitoring the effectiveness of therapy;
  5. observations in the implementation of therapeutic / diagnostic activities.

What is the difference between CT and MRI?The main advantages and disadvantages of

methods The main difference between CT and MRI methods is the difference in physical principles of work. MRI uses the phenomenon of magnetic resonance and does not require the use of X-rays.

CT, the advantages:

  • complete painlessness;
  • efficiency;
  • the ability to simultaneously view images of bone structures, blood vessels and soft tissues;
  • high image quality;
  • less sensitivity( in comparison with MRI) to patient movements;
  • instagram viewer
  • can be used in patients with electronic and / or metal implants.


  • greater radiation load than with radiography( although in modern devices this drawback is not critical);
  • impossibility of forming images of the spinal cord( and other soft tissues) in detail.

MRI, advantages:

  • no radiation exposure;
  • is even higher( than CT) resolution and accuracy;
  • is effective in evaluating soft tissues;
  • image formation in any planes( without changing the position of the patient's body).


  • need to remain permanently immobile;
  • higher cost( in comparison with CT);
  • the difficulty of realization in the subjects with claustrophobia;
  • is not applicable in the presence of metal( or electronic) implants in a patient.
In general, MRI allows you to better see the soft tissue: ligaments, muscles, intervertebral disks, etc. CT clearly visualizes the hollow structures, bones. Therefore, the doctor knows best, appoint a CT or MRT to the patient.

Kinds of

Depending on the technique used, the equipment used, several types of CT are distinguished.

Simple( conventional)

During the survey, the radiator moves around the patient at high speed, producing a huge number of images showing the transverse and longitudinal sections of the body.


An improved version of a simple CT scan is a spiral( or spiral scan).With this method, the continuous movement of the table on which the patient is placed and the rotation of the X-ray source are cut in a spiral, allowing the formation of three-dimensional images and conducting tissue research in the focus of pathology, not exceeding 2 mm in size. The total radial load and the scan time are much less than those for the conventional version.


This kind of variety is also called "multislice", "multilayered" and is characterized by the presence of several( and not one, as in the previous version) series of detectors.

A chest image taken with a multispiral CT

Modern devices are not only suitable for imaging, but also for monitoring certain physiological processes in real time, including the work of the heart, for example, in patients with arrhythmia. The scan time is further reduced.


Special kind, which is highly specialized for maxillofacial medical practice( dental three-dimensional CT), allowing to form volumetric images of maxillofacial and oral areas( teeth, jaw, mouth, neck), as well as ears, nose( and sinuses), throat.

The method is based on the use of a x-ray beam of a conical shape, which is directed at a detector that makes a revolution around the object under study. Technology allows you to achieve greater accuracy and detail of the smallest structures.

With contrast agent

When performing the procedure to improve the quality of visualization, it is often used to inject contrast( radiocontrast) either orally or intravenously( manually or by means of an injector at a given speed and time of delivery).As a rule, computed tomography with contrasting is required when diagnosing various neoplasms, vascular pathologies, metastatic processes, and the like. The procedure has certain limitations.

Areas of research

CT is used to diagnose pathological processes in various areas of the body.

Computer tomography of the brain( head)

When the study is performed sections of the brain in the horizontal, frontal and sagittal( vertical, dividing the left and right half) planes. In some cases, CT of the brain is done even by a child. MRI is used to study the vessels of the brain.

Applicable with:

  1. Diagnosis of Brain Pathologies;
  2. to control the effectiveness of tumor treatment through surgical intervention, chemo- and radiotherapy;
  3. carrying out operations on the brain( to control the process).



  1. to form a three-dimensional image of the eye elements( muscles, optic nerve, etc.);
  2. detect pathologies of the eyeball and / or eye socket( tumors, destructive bone damage);
  3. establish the presence of bone fractures in this area;
  4. to identify the cause of exophthalmos.

Abdominal cavity( intestines, stomach)

Applicable for:

  • diagnosis of malignancies of the appropriate location;
  • revealing the presence and prevalence of metastatic processes;
  • diagnosis of abscesses, aortic aneurysm, complicated cases of mechanical jaundice;
  • revealing traumatic injuries, foreign bodies;
  • assessment of lesions of lymph nodes in a number of diseases, etc.

of the lungs( chest)

Conducted with:

  • localization and spread of tumors in this area;
  • differentiation of calcified tuberculosis foci;
  • diff.diagnosis, assessment of the severity of emphysema and other processes;
  • assessment of the state of the lymph nodes of the mediastinum;
  • planning of radiation therapy, etc.

Heart and vessels

Necessary for:

  1. diagnosis of cardiomyopathies, pericarditis, tumors of appropriate localization, congenital malformations, vascular disease, etc.;
  2. estimates of anatomical changes that were triggered by myocardial infarction;
  3. assesses the state of the pulmonary vascular bed.

Spine and neck

For the spinal procedure is performed in the anteroposterior and lateral projections, it is also possible to use a spiral scan.

Applicable when:

  • preparation for the operational installation of metal structures in the spine;
  • diagnosis of tumor processes in the neck( thyroid gland, mfgkih tissues, esophagus, etc.) and the spine;
  • evaluation of spinal injury in trauma;
  • revealing foreign bodies;
  • diagnosis of herniated intervertebral discs;
  • diagnostics of inflammatory lesions of the corresponding localization;
  • definition of vascular pathologies( atherosclerosis, carotid artery aneurysm, etc.), etc.

Knee joint

Shown with:

  • arthritis, arthrosis of the corresponding localization;
  • osteochondrosis, osteochondropathy;
  • diagnosis of tumor processes;
  • assessment of the joint gap;
  • recent injuries in the relevant area;
  • detection of foreign metal bodies in the joint, etc.

Small pelvis

It is used in the diagnosis of tumor and inflammatory processes in this area, for the detection of developmental anomalies, in trauma, as well as in the planning of operations and radiation treatment of oncological diseases.

Teeth( jaws)

Directed CT in this area is called dental computer tomography and is used for:

  1. diagnosis of injuries, damage to the dentition, complex fractures of the jaw;
  2. revealing anomalies of the structure, uncut teeth;
  3. detection of tumors of appropriate localization;
  4. planning interventions in this area, etc.

Kidneys and adrenal glands

Applicable for:

  • detection, evaluation of pathologies( tumors, malformations, urinary tract obstruction, etc.) of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • examination of retroperitoneal space.


Required for:

  • for differential diagnosis of mechanical jaundice;
  • diagnosis of abscesses and tumor formations in the liver, cysts, hematomas, etc.

Nasal congestion of the nose

When performing diagnostics in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, dental CT( with localization on the upper jaw) can be used.

Shown with:

  1. prolonged course of inflammatory diseases in the nose and sinuses;
  2. planning of endoscopic interventions and corrective operations in the field of ENT organs;
  3. diagnosis and evaluation of the prevalence of tumor processes;
  4. visualization of developmental abnormalities;
  5. suspected trauma of the corresponding localization.


  • Pregnancy.
  • Body mass exceeding the maximum permissible for this device.

CT with contrast is not performed with:

  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies to input contrast;
  • of renal failure;
  • of certain thyroid pathologies;
  • of myeloma;
  • the general severe condition of the subject.
Conducting CT examinations for children is allowed in the absence of general contraindications. In children who are unable to remain immobile for a long time, the procedure is carried out using general anesthesia.

Preparation for CT

Preparing for a non-contrast option does not require dietary restrictions. In a study with food contrast, they refuse about 5-6 hours before the start of the exercise, exclude nutrition with increased iodine content for several days and drugs directly on the day of the procedure.

General rules:

  1. spacious, comfortable clothes;
  2. remove metal objects( jewelry, dentures, glasses, etc.);
  3. wear protective apron;
  4. to warn the doctor about the presence of claustrophobia or anxiety( you need to take sedatives) and / or back pain( the reception of analgesics is indicated);
  5. the conduct is carried out with the consent of the patient( his guardians) in writing.

Where can I get CT?

In which cities it is possible to undergo examination and how much it costs:

In Moscow

MC "Clinic №1"( 4500 - 5500 rub.)

Center of Dikul( 1500 - 4300 rub.)

Center "MMRT"( 1500 - 11000 rub.)

In St. Petersburg( SPB)

Center for MRI( 2600 rub.)

SZMTS( 2800 - 3800 rub.)

Treatment and rehabilitation complex Fmc. VA Almazov( 3150 - 5000 rubles)

In Yekaterinburg

The company "Clinic of the Heart"( 3600 - 12000 rub.)

MC "Health 365"( 2500 - 20000 rub.)

In Perm

OOO "Perm Tomograph"(1500 - 4700 rubles)

In Nizhny Novgorod

MC Tomograd( 2900 rub.)

OKB( 2000 - 3000 rubles)

In Irkutsk

The City Clinical Hospital №1( 1350 - 7700 rubles)

In Chelyabinsk

"Lotus"( 3700 - 12600 rub.)

Neurological clinic of Doctor Bubnova ID(2500 - 5500 rub.)

In Krasnoyarsk

GB №4, Krasnoyarsk KKB, MC "Medyunion"( prices are not specified)

In Penza

LDC MiBS( 2100 rub.)

OKB im. N.N.Burdenko( 2400 - 3800 rub.)

In Krasnodar

City Clinical Hospital №3( 1200 - 4100 rub.)

In Volgograd

LDC MIBS( 2000 rub.)

In Yaroslavl

Regional DKB( 1900 - 3900 rubles)

YaOKB- 10500 rub.)

In Tyumen

Diagnostic polyclinic im. EAT.NAZINSKY( 800 - 10000 rub.)

In Naberezhnye Chelny

MC "LikonPlus"( 1400 - 2500 rubles)

In Kazan

RKB MH RT( 2660 - 9700 rubles)

The clinic "Be Healthy" - Kazan( 2665 - 3495)rubles)

In the city of Ryazan

MC Tomography, GKB number 11( about 2000 rubles)


Cheboksary district hospital( 1500 - 3800 rub.)

In Tver

LDC MIBS( 2300 rubles)

OKB( 110 rubles)- 1800 rubles.)

in Ufa

City of Bashkortostan №21( 2350 - 5600 rubles)

In Novosibirsk

OKB( 2280 - 6800 rubles)

In Kolomna

The City Hospital №70( 3000 - 5500 rubles)

In Rostov-on-Donu

OKDC( 2100 - 9500 rub.)

In Izhevsk

MTC of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic( 1500 - 7500 rub.)

In Mytishchi

MC "Andreevsky hospitals He + Bolit"( 1500 - 8500 rub.)

In Kirov

Kirov HB No.8(357 RUR)

In Minsk

РНПЦ of traumatology and orthopedics( 400 - 3000 rubles)

БСМП( 2000 - 4000 rub.)

In Kiev

The center of computer tomography "Vitacom"( 1800 - 7000 rubles)

In Odessa

Vitamed, the diagnostic center( 1500 - 6000 rub.)

In Kharkov

The clinic "DOCTOR ALEX"( 1500 - 6000 rub.)

In Simferopol

MC "Avicenna"( 1240 - 3970 rub.)

Video on how computed tomography is performed:

Results of

In the article, we described in detail how computed tomography is done. The results of the procedure are obtained in 3D format, which allows doctors to assess the patient's health in full. The price of the survey may vary depending on its type.

Is computer tomography harmful? Of course, any interference with the use of X-rays can not be called useful. However, the effectiveness of this method is so high that harmful effects can be neglected.

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