What is polysomnography: the features of the procedure and reviews, the average price in Moscow, in Minsk

Calm, full, natural sleep gives a person a sense of well-being of the spirit and body. During the night the body renews the cells, replenishes the energy resources. Many important for healthy life processes occur during sleep, so the medicine is studying this particular bodily and mental state. The section of science devoted to a comprehensive study of these processes is called somnology. One of the special complex methods for diagnosing the body of a sleeping person is polysomnography.

What is a polysomnographic examination and for what purpose is it performed?

Sleep disorder is considered an alarming and often dangerous symptom. High-precision polysomnographic diagnostic procedure allows to establish the causes of the disorder.

Signals of systems, organs and tissues of the body change during sleep, become independent of external stimuli and give the expert valuable information about violations and abnormalities.

  • High-precision instruments - sensors and electrodes - are used to record signals. They are installed before falling asleep at certain areas of the human body. Their number can be several dozen.
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  • Information, which comes from sensors, is processed by computer programs, analyzed by a specialist-somnologist and gives grounds for making a diagnosis.
  • Devices allow you to record many physiological parameters of the activity of human organs and systems. The data is stored on digital media and used in comparative studies.
  • The registration of sleep parameters takes place during the whole night, before the morning awakening of the patient. It is advisable to carry out a survey in a hospital with a sleep laboratory.
  • The process can take several nights, since the maximum approach of a person to a natural state of rest in an unfamiliar environment does not occur immediately. Repeated sessions are also conducted if there are significant discrepancies in the readings of the instruments from night to night.

Since polysomnography is a non-invasive and harmless study, it is widely used to find out the causes of insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In addition to insomnia, very often in pregnancy, low back pain begins to appear. More about the causes of pain.

What complaints of patients serve as the basis for the appointment of polysomnography

Among the frequent complaints of patients there is night snoring, which bothers not only themselves, but also close people. Snoring is a very serious reason for diagnosing sleep.

There are fewer complaints about somnambulism and synoviation. If these phenomena are repeated and become frequent, a polysomnographic examination is necessary.

Other grounds for the procedure include:

  • marked prolonged inability to fall asleep,
  • narcolepsy - constant craving for falling asleep,
  • states after traumatic brain injury,
  • metabolic diseases associated with insuperable obesity and cardiac arrhythmia of unclear etiology,
  • nocturnal fears andnightmares,
  • sudden awakenings associated with nerve tension,
  • suspected by the attending physician for the presence of a psychogenic disorder in the patient,
  • repetitive involuntary movementstions in a dream.

What health deviations from the norm are revealed by the polysomnography

Among the dangerous pathological conditions that arise during a night's sleep, the following are distinguished:

  • Apnea syndrome - sudden, involuntary sleep respiratory arrest,
  • cardiac arrhythmias,
  • sharp blood pressure jumps,
  • muscle spasms,
  • difficulty of blood circulation,
  • of brain activity pathology.

The stop of respiratory movements - obstructive and central apnea - occurs only in a dream. Therefore, to determine the reasons for this frightening state, polysomnography is the only, accurate and objective method.

Many brain pathologies are often the primary cause of sleep disorders. The examination will find the best means for overcoming the painful condition.

The other mentioned symptoms may not be related to a decrease in the quality of night rest, but the features of the physiology of sleep will allow for a qualitative diagnosis and avoid serious complications.

Of particular importance is polysomnology in the diagnosis of epilepsy. These examinations are used to alleviate the symptoms of a serious illness and to clarify the indications if surgery is necessary.

Are there any contraindications for sleep monitoring?

The monitoring of the bodies of a sleeping person with sensors is done in a non-invasive way. It is not associated with skin disorders or other interference with the body. For this reason, the polysomnographic method of examination has no contraindications.

The installation of sensors and the transmission of signals do not cause pain. Monitoring has no side effects and complications. Therefore, the technique of polysomnography has found application in pediatrics.

Reviews about this procedure are positive, because of special discomfort polysomnography does not cause. To confuse the patient can only a sufficiently high cost of the survey.

How to properly prepare for polysomnography

  • Within a few weeks prior to the beginning of the planned examination, the patient should observe the physiologically optimal regime of the day.
  • For a few days should be abandoned alcohol, sleeping pills, sedatives and stimulants. The intake of essential drugs is not canceled. These include hypoglycemic, hypotensive, analgesic and some other medicines prescribed by a doctor for constant admission.
  • On the eve of the day of the study should exclude sports and activities that require high physical stress.
  • In daytime drowsiness, it must be remembered that even a short nap in the afternoon can interfere with the course of the night procedure.
  • In the evening before the procedure, the patient should wash his head with a simple detergent and put on a comfortable, spacious clothing for examination.

Procedure, features and parameters of complex polysomnographic diagnostics of the body

During the session, the patient must sleep. Immersion in the state of sleep occurs naturally, because sedatives or hypnotics inevitably distort the results.

Classical polysomnography is a seven- or eight-hour night session of multi-component monitoring of body functions.

If the patient has insuperable daytime sleepiness, an additional procedure is performed - a polysomnography of several short periods of daytime sleep.

It can be difficult for a person to relax, feeling foreign objects and touching wires on the body. He should remember that the procedure is absolutely safe and necessary for him for the subsequent recovery.

The result of the work of complex equipment will be a picture of the state of important organs, systems and tissues.

The study consists of the following main parts:

  • EEG - electroencephalography, which characterizes brain activity, important for determining the productivity of respiration,
  • EOG - electrooculography, recording the condition and eye movements characteristic of the phases of fast and slow sleep,
  • EMG - electromyography,work of muscles,
  • ECG - electrocardiography that fixes cardiac activity,
  • pulse oximetry - oxygen saturation monitoring,
  • air flow monitoring for breathingstate according to the movement of the abdominal muscles and chest,
  • records published human sounds, including - snoring, reduces the quality of sleep,
  • continuous video monitoring of the patient's sleep.

Additional parameters if necessary are:

  • body temperature level,
  • features of the digestive tract,
  • reaction of the body to the presence of light.

Key indicators of polysomnography

Cost of somnographic complex diagnosis

Copulation is a complex and high-tech medical procedure. Its price depends on the hospital class that offers it to patients.

The concept of the class includes:

  • qualification of employees,
  • completeness of the parameters received,
  • level of computer equipment,
  • conditions of patients stay in the institution.

The price of standard diagnostics depends on the city where the medical center is located:

  • In Moscow, the cost of polysomnography varies from 7 to 17 thousand rubles. Potential clients of clinics should receive the fullest possible preliminary information about the composition and level of the service.

    Survey under hospitalization conditions has a higher cost. Clinical sanatorium "Barvikha" offers polysomnography on vacation for 12.5 thousand rubles. Consultation of a doctor-somnologist is paid separately.

  • In St. Petersburg, the price level is slightly lower. Clinical Hospital. L. G. Sokolova offers to pass a survey for 8, 5 thousand rubles.
  • A survey in the famous Center for Healthy Sleep in Minsk will cost the patient 1 million Belarusian rubles( 4 thousand RUR), provided that the patient is a citizen of Belarus. For residents abroad, the price increases by 3-4 times.
  • SPC "Bonum" in Yekaterinburg offers to pass polysomnography for one night, paying for the inspection of 5-6 thousand rubles. The procedure and the general list of devices for diagnosis are recommended to be specified before entering into a service contract.

As a result of polysomnography, the causes of cerebral vasospasm can be identified, which will greatly simplify further treatment.

What is a migraine with an aura, what is it different from simple headaches and how to treat it you will find in the article.

The case history of Ginginton Chorea and its features http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii /nevralgija/ bolezn-gentingtona.html.

Alternative studies of

sleep disorders Attention to patients who are unable to pay a high price for a complete examination, alternative procedures are suggested. The cost reduction is due to the exclusion of sensors from certain processes from the equipment of the equipment.

This may be justified in cases authorized by the attending physician.
  • Cardio-respiratory monitoring is a truncated complex for diagnosing sleep disorders and is indicated for snoring and apnea syndrome. Portable sensors capture the characteristics of the breathing and heartbeat of a sleeping person. It is possible to conduct monitoring at home or outpatient.
  • Computer pulse oximetry measures the amount of oxygen in the arterial hemoglobin. Data helps to exclude or detect respiratory failure.

Sleep pathologies include medicine for disorders, the dangerous development of serious pathologies. Consultation with a somnologist and further polysomnography will help to adequately and timely correct the anxiety.

Quiet night rest, and hence, health, are caring, attention and some material costs. For what it is necessary to conduct polysomnography, tell the video:

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